Cleanup Day Thank You!

Post date: Nov 14, 2015 2:36:54 AM

On behalf of the Egg Harbor Township Nature Reserve Committee, we wish to extend our appreciation and thanks to the many volunteers that helped to make the Cleanup Day on October 31, 2015 a huge success. Your efforts have significantly improved and enhanced the beauty of the park and made it a much more enjoyable place to visit. Approximately 75 people of all ages participated in the event, utilizing tools and brute strength to remove concrete, tires, a sunken boat and a variety of debris that had remained dormant but visible for over 30 years. Special thanks are extended to Mr. Jones and the Catabwa Club, the Egg Harbor Township Cross Country Running Club, Lawn Boys Landscaping, EHT Department of Public Works, EHT Recreation Department and the EHT Township Committee, who volunteered their time and allowed us to share in the Clean Community Grant to fund this worthwhile community event. We look forward to continuing our efforts to improve the facility for all. You truly are FRIENDS OF THE PARK. Enjoy the Reserve!