
I repeat the rules and algorithms without any further diagrams as a brief summary:

· The white Cross (becomes intuitively and easy with some practice)

o The Daisy on the roof

§ If a white sticker is in the second layer, turn the non-white face so that the white sticker goes up to a gap. (Make a gap by U turns)

§ If the white sticker is in the roof or in the cellar, move it to the second layer. Be sure you have a gap on the U layer.

o Send the white edges down to the cellar by 180 degree turns

· The white corners

o Bring the target corner to the place in the roof that is above the gap in the cellar. If the white sticker is in a side wall , we turn the U face so that the corner travels away from the non-white wall, turn the gap up to the roof, put the corner into the gap and restore the wall.

o If the white sticker of the target corner is on the roof, we turn a wall where the corner sits in and make a U turn to move the corner away from that wall. We restore the wall and move the target corner above the target gap again. Now we have the white sticker on a wall and apply the first rule above.

· Put the four edges into the second layer

o Turn the whole cube until the target gap is in the F wall, either right (FR) or left (FL).

o Match the target edge wall sticker with the L or the R wall.

o If target gap and target cubie are left do algorithm I (left): L, U, L, U, L, U', L', U', L'

o If target gap and target cubie are right do algorithm I (right): R', U', R', U', R', U, R, U, R

· The yellow Cross

o orientate the yellow edges by L, F, U, F', U', L' (algorithm II)

§ If you see a line, position it between UF and UB

§ If you see an L position it at UR and UB

o Position the yellow edges at their correct places

§ Look for one correct edge at UF and three other needing a clockwise rotation

§ do R, U2, R', U', R, U', R’ (algorithm III)

§ If you cannot make the start position by simple U turns, do algo III randomly and try again

· Orientate the yellow Corners – the roof will become completely yellow

(This may look dangerously at the beginning, because you mix up the lower two layers by the algorithm used. Hold the cube stable and move the U layer only between the algorithms, never turn the whole cube!)

o The twisting place is at UFR

o Turn the whole cube until a corner that needs a twist is at UFR

o If the yellow sticker is at R do

F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R', or (F', R, F, R')*2 (algorithm IV-anticlockwise)

o If the yellow sticker is at F do

R, F', R', F, R, F', R', F, (algorithm IV-clockwise)

o turn U until the next corner that needs a twist is at UFR

o repeat the procedure one, two ore three times, until all yellow corners are correct –

· Place the yellow corners at their correct place

o Exchange place is at UFR

o Park a corner that needs to be positioned correctly by R’ D’ R at LFD

o do an U turn until the target gap is at UFR

o unpark the corner

o repeat this procedure until the cube is solved, completely