Place Last Layer Corners - Finish the Cube

Step 7: PLace last layer corners - We finish the cube!

Our goal in this final step

As promised, we do not need another algorithm for this last step.

We learn a method!

The method has three steps:

  • We turn the whole cube until in the front wall at your right (at UFR) we see a corner that is placed incorrectly. We push this corner cubie down to the cellar by R’ D’ R (This is not really an algorithm, right? We park the target corner in the font wall, down in the cellar, at our left = FLD)

  • We turn U until the target gap is at the exchange place – at UFR.

  • The target corner at FLD has two non-yellow stickers. The target gap is surrounded by two edges having these two colours.

  • We “park back” the target corner from FLD to the exchange place by reversing the first 3 moves:

  • R’ D R

We continue the last example above

We park the incorrectly place yellow/blue/orange corner from the exchange place to the cellar.(R’ D’ R) The yellow/blue/orange corner is now at FLD.

By U2 we turn the gap to the exchange place

We “park back” the yellow/blue/orange corner to the gap, by reversing the first three moves and do: R’ D R

We park the yellow/green/red corner at FLD by R’ D’ R

The gap we are looking for is between the blue and the orange edge on the roof.

By U we turn the next corner that needs replacement to the exchange place

We turn the red/green gap to the exchange place by U

R’ D’ R

and reverse the parking sequence by R’ D R

Voila, the cube is done!

Which cases can occur for the corner placement on the last (yellow) layer?

  • One is correct and three have to be placed correctly (as in the example above).

  • All four are incorrect.

  • All four are correct. We are done!

Obviously, three correct and one incorrect is not possible. All are orientated correctly at the beginning of this final step and if three are correct, the fourth has no other choice than to be on its correct place, too.

The nature of the Rubik’s Cube does not allow the case “two correct, the other two are exchanged (swapped)”. This cannot happen on a real Cube!

Here is an example with four incorrectly placed corners

We park the blue/orange corner by R’ D’ R

We park the blue/orange corner back to the roof by R’ D R

We park it by R’ D’ R

We park the blue/red corner back

and park it by R’ D’ R

and park it back by R’ D R

We place the blue/orange gap at the exchange place by U:

We turn the blue/red corner to the exchange place by U2

We turn the blue/red gap to the exchange place

We turn the last remaining untwisted yellow corner in the roof, the green/orange, to the exchange place by by U

We turn the green/orange gap to the exchange place by U

Nothing really bad can happen during this last phase of the solution. Just consequently follow the park / park back procedure and the cube will be solved at the end. The order in which you push the yellow corners to their right place does not matter.

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