Orientate Last Corners

Step 6: We make the roof completely yellow. The corners will be correctly orientated but not yet at their correct place.

Our goal in this step

In this example we have no yellow corner stickers on the roof.

We can have the following cases:

  • Four yellow corner stickers are on the roof, the roof is completely yellow. We go to the next lesson.

  • No yellow corner stickers are on the roof. All yellow corners need to be orientated (as in the example).

  • One yellow corner sticker is on the roof. The other three corners need orientation.

  • Two yellow stickers are on the roof. The other two corners need orientation

The nature of the Rubik’s Cube does not allow a situation where three corners are correct and only one needs orientation!

What do we mean by “orientation”?

If we imagine, we could twist a corner around its tip, we want to twist a incorrectly orientated corners either clockwise or anticlockwise to get its yellow sticker to the roof.

Please, have a look at the green/yellow/orange corner at UFR. If we could twist it anticlockwise on its place, the yellow sticker would go to the roof, the green sticker to the F wall and the orange sticker to the R wall. Another case is the yellow/green/red corner at FRB (in the R wall back). This one needs a clockwise twist. Because we cannot twist them really on place, we need an algorithm!

Here it is R, F', R', F, R, F', R', F, (algorithm IV-clockwise)

We analyze it and see

  • We count eight moves.

  • The first four moves are exactly repeated by the second four moves. The usual notation for this would be

  • (R, F', R', F)*2. The four moves inside the brackets are repeated.

  • Only the R and F walls are turned.

Here are the 8 moves executed on a solved Rubik’s Cube:









Please, note that a single execution of this algorithm produces an intermediate result, only. The lower two layers are very much scrambled. The roof is almost unchanged, only the yellow/green/red corner got twisted clockwise. The interesting thing is: If we just repeat the algorithm twice more, the cube will be solved again, completely.

This can be used to turn three corner cubies clockwise, if we turn U in between the three executions of the algorithm!

How do we memorize this best?

The sequence will twist one corner at a time located in the F wall to our right (the corner cubie at UFR). We hold the cube completely stable. The yellow face remains U and the chosen F face (green wall in the example right) remains F until we have orientated all yellow corners. I call the place UFR the “twisting place” and my memorizing sentence is related to this “twisting place”. away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to.

The “away, away” means in this case an R move followed by F’. The walls turn away from the twisting place at UFR.

Be warned that this is a dangerous part of the solution. We may not turn the whole cube and we may not do a single wrong move.

We have to repeat this algorithm of 8 moves several times. Before we go on we need the brother sequence (which is the sequence above reversed): F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R', or (F', R, F, R')*2 (algorithm IV-anticlockwise)

(Please, rest assured that we will not need further algorithms to learn. The next lesson describes a method without anymore new algorithm.)

Here are the 8 moves executed on a solved Rubik’s Cube:









As in the clockwise variant of this algorithm, the lower two layers of the cube are pretty much scrambled. On the roof, a single anticlockwise twist of the yellow/green/red corner has happened.

The memorizing sequence remains the same: away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to

In the “anticlockwise” case, we just start with the F wall by F’.

Now, when do we do what and how do we apply the two algorithms?

We turn the whole cube that the first corner cubie that needs to be twisted in the F wall at our right (at UFR).

As I have said this is the twisting place. If the yellow sticker is in the F wall, we start by a R turn and do the 8 moves using our memorizing sentence away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to.

If the yellow sticker is in the R wall, the first move is F’.

We recognize a rule: The first turn moves the yellow sticker to the roof!

Let’s go back to our example

We see a cubie that needs orientation at the twisting place. The yellow sticker is on the R wall.

We start with F’ (the yellow sticker goes to the roof by this first move) and our first 8 moves are: F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R'

The first corner is twisted correctly; the roof is completely unchanged except of this single twist, the cellar (the white layer) and the second layer are pretty much scrambled. Do not worry; the first two layers will be OK at the end. We just go on and turn by U the second corner (the yellow/red/green) to the twisting place

We see a yellow sticker in the F wall (the green face)

We do R, F', R', F, R, F', R', F. As by a miracle the first two layers are OK again.

and start by R (the yellow sticker goes to the roof).

But this is no miracle:The second algorithm is the inverse of the first. After the first algorithm a tiny change has happened to the roof (the single twist at URF), the U turn in between has moved the next corner cubie to the twisting place. We do the second algorithm that twists the second corner and restores the scrambled first two layers.

The complete sequence has been: F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R' U R, F', R', F, R, F', R', F

If we leave out the U in the middle, nothing happens. By the U we move the first corner (twisted anticlockwise) away and the second arrives at the twisting place and gets a clockwise twist as necessary.

We continue with another U:

We see the yellow sticker in the F wall and start with R, the complete sequence is

R, F', R', F, R, F', R'

We do another U and see that the yellow sticker is in the side wall R: We start with F’ and F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R' finishes the yellow roof

result is:

A final U turn restores the edges at their correct place

Before we go on to the last step, we look at another example, where three cubies need to be twisted

We turn the next cubie to the twisting place by U

The corner at the twisting place has a yellow sticker on the R wall. We start by F’ and do:

We have the same case as before – yellow sticker on the R wall:

away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to. = F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R',

away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to. = F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R',

By U2 we turn the last corner to be twisted to the twisting place. The same situation the third time - yellow sticker on the R wall:

and are done with this step

away, away, to, to, away, away, to, to. = F', R, F, R', F', R, F, R',

We have just to fix the edges by U.

Actually, by the nature of the Cube, there are strict rules about the direction of the necessary twists:

  • If there are three, all need to be twisted in the same direction – either all clockwise or all anticlockwise.

  • If there are two, one needs a clockwise twist, the other an anticlockwise twist.

  • If there are four, two need a clockwise twist, two an anticlockwise twist.