In 1997, Hank and Wanda, both domiciled in Illinois, a non-community property state, (QCP issue) began dating regularly. Hank, an attorney, told Wanda that Illinois permits common-law marriage. Hank knew this statement was false, but Wanda reasonably believed him. In 1998, Wanda moved in with Hank and thought she was validly married to him. (quasi-marital community begins; putative spouse- good faith, reasonable belief, estoppel)They used Hank’s earnings to cover living expenses. (QMP issues arise) Wanda deposited all her earnings in a savings account she opened and maintained in her name alone.(Married Women's Special Presumption but after 1975, no transmutation so the account is CP)


In February 2000, Hank and Wanda moved to California and became domiciled here. By that time Wanda’s account contained $40,000. She used the $40,000 to buy a parcel of land in Illinois and took title in her name alone. (CP as traceable to W's savings account. No transmutation)


Shortly after their arrival in California, Wanda inherited an expensive sculpture. (CP since it is inherited; it is of personal nature but also substantial in value) Hank bought a marble pedestal for their apartment and told Wanda it was so we can display our sculpture. They both frequently referred to the sculpture as our collector’s prize. (Word "Our" suggests gift)


In March 2000, a woman who claimed Hank was the father of her 6 year-old child filed a paternity suit against Hank in California. In September 2000, the court determined Hank was the child’s father and ordered him to pay $800 per month as child support. (A child support obligation from pre-marriage is like a debt from pre-marriage. H's SP then his share of CP/QMP can be reached. W's SP cannot be reached. CP or QMP earnings of W is not liable if they are not accessible by H or no commingling)


In January 2002, Wanda discovered that she never has been validly married to Hank. Hank moved out of the apartment he shared with Wanda. (Quasi-economic community ends)


Hank has not paid the attorney who defended him in the paternity case. (The fees incurred during marriage) Hank paid the ordered child support for three months from his earnings but has paid nothing since.


1. What are Hank’s and Wanda’s respective rights in the parcel of land and the sculpture? Discuss.

2. Which of the property set forth in the facts can be reached to satisfy the obligations to pay child support and the attorney’s fees? Discuss.

Answer according to California law.