Baby Bar Essays
1. Overview
First Year Law Students' Examination (FYLSE or "Baby Bar") is a required exam for those who go to non-ABA law schools, mostly correspondance and online law schools. It is administered by the State Bar of California. To learn more about it, please go to their official website. The site has the information on the description and grading and passage rates.
2. Format
It is one-day long, half essay and half multiple choice test. There are four essays in the morning and one hundred multiple choices in the afternoon. You have four hours to complete the essay section with about one hour for each question and three hours for the multiple choices. There is only lunch break between the morning and afternoon sections. For essays you have the options to type on your laptop or handwrite. For multiple choices, you fill in the bubbles using No.2 pencils.
3. Subject
Contracts, Torts and Criminal Law are tested. The subjects of Contracts and Torts touches on remedies issues and Contracts cover the UCC Sales. Unlike the bar exams, no Criminal Procedure issues are tested.
4. Subject
5. Past General Bar Questions for Baby Bar
2020 F Q1 Torts
2020 F Q3 Contracts
2019 F Q2 Torts
2019 J Q3 Criminal Law with Criminal Procedure
2019 J Q5 Contracts
2017 F Q2 Torts with Remedies
2017 F Q6 Criminal Law with Criminal Procedure
2017 J Q5 Torts
2013 F Q1
2012 J Q6
2011 J Q1
2010 J Q5
2008 F Q3
2007 J Q4 with Constitutional Law
2007 F Q3
2006 F Q6
2004 J Q1
2003 F Q3 with Evidence
2000 F Q6 with Evidence
1999 J Q1 with Professional Responsibility
1997 J Q6
1996 J Q3 with Professional Responsibility
1996 F Q5
1994 J Q3
1992 J Q5
1988 J Q5