The Ethics of War (August 2014)

Rob's notes on The ethics of war

May I suggest the team uses at first the “Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy” On Andrew's list [below]. Given the time demands everyone faces, it provides an excellent introduction to the theories we are examining.

It addition, what I have also attempted to do is to provide you with

a) a miscellaneous reading list…. That may or may not interest you!!

b) Some very general notes I made while in discussion with ‘two mates’ in Shoal Bay, while listening to three lectures on a podcast, a sub committee for the want of a better term.

These notes will be provided before the August meeting.

Miscellaneous reading list: (suggested only)

    • Ethics of war – ABC Radio National, BIG IDEAS
    • Just War – BBC4 – Melvyn Bragg, In Our Time
    • Great War- ABC Radio National, Religion and Ethics Report.
    • This is a good summary of ideas, especially the overview and “Doctrine of the Just War”. You may not agree with the Doctrine of the Just War but it provides a useful “starting point”. Also the material under heading Against War > Against the theory of the Just War God makes an entrance here. We must all tread carefully!!!
    • “Vanity Fair” April 20th, 2014, No. 644. Key subjects – read editor's letter, page 98 article on GS4 “The Chaos Company”. Interesting perspective on where the modern War machine may be heading.
    • Short introduction to Antony Beevor’s “The Battle For Spain”. This provides us with a quick oversight into the quick politics of a Civil War. How to get in, not sure.
    • Sydney Morning Herald – Monday 14th July, Article by Paul Sheehan. Re – George Bush and the chaos of the Iraq War.This makes telling points about the carnage and waste of a so defined Just War.

Andrew's list

Podcast - Jeff McMahan on Killing in War (Philosophy Bites)

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Podcasts of talks about the ethics of war from the Oxford Institute:

BBC summary of Just Law issues

Roman Catholic catechism on Just War

Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy on Just War Theory

Bertrand Russell 1915 essay 'The Ethics of War'