ZZ. Past Topics 1 - Nov 2011 - May 2018

Topics that have already been discussed

  • What is free will, and do we have it? Is it possible to construct a coherent definition of free will that doesn’t founder either on the rocks of determinism or of arbitrary randomness? Discussed December 2011 (Andrew).

free will.html

  • What is art? Is artistic merit at all objective? Is there any sense in which we can say that Beethoven is objectively better than Britney Spears? Discussed January 2012 (Andrew).


  • Peter Singer’s views on taking life: killing animals for food, abortion, euthanasia etc - first seven chapters of Practical Ethics 3rd Edition. Discussed February 2012 (Bernadette).
  • Churches used to be social institutions that provided a common meeting place for society and gave people a feeling of belonging. With their decline:Do we need to establish new institutions/communities to replace them? How? What might the new institutions be like?Do we already have other communities that take the place of churches? Discussed Wed 7 March 2012 (Gae).

Social capital2.html

  • John Rawls' Theory of Justice and its critics. Is it fair that some are very rich and some very poor? Does it make it less unfair if those that are rich are very talented and/or hard-working? What if anything should be done about the inequity in our society? Discussed 11 April 2012 (Conrad).

Distributive Justice2.html

  • Other minds, consciousness. Discussed 18 May 2012 (Amanda).


  • The Obesity Epidemic - the ethics of public and private responsibility. Discussed 15 June 2012 (Tom).

obesity materials.doc

  • All about death. What do we think about death? Should we avoid thinking of it? Should we regularly remind ourselves of our mortality? Should children be shielded from funerals and the like? How do we come to terms with it? How should we talk to someone who is dying? Can our understanding of death be a positive part of our understanding of life? Discussed 20 July 2012 (Andrew).Death2.html
  • Thomas Malthus's views on the population problem. What should we do about it? What are the pros and cons of having children, in the light of that problem? Discussed 24 August 2012 (Helen).
  • Children readings.html
    • The impact of welfare on Australian Aborigines. Noel Pearson's essay 'Radical Hope' will be the main source. An opposing view will also be sought. Discussed 19 October 2012 (Annette).
    • Are moral values absolute, or relative to culture? What are the consequences of either view, especially when cultures interact? Discussed 9 November 2012 (Andrew). moral relativism.pdf
    • How can we deal with sadness and fear? Discussed 18 January 2013 (Andrew).

Dealing with Sadness and Fear.pdf

  • How much should governments intrude into people's lives? Discussed 15 Feb 2013 (Tracey)Liberty and the role of Government.docx
  • Nietzsche - The Genealogy of Morality. Discussed 15 March 2013 (Gae).Nietzsche Readings_Feb13.doc
  • Discussion of proofs of the existence and nonexistence of God. Discussed 12 April 2013 (Andrew)
  • Peter Singer's Practical Ethics, part two (equality, discrimination, charity, environment, civil disobedience, violence, terrorism, why act morally?). The relevant chapters of practical ethics are first a revision of chapters 1-3, which set up his ethical framework as well as covering equality and discrimination, then the chapters we haven't yet read - 8-12, which cover the remainder of the topics listed above. Discussed 21 June 2013 (Helen).
    • Karl Popper's ideas about the philosophy of science, the scientific method and how we should go about constructing scientific theories. Discussed Friday 19 July 2013 (Annette).
  • Implications of Quantum Mechanics for Philosophy. Discussed Friday 16 August 2013 (Andrew) QM & phil.pdf
  • Bertrand Russell on War and on Idleness. Discussed 20 September 2013 (Gae). Russell.pdf
  • Michael Sandel on markets - What money can't buy. Discussed 18/10/13 (Tom). Sandel eco.pdf
  • Ayn Rand 'Objectivist Ethics'. Discussed 15/11/13 (Andrew).Rand_why act morally.pdf
  • Marxism. Was Marx's diagnosis of the ills of Capitalism accurate? What about his prescribed solution? The group will read the Communist Manifesto (which is quite short) and discuss the extent to which we agree with Marx's assessment of the drivers of history, his predictions for the future, and his prescription for society. Discussed 7/2/14 (Gae) Karl Marx - Communism.pdf
  • What level of immigration should a developed country permit from other countries, and on what basis? Discussed 14/3/14 - Bernadette. 201403 Immigration.pdf
  • Romantic love. What is it really? Is there such a thing as 'true love'? How does romantic love influence our lives and our society? Would we be better off if it had less influence, or more influence, or just a different type of influence? Discussed 2/5/14, Andrew see this link.
  • Nagarjuna's Emptiness, and some associated Buddhist concepts. Discussed 13/6/14, Tom. See this link.
  • Philosophical Implications of Behavioural Economics. Discussed 18/7/14, Geoff. Materials are here.
  • Ethics of war. When is a war just? Should there be rules of war or are all bets off once one has decided that war is justified and necessary? Rob presented this 15/8/14. Materials are here.