Bernard Delfendahl

This was discussed 25 May 2018, led by Matt.


Here is a first taste of uncle Bernard.

Below, PDF, is a typed out (by me) handwritten letter from Bernard Delfendahl to

Dr Viktor Frankel. It is very entertaining in parts.

Bernard had sent me a copy of this letter back in 1996 as he thought that I would be interested in his current thinkings.

The letter is in response to Bernard's reading of Frankel's book, Man's Search for the Meaning of Life". Bernard writes to the author of every book he reads.

Following I have cut and pasted information on Frankel from Wikipedia. Read this before reading Bernard's letter.


Below is an article by Bernard that was published in the journal Current Anthropology in Dec 1985.

This could lead us to a discussion on how the field of anthropology feeds into common discussion areas of philosophy. Or on how we may have restricted our thinking to the narrowed views of our western/European/Christian based culture, institutions and research.

We can also discuss the topic of Giving and Being Given to - charity, duty, natural justice, self interest, reciprocity ?

It is fascinating to see how Bernard's research as an anthropologist of Indian cultures/religion has produced a line of thinking on the subject of "Giving and being given to". He raises the differences of the non westerner Indian caste system view and the Christian/Jewish/European view. One is seen as a natural justice, dharma and karma. The other is a contract with God and his laws. Anyway have a read, it's short and its very entertaining. Bernard is definitely not conservative in his style.


Here is another article from Bernard. From 1981. "On the Cow-Slaughter and Beef-Eating Interdiction" Another short and good read. Even my mum gets a mention. I tell you what my mum said when I read it to her.


And some articles in French: