
Bernadette will lead a discussion about this on Thursday 18/8/16.

Is capacity for privacy a “necessary condition of autonomous personhood”, as Lynch argues?

Then why are we voluntarily waiving our rights to privacy and revealing more about ourselves?

At the same time, much of our loss of privacy is involuntary, through surveillance and data mining.

· What value does information collected on us have?

· What are some of the things data mining reveals about us?

Other questions for discussion

Under what, if any, circumstances are breaches of privacy by governments justified? Major crime, terrorism?

Did you feel uncomfortable answering any of the Census questions? Why? Did you answer them all truthfully? If the Census wasn’t confidential, what questions wouldn’t you have answered?

Are you more comfortable giving information on yourself to Google, or to the government?

Are invasions of privacy by the media justified if in the public interest? Should a TV station, for example, film a Christian Democrat coming out of a gay night club?

Are we only talking about this because we’re 40-plus? Do young people even care about privacy?

A few longer articles for those interested.

Privacy as a right, and the duty to uphold that right

Privacy and information technology

Surveillance ethics

A TED talk