
This page contains various important topics in Rhinology. The topics covered are from question papers from various Indian universities.

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1. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

2. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of chronic sinusitis

3. Osteomeatal complex

4. Chronic maxillary sinusitis

5. Pathophysiology of sinusitis


7. Oroantral fistula

8. Indications for sinus surgery

9. Staging protocols for sinusitis

10. Septoplasty

11. Mucocele

12. Wigand's approach

13. Pneumosinus dilatans of paranasal sinuses

14. Nasal polyp

15. Accessory sinuses of frontal region

16. Dacryocystocele

17. Conjunctival dacryocystorhinostomy

18. Carcinoma nasopharynx its diagnostic approach

19. Surgical approaches to nasopharynx

20. Osteomas of paranasal sinuses

21. Integrated surgical approaches to frontal sinus

22. Pott's Puffy tumor

23. Role of X-rays in otolaryngology


25. Premaxilla

26. Olfactory neuroblastoma

27. Non healing midline granuloma of nose

28. Buttress system of Mid face

29. Fungal ball

30. Causes and treatment of chronic nasal obstruction

31. Myospherulosis of nose and paranasal sinuses

32. Olfactory epithelium

33. Olfactory neuroblastoma

34. Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis

35. Functions of paranasal sinuses

36. Septal body

37. History of frontal sinus surgery

38. Acute frontal sinusitis

39. Total maxillary swing approach

40. Classification of orbital complication of sinusitis

41. CNS complications of frontal sinusitis

42. Pott's puffy tumor

43. Young's syndrome

44. Endoscopic frontal sinuplasty

45. Goldenhar syndrome

46. Empty nose syndrome what is it actually?

47. Anosmia in elderly

48. Role of sphenopalatine ganglion block in managing cluster headaches

49. Rhinitis medicamentosa

50. Pregnancy rhinitis

51. Uncinate process

52. Nasal tip support system

53. Nasal reflexes

54. Haller cell

55. Anatomy of vidian nerve

56. Epidemiology of rhinosinusitis

57. Rhinitis medicamentosa

58. Epidemiology of nasal polyposis

59. Pathology of nasal polyp

60. Etiopathology of antrochoanal polyp theoretical aspects

61. Theories of nasal polyposis

62. Maxillary sinus carcinoma

63. Nasal cholesteatoma

64. Pregnancy rhinitis

65. Radiological anatomy of nasopharynx

66. Classification of nasal polyposis

67. Craniopharyngeoma

68. Chemosensory elements of nasal cavity

69. BIPP Pack

70. Drainage system of paranasal sinuses a review

71. Esthesioneuroblastoma

72. Rhinophyma


74. Caldwell Luc surgery

75. Nasal block in Infants

76. Uncinectomy