Attention Training for children

Enhancing learning capacity and academic outcomes using novel game technology in primary school children with developmental disabilities.

The ability to concentrate and stay focused on a task, to switch attention between tasks, to inhibit impulsive responding, and to mentally hold and use information are critical skills for learning and academic outcomes. This is an Arc Linkage project in collaboration with Professor Kim Cornish, Associate Professor Kylie Gray, Dr. Darren Hocking from the Faculty of Medicine, with Jefferson Harcourt from Grey Innovation and Kevin McIntosh from Torus games. The development of interactive gaming technology may provide the key to effective intervention for attention difficulties in young children with developmental disabilities. The development of interactive gaming technology may provide the key to effective intervention for attention difficulties in young children with developmental disabilities. Our research aims to design the first interactive attention training program for young children with developmental disabilities, using touch tablet technology that is highly motivating, easily accessible and transportable. Furthermore, this will be the first training program to be scientifically tested using a Randomised Control Trial, which will enable researchers to determine the long-term efficacy of using interactive technologies to train such core cognitive areas as attention.


Project Leader

  • Professor Kim Cornish, Monash University

Project Research officer:

  • Mr Hannah Kirk, Monash University

Project Team

  • Dr Kylie Grey, Monash University
  • Dr Darren Hocking, Monash University
  • Dr Kirsten Ellis, Monash University
  • Mr Jefferson Harcourt, Grey Innovation
  • Mr Kevin McIntosh, Torus Games


ARC Linkage Enhancing learning capacity and academic outcomes using novel game technology in primary school children with developmental disabilities. (2012 - 2015). Australian Research Council, Grey Innovation Pty Ltd, Torus Games Pty Ltd.


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Kirk, H., Gray, K., Ellis, K., Taffe, J. & Cornish, K., (2017) Impact of attention training on academic achievement, executive functioning and behaviour in children with developmental disabilities: A randomised controlled trial American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 122(2) p. 97-117

Kirk, H. E., Gray, K. M., Ellis, K., Taffe, J. & Cornish, K. M., (2016) Computerised attention training for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a randomised controlled trial, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 57(12) p. 1380-1389