Toddler Techie

This research set out to investigate the ability of two year old children to interact with technology. The original version was conducted in 2004 and tested progressive skills for children to use a computer with a mouse. The software was called TVM which was short for television metaphor as it leveraged the skills that children have in changing channels on the television to navigate around the software. Twelve years later in 2016 this research set out to investigate the ability of two year old children to interact with technology following the changes in input paradigms. The iPad application was called toddler techie and it utilised a number of common touch screen interaction methods.

Mouse Interactions for Toddlers

This research investigated the interactions that two year old children are able to make using a computer mouse. The teddy was able to give instructions to the child and each of the activities progressively introduce skills. The activities are designed to be age appropriate using a television metaphor to enable children to understand how to navigate the interface. There is no text used in the interface because the children are below reading age. There were a range of activities drill and practice and creative games designed ot appeal to two-year old children.

Balloon Poppling

Bubble Popping

Cursor Over



Cursor Over

Old Mac Donald

Old MAc Donald


Colouring in

colouring book

Click to select and Click to fill

Felt Pictures

felt picture

Click to Pick up and Click to Drop

Sing Along

sing along

Off Screen Interactions

Three part book

Three part book


Ball sort

ball sort

Drag and Drop

Shape Sort

shape sort

Drag and Drop

Balloon Popping - A screen is presented with lots of balloons. Moving the mouse over a balloon causes it to pop. Popping the balloons reveals the outline of a picture and when all of the balloons are popped the picture is coloured. This game targets mouse over interactions

Peekaboo - A screen is presented with a beach picture. Moving the mouse over objects in the picture causes the creatures hiding within to respond, popping out and saying “peekaboo”. This game targets mouse over interactions.

Old Mac Donald - A picture of a series of farm animals is displayed with the vocals and music to “Old Mac Donald had a farm” playing. Clicking on any of the farm animals causes it to be the focus of the song. This game targets a single click interactions.

Colouring books - The colouring book has a number of pages with drawings. Clicking the mouse on a small image turns to that page. The pictures are then coloured by clicking on a colour and then clicking on an area in the picture. This game targets a single click interaction.

Sing Along - Video footage of a person singing a number of songs with actions is shown for the children to sing along with and to copy the actions. This activity targets off screen interactions.

Felt Pictures - All the felt shapes are stacked around the outside of the felt board. Clicking on a piece of felt picks it up so it moves with the mouse, clicking again deposits the felt wherever the mouse is placed. This activity targets moving actions by click to pick up and click to put down.

Three Part Book - A book that is divided into three parts is shown, the sections of the book can each have their page turned. Clicking on the lips causes the text to be read out loud and each section changes colour as it is read. This activity targets a single click interaction.

Ball Sort - There are four boxes and several balls on the screen. When a ball is placed on the same coloured box the ball is sucked into the box, when a ball that is a different colour is placed on a box the ball is sucked in and spat out. This activity targets a drag and drag drop interaction.

Shape Sort - There is a truck and a number of coloured shapes on the screen. If a coloured shape is placed on the corresponding container shape then it is dropped into the container. This activity targets a drag and drop interaction.


Project Leader

  • Dr Kirsten Ellis, Monash University

Project Team

  • Dr Kathy Blashki, Noroff




Experts warn schools to brace for next generation of tech-savvy children


Ellis, K. and Blashki, K., (2004). Toddler techies: A study of young children’s interaction with computers, Information technology in childhood education annual 1, 77-96.

Touch Generation: Interactions for Toddlers

Toddler techie touch generation was research into the ability for 18-42 month old children's ability to interact with touch devices. The iPad application was called toddler techie and it utilised a number of common interaction methods to evaluate toddlers could competently interact using each method. The research was conducted at a number of early learning centres and the children were given a free play session with the app while a researcher was there to assist if required.

The interactions investigated include; touch, continuous swipe, drag and drop, directional swipe, rotate, pinch and stretch. The children had varying levels of success with each of the interaction types. Most children could competently interact using the touch, continuous swipe, drag and drop and directional swipe. The pinch and stretch were more difficult for toddlers to achieve and the rotate was beyond the capability and interests of most toddlers.

Balloon popping

Balloon Popping


Bubble popping

Bubble Popping





Three part book

Three Part Book

Directional Swipe

Ball Sort

Ball Sort

Drag and Drop

Felt pictures

Shape Sort

Drag and Drop, Pinch and Rotate

Balloon Popping - A screen is presented with lots of balloons. Touching a balloon pops it with a variety of animations. When all the balloons are popped an animation is played. This game targets single touch interactions.

Bubble Popping - A screen is presented with lots of bubbles. Bubbles are popped by touching them or running your finger over them. Swiping the bubble, pops it with a variety of animations. When all the bubbles are popped an animation is played. This game targets the continuous swipe interaction.

Peekaboo - A screen is presented with a beach picture. Touching any of the objects causes in the picture causes the creatures hiding within to respond, popping out and saying “peekaboo”. This game targets single touch interactions.

Three Part Book - A book that is divided into three parts is shown. Each sections of the book can each be turned using a directional swipe. Touching the lips causes the text to be read out loud and each section changes colour as it is read. This activity targets the directional swipe interaction.

Ball Sort - There are four boxes and several balls on the screen. The balls can be dragged and put in the boxes. When all the ball are put in the matching coloured boxes an animation is played. This activity targets a drag and drag drop interaction.

Felt Pictures - All the felt shapes are stacked around the outside of the felt board. The felt can be dragged, resized and rotated to make a picture. This activity targets drag and drop, pinch, stretch and rotate.


Project Leader

  • Dr Kirsten Ellis, Monash University

Project Team

  • Mark Power, Monash University
  • Dr David Albrect, Monash University


Monash University Berwick Research Grant

Monash University Advancing Women in Research Grant




Ellis, K., Power, M., and Albrecht D., W., (2018) Toddler Techie Touch Generation, Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, ACM, 127-139.