sphero Bandicoot

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Mainland) is a small marsupial. It is yellowish-brown and has a series of pale bars on its hindquarters. It has pointed ears, dark eyes and a tail. It grows to approximately 35cm long and weighs 600 grams on average. Bandicoots were once widespread across grasslands and grassy woodlands of western Victoria and South Australia.The Eastern Barred Bandicoot is extinct in the wild and is classified as endangered. This research project was to used create a simulated experience for school children. The puppet was created in the education program to raise awareness of the Eastern Barred Bandicoot and the captive breeding program.

The main source of threat to the Eastern Barred Bandicoot are habitat destruction and predators such as cats, dogs and foxes.

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot was built using a sphero chassis as this will be used to drive the puppet. The body was built up using foam and a glue gun. The fur was used to cover the body and the face was formed by wrapping the fur and trimming. The ears are leather inside with fur on the back. Craft eyes were used and the tail was added.

Building the Bandicoot
Building the Bandicoot
Building the Bandicoot
Building the Bandicoot
Building the Bandicoot

Simulated Eastern Barred Bandicoot Release: Experiential Learning

Gather the children in a darkened room. Quieten them down with lots of Shhh! Then bring in the bandicoot box and place it on the floor. Appoint someone to use the red light to light up the bandicoot box. While keeping the children quiet open the front of the box and roll out the mat. Then watch as the bandicoot slowly comes out of the box into the world under the red light. It is important to explain that we can's show you are real Eastern barred bandicoot because they are really shy and really rare.

Night Bandicoot
Night Bandicoot


Concept and puppet

  • Dr Kirsten Ellis

Education Team

  • Woodleigh School


Monash University Faculty of Information Technology



