
I currently teach two different types of courses:

SNA Workshop

I have developed a 2-3 day workshop to cover fundamentals of social network analysis in ecology, hypothesis testing, and how to analyse animal social network data in R. This largely builds on my R packages asnipe and assortnet, how these can be used to perform specialised routines for biological networks, how to interface with existing R packages, and how to visualise network data in useful ways.

Introduction to Computer Programming for Biologists

I teach an undergraduate course providing the fundamentals of computer programming. The course is run in R, but provides baseline principles that are applicable to any language/environment. Students learn how to apply computer programming skills to biological problems, and I enhance teaching by running exercises that lead the students to developing their own agent-based models.

Animal Behaviour

I teach undergraduate Animal Behaviour classes, covering topics ranging from group-living to classical models in Behavioural Ecology.