Background Screening
The Church strives to ensure that it is a safe place for all its members, attendees, staff, and resources, and that those who serve it are well qualified to do so and properly screened before commencing their work. Consequently, the Classis requires a background check be completed on our active ministers, students, and officers prior to the commencement of their service or employment. (Any who already have a recent background screening may submit those results, if available, to the Stated Clerk.)
The Classis' screening may include, but is not limited to, background, credit, and reference checks. The background check includes a criminal record check, but a criminal conviction will not automatically bar anyone from service or employment. Read our Policy document for more details. For more info, see the Reformed Church in America's Safer Places resources.
Two notices required under the Fair Credit Reporting Act:
Our Classis Policy for preventing and responding to Abuse or Misconduct:
D-R A&M Policy.doc View