In Case of Sexual Misconduct

If you, or someone you know, has experienced the pain of inappropriate behavior on the part one of our ministers, chaplains or other leaders, please know that we are prepared to hear and respond to your experience with compassion and seriousness. Please call one of the contacts below, or use the form to send a note.

The Classis of Delaware-Raritan has approved the following two documents to serve as our policy and guide us in the case of an allegation.

Guidelines and Procedures for Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Misconduct - Reformed Church in America

Policy for Sexual Ethics - Synod of the Mid-Atlantics

Rev. Barbara Fillette

154 Valley Dr.

Churchville PA 18966


Rev. David Ruisard

Rockaway Reformed Church

P.O. Box 98

Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889

office 908-534-4351 cell 908-295-8596