To serve with a Classis Committee, click HERE
To see committee members, click HERE
Executive Committee,
Rev. Jeff Knol - 732-630-7355
Acts on behalf of Classis between stated sessions, helps coordinate the work of the committees, and oversees the agenda for stated and special sessions of Classis.
Administration Committee
Rev. Paul Janssen - 908-725-4545
Examines elders' minutes, reviews proposed constitutional changes, and facilitates nominations to classis offices.
Candidate Care
Rev. Heidi Hankel - 215-802-4724
Helps the classis care for seminary students on their way toward ordained ministry in the Reformed Church. Examination Procedures for Ministerial Candidates
Congregational/Pastoral Care
Elder Linda Santa Lucia - 908-788-0626
Resources consistories for the purpose of supervision and congregational health.
Pulpit Supply List Sample Interim Contract
Church Multiplication & Evangelism
Rev. Steve Miller - 908-705-0145
Strengthens and equips faithful Christian witness throughout and beyond the present bounds of Classis.
Elder Joyce Murphy - 908-236-6236
Oversees the financial operations of the Classis and any churches seeking assistance or sizable loans. Classis Ministry & Mission Budgeting
Multicultural Ministry:
Raises awareness and advocates for the needs and concerns of racial/ethnic persons in our congregations and communities.