
  1. "Four Years Of Modi Government Reforms: A Stocktaking," pages 89 -102 in "Making Of New India," editors Bibek Debroy, Anirban Ganguly and Kishore Desai; Wisdom Tree, New Delhi, 2018. Reforms2014-18c.docx .
  2. "Tax Reform: Identifying And Filling Gaps", pages 33-44 in "India at 70, Modi @3.5;" editors Bibek Debroy and Ashok Malik; Wisdom Tree, New Delhi, 2017. Taxation2017marchB.docx .
    1. "Investment: Corporate India and Indian Households," Working Paper No. 1/2018, June 2018.
      1. InvestmentFables2017.doc
    2. "Deceleration, De-Monetization and GST: Growth Prospects and Policy Solutions," Working Paper No 2/2017, September 2017. GrowthDeceleration2017sep.docx .
    3. "China's Growth Slowdown and Effect on India," Working paper No 1/2017, February, 2017. ChinaIndia17febWp.docx .
    4. "India's National Security Doctrine: An Approach," June 24, 2016. NatSecStrategy16jun24.docx
    5. "Foreign Policy Under PM Modi, Policy Paper No. WsPP 4/2015, New Delhi, May 2015. ModiFrgnPolicy15may25.docx .
  3. "Indian Growth Puzzle," Policy Paper No. WsPP 3/2015, New Delhi, April 2015.
    1. GrowthPuzzle15apr20.docx
    2. "Reform Agenda for Growth and Welfare," Policy Paper No. 1/2014, New Delhi, January 2014. NationalAgenda2020.docx .
    3. "Fall and Rise of India", Working paper No. WsWp 1/2013, October 2013. IndiaEcHistory13Oct.docx
    4. "Strategic Response to Pakistan's India Policy," Policy Paper No. 3/2013, New Delhi, India, August 15, 2013, StrategyPakInd13aug15.docx.
    5. "India China Relations: Key is Symmetry," Policy Paper No. 2/2013, New Delhi, May 2013, IndChsymmetry13may25.docx
    6. "A New Regional Doctrine For India," Policy Paper No. 1/2013, New Delhi, April 2013, RegDoctrine13apr10.docx
    1. “India A Potential High Growth Economy (HGE)?” The Review of Market Integration, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012, pp 159-195.
      1. "Corruption in India: Over time and Global Ranking," New Delhi, India, December 2012. CorruptionIndia12Dec20.docx
      2. "China's Foreign Policy Under New Leaders: Continuity or Change," New Delhi, India, December, 2012. ChinaForeignPolicy12Dec.docx
      3. "Indian Economy: Shooting Star or Sprinter?" Presentation made at India Habitat Center on December 10th 2012. IndiaPhge12dec.pptx.
    2. "Undernurishment of Children: Causes of Cross-country Variation," Working paper No.WsWp 4/2012, October 2012 [WsWp 4/2012 Nutrition12oct.docx].
      1. "Indian Economy: Shooting Star or Sprinter?," Presentation made at the Institute of Indian Studies (IIES), Tokyo, Japan on October 9, 2012. IndiaPHGE12sept.pptx
    3. “Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform,”Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, Routledge, Vol. 5, No.2, September 2012, pp 260-280.
      1. "IMF Quota Formula Reform:Will Advanced Economies meet their Commitment?", Washington DC, USA, September, 2012. ImfQformRfrm12sep.pdf.
  1. “IMF Reforms Twenty-ten: Do They Mirror Global Economic Realities?” Economic and Political Weekly, 2011, Vol XLVI No.30 July 23-29, 2011. EpwImfRfrm11Feb24revApr.docx.With Michael D. Patra,
  2. “Accelerating And Sustaining Growth: Economic and Political Lessons,” IMF Working Paper No. WP/12/185, July 2012 [].
      1. "Sustaining Fast Growth in India : Economic and Political Lessons", Working paper No.WsWp 3/2012, June, 2012 [WsWp 3/2012 HGEIndia1012june30.pdf ]
      2. "Economic Power as the Foundation of Global Power : The Evolution of Global Power Potential", Working paper No.WsWp 2/2012, May 2012 [WsWp 2/2012 BalanceOfPower12may.pdf ].
      3. Governance Issues in Proposed South Bank: Equity Formula, Washington DC, USA, March, 2012 SouthBankEquityFormula.pdf.
      4. "Delivering on IMF Quota and Governance Reform : Principles of IMF Quota Reform", Brookings-CIGI-G24 High Level Seminar, Washington DC, January 12, 2012. GovQuotaReform12jan12.pptx
    1. Indian Economy : Shooting Star or Growth Star (HGE), Washington DC, USA, December 2011. CrisesGrowth11dec31.pdf
    2. Averting a Euro-Meltdown : Sharing Global Responsibility, Washington DC, USA, December 11, 2011. EuroCrisis11Dec15.pdf
    3. "Equity, Growth and Policy Change" presentation at the seminar on 'Emerging Challenges: Will India continue the growth momentum?" by PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, New Delhi on November 17, 2011. CrisesGrowth11nov17.pptx
    4. "Sudoku of India's Growth : J Curve of Productivity" presentation at the UNCTAD Conference on "Twenty Years of India's Liberalisation : Sharing of Experiences", New Delhi, November 15-16, 2011. Sudoku11nov.pptx.
    5. "Global Economic Governance : IMF Quota Reform", presentation at the Brookings-CIGI Seminar on IMF Quota Formula Reform held on November 11, 2011. QuotaGovReform11nov11.pptx
    6. "Global & Asian Balance of Power : Building Institutions for Peace", 4th International Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning Symposium (IRAHSS), Singapore, October 19, 2011. TripolarWrld11SepIRAHSS.pptx
  1. Fiscal Sustainability: Economic Theory vs. Market Fashions Washington DC, USA, September 2011. FiscalIllusions11septToct.pdf
    1. “IMF Governance and Quota Reform,” Working paper No. WSWP2/2011 , September 2011. [WSWP2/2011 ImfQuotaReform11Dec.pdf ]
  2. "Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform," IMF Working Paper No WP/11/208, July 2011.
  3. [WSWP1/2011 ImfQuotaReform11jul31.docx ].
  4. With Danish Hashim, “The J curve of Productivity and Growth: Indian Manufacturing Post-Liberalization,” IMF Working Paper, No WP/11/263. July, 2011.
  5. With Michael D. Patra, “IMF Reforms Twenty-ten: Do They Mirror Global Economic Realities?” Economic and Political Weekly, 2011, Vol XLVI No.30 July 23-29, 2011. EpwImfRfrm11Feb24revApr.docx
  6. with Danish Hashim and Ajay Kumar, “Impact of Major Liberalisation on Indian Manufacturing: The J Curve Hypothesis,” Indian Economic Review, Volume 46, Issue Number 1, 2011.
  7. Real Issues vs. Straw Men, Washington, DC, USA, June, 2011. RealIssueVsStrawMen11june21.pdf.
  8. The World Economy: Shape of Things to Come, January 2011 (with Michael Patra). FtWrldGr10jan7fiVP.pdf
  9. “Sudoku of India’s Growth: The J – Curve of Productivity”, AIEFS Conference in University of Wisconsin Parkside, May 20th 2011. Sudoku11may.ppt
  10. “J-Curve hypothesis of productivity and output growth: A case study of Indian manufacturing in the post reforms period,” Workshop on Economic Reforms and the Evolution of Productivity in Indian Manufacturing, 18-19 March 2011, IIT Bombay (with Danish Hashim and Ajay Kumar). J_Curve11mar.ppt
  11. “From Uni Polar to Tri-polar World: The Bi-polar Moment,” Presented at Mount Pellerin Society Seminar in Delhi, 11-13th February, 2011. Tripolar(UsChInd)Wrld11janMPS.ppt"
  12. A Tripolar World: India, China and the USA in the 21st Century," A talk given at The Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, Washington DC, February 9, 2011.