Conference Papers

    1. “Global Crisis: Impact on China and India,” Keynote Address at a CII-CPR seminar, “Debating Inclusive Futures: Prosperity And Inequality In India and China,” March 19, 2009, New Delhi.
    2. “Globalisation, Growth and National Security,” paper presented at the Seminar organised by Center for Air Power Studies, New Delhi, on 30th December 2008, in India Habitat Centre.
    3. “Institutional Foundations of Economic Reform and Integration: Lessons from South Asia”, Paper (with Tarun K Das), presented at EABER (East Asia Bureau of Economic Research), Australia and NCAER (National Council for Applied Economic Research) conference, New Delhi, April 2008. BridgingRes&PolicyVD08apr.pdf.
    4. “Response to East Asian Regionalism and its Impact – The Indian View.” Paper (with Amita Batra) presented at the International Conference on East Asian Regionalism and its Impact, organized by Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, October 21-22, 2004.
    5. “Macro-management of Economic Growth with Underemployed Labour and Technological Inertia,” ADB/World Bank Senior Policy Seminar on Managing Global Financial Integration in Asia, Manila, Philippines, 10-12 March 1998.
    6. “Economic Development and Transition: India, 1997.” Paper presented at the Tokyo Dialogue on Alternatives to the World Bank-IMF Approach to Reforms and Growth organised by the Economic Planning Agency on December 5, 1997, Tokyo, Japan.[i]
    7. “Tax Evasion, Corruption and Administration: Monitoring Tax Auditors Under Symmetric Dishonesty,” paper presented at the Conference on Political Economy: Theory and Policy Implications, Washington, June 1997.[ii]

[i] Draft dated October 1996.

[ii] Revised version.