International Relations

A. GLOBAL, Regional

    1. Bi-Polar World Order: 2020-2035, Presentation prepared at EGROW Foundation, December 11, 2018.
      1. BipolarWrldOrdr2018.pptx .
    2. India's National Security Doctrine:An Approach, June 24, 2016. NatSecStrategy16jun24.docx
  1. Foreign Policy Under PM Modi, Policy Paper No. WsPP 4/2015, New Delhi, May 2015. ModiFrgnPolicy15may25.docx .
  2. "Indian Economy: Strategic Options", Talk Presented at the FSI-CLAWS-KAS seminar on "India and Security Challanges in the INdo-Pacific in the New Era, 12-13 July, 2018, Manekshaw Center, New Delhi. IndiaEcOptions18aprRev.pptx .
  3. Are all Super Powers Equal, Facebook Authors Page, 2018 , .
  4. “Globalisation, Growth and National Security,” chapter 2, pp 19-52 in Comprehensive Security for an Emerging India, editor Kapil Kak, introduction by K Subrahmanyam, Knowledge World Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2010.
  5. Trilateral Nuclear Proliferation: Pakistan’s Euro-Chinese Bomb, IDSA Monograph Series No. 1, Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, December 2006.
  6. "A New Regional Doctrine For India," Policy Paper No. 1/2013, New Delhi, April 2013, RegDoctrine13apr10.docx .
  7. “Global and Asian Balance of Power: Building Institutions For Peace,” Presentation for the International Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning Symposium(IRHSS), Singapore on 18th October, 2010. AsianBoP11sepIRHASS10Oct18.pptx .
  8. Future Economic Contours of Asia and their Impact on Global Security Architecture, National Security Lecture, United Services Institute, Delhi on 25th November 2005 (published in USI journal in 2007)
    1. USInst06dec22.pptx.


    1. Impact of US-China Trade War on India, China & USA, Facebook Authors page, April 2018, .
  1. World Economy, Geopolitics and Global Strategy: Indo-US Relations in the 21st Century, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLI No. 43-44, November 4-10, 2006, pp. 4601-4612.
  2. "US-India Economic Ties," Presentation for a panel discussion on India-US relations, organized by Brookings India, on September 19, 2014 at India International Center. USIndia14sept18b.pptx .
  3. "US-India Economic Possibilities", Presentation made on March 13, 2015 at the seminar on “Synergy Building in Indo-US Relations: Issues and Challenges in the Coming Decade,” School of International Studies, JNU, March 12-13 , 2015 , held at Convention Center, JNU. USIndia15mar13.pptx .


    1. New Development Bank (BRICs bank), Dialogue, July, 2014, .
  1. “Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform,”Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, Routledge, Vol. 5, No.2, September 2012, pp 260-280.
  2. "IMF Quota Formula Reform:Will Advanced Economies meet their Commitment?", Washington DC, USA, September, 2012. ImfQformRfrm12sep.pdf
  3. Governance Issues in Proposed South Bank: Equity Formula, Washington DC, USA, March, 2012 SouthBankEquityFormula.pdf“IMF Reforms Twenty-ten: Do They Mirror Global Economic Realities?” Economic and Political Weekly, 2011, Vol XLVI No.30 July 23-29, 2011. EpwImfRfrm11Feb24revApr.docx. (with Michael D Patra).
  4. “IMF Governance and Quota Reform,” Working paper No. WSWP2/2011 , September 2011. [WSWP2/2011 ImfQuotaReform11Dec.pdf ].
  5. “Global Economic Governance: IMF Quota Reform,” IMF Working Paper No WP/11/208, July 2011. [WSWP1/2011 ImfQuotaReform11jul31.docx].
  6. Economic Performance, Power Potential and Global Governance: Towards a New International Order, Working Paper No. 150, ICRIER, December 2004.,