Writing a 6 - Argument Essay

AP - 6 Point Rubric

1. Row A - a defensible thesis - take a side, do not be ambivalent

2. Row B - a complex argument with many examples which reveal multiple facets of the same argument - (example: there isn't just one reason why you chose the college you want to attend - is there? So if the question explain why you wish to attend a particular college, your essay/discussion is not done when you explain one reason why you want to go.) There should be layers to your argument. This essay wants layers of reasoning for why/why not providing incentives for charitable giving is a good idea. Argument essays should have at least one foil. If you wish to score a 4/4 in Row B, you need a complexity of proof, argumentation, and reasoning, not just a simple answer to the question. Please get rid of the high school idea that you are writing an answer to a question. You are being asked to provide a collegiate response to a complex issue. This is what you will earn college credit for. A simple high school answer is NOT going to cut it.

3. Row C - sophistication is the ability to put it all together in a cohesive, smoothly articulate essay (not an answer to a question). They are looking for WOW Factor here - not a mere response. Creativity. Excitement. Something to Say and say it well.

Argument Prompt:

A weekly feature of The New York Times Magazine is a column by Randy Cohen called “The Ethicist,” in which people raise ethical questions to which Cohen provides answers. The question below is from the column that appeared on April 4, 2003.

At my high school, various clubs and organizations sponsor charity drives, asking students to bring in money, food, and clothing. Some teachers offer bonus points on tests and final averages as incentives to participate. Some parents believe that this sends a morally wrong message, undermining the value of charity as a selfless act. Is the exchange of donations for grades O.K. ?

The practice of offering incentives for charitable acts is widespread, from school projects to fund drives by organizations such as public television stations, to federal income tax deductions for contributions to charities. In a well-written essay, develop a position on the ethics of offering incentives for charitable acts. Support your position with evidence from your reading, observation, and/or experience.

Assignment: Now that you have written your Argument Essay on on offering incentives for giving to charities. Let's compare your essay with a high scoring essay, grade by the College Board. Download the following:

Link to AP Graded essay to this prompt - you MUST be logged into your ESUSD student account to access.

Also, download and use the two pdfs attached to the bottom of this web page. Fill them out using Adobe Acrobat or with Notability on your iPad.

See March 26 email - for more details and suggestions.