Some snaps of the best moments with NAO, Pepper and more robots
Presentation of my research work with NAO to the public and politicians at the Fête de la Science 2013. Genviève Fioraso (Ministre de l’éducation et de la recherche), Ségolène Royal (Présidente du conseil régional de Poitou-Charente) et Olivier Falorini( Député de la 1er circonscription de la Charente-Maritime)
My doctoral Defense (January 2017)
Visiting Pyrène and HRP2 at LAAS, Toulouse during the the SHARC- 2017
Arrival of Pepper to the L3i laboratory,the robotic familly is complete ! Having fun with NAO during the world cup. Go go go for Colombia team !

A small video about the project " The robots at the service of elderly" in collaboration with L3i of La Rochelle University, the start-up Ullo and the CCAS of La Rochelle.
On the news ! The regional newspaper "SUD OUEST" spotted our visit at the elderly house "EPHAD de Minimes"
Presenting the project of social robots at the services of elderly people in the digital bay stand at innov2017
Presenting the project of social robots at the services of elderly people at the Smart living day (Limoges 2018)

Letting Pepper know his new home at L3i laboratory !
Visiting the Android Knnon Mindar at Kodaiji temple in Kyoto 2019. A Buddhist deity of mercy
Carrying out experiments with my new budy « robovie » from ATR/HRI laboratory at the Asian-Pacific Trade Center in Osaka. Such a wonderful experience! (May 2019)
Not the real robots I am used to hang around, but it was fun to see such a brigthfull place dedicated to them :)