Administrative Activities

  • Representative elected of the Ph.D. candidates to the doctoral School S2Im of the site of La Rochelle. (Sept. 2014 - July 2016)
  • Representative elected of the Ph.D. candidates to the L3i laboratory board. (Sept. 2012 - Sept. 2013)
  • Representative of the association of Ph.D. candidates of La Rochelle (ADocs) to the french confederation of young researches (CJC) at a national level. (Nov.2013 - Nov.2015)
  • Co-head of the Foreigner young researches group (CJE) of the French confederation of young researches (CJC) at a national level. (Nov.2013 -Nov.2015)
  • Main organizer of the JIDAP day dedicated to engineers, Ph.D. candidates, post-docs and teaching assistants of the L3i Laboratory of La Rochelle. (November 2013)