News !

    • Postodctoral Research Visitor at HRI Laboratory,Kyoto University. March - July 2019. Project: Intention recognition of agressive pedestrian behaviour in public spaces
    • Participation and volunteer organiser at SoAIR2019 : Social at JST-CREST/ IEEE-RAS Spring School on " Social and Artificial Intelligence for User-Friendly Robots" 17-24 March 2019, Shonan Village - Japan
    • Presentation at the « Journées des portes ouvertes » February 2019, La Rochelle - France.
    • Presentation of the project : Towards social robots at the service of the elderly people, at the "smart living day", where companies and social institutions offer solutions and present their needs respectively around the silver economy problem. 29 November 2018, Limoges - France.
    • Plenary Talk at University of Cauca. August 2018, Popayan - Colombia.