Post Production

The various digital resources compiled into a master file in post-production should also be identified in the metadata. These unique formats – audio, video, CGI, text/word-processing files and mobile applications – create an interrelation problem. This is particularly true of multimedia or online presentations that refer/link to websites or other productions. Defining the files and formats required for archiving and documenting the ownership or intellectual property rights of the authors is important when creating multimedia content. Documenting these linkages and external references in the metadata will assist in preserving the integrity of the artistic work.

In post-production, editing software manages custom metadata and can apply it to multiple images at one time. This provides consistent application of terms for a project, cuts within a project and for identifying the events or people featured. Metadata instructions and training are available online from the major software manufacturers, and metadata tools are available online for specific formats.

Files are created with unique numerical titles that do not need to be changed but, if necessary for a particular workflow, be systematic to simplify batch renaming in the future. Folder metadata can be managed in the folder properties. Consistent, standardized naming is also beneficial for sorting, searching and browsing an image library.