Biplane 3D Puzzle

Hi Benjamin Gabriel, these are the assembly instructions for your puzzle.

The puzzle will be supplied in a flat

pack 'Sprue' similar to that shown below.

Firstly the pieces should be carefully cut from the 'sprue' this can be done with a sharp knife,

Set up on a cutting board and make yourself comfortable - if you're comfortable you are less likely to cut yourself.

It is best to work from the back side, use a straight edge and a circular guide to to help you cut the tabs.

Make one cut against your guide

then make another cut at an angle to release the tab

hold the piece tight but keep your fingers behind the line of the cut.

Use the knife and sandpaper block to clean up the tabs

Once all the pieces are separated they should be carefully sanded to remove all the traces of the holding tabs

The images here may assist with the piecing together of the puzzle.


See how to make some really tiny ones.

RichardsOnMeg10 adapted the 'toy' into earings on the instructables site (here)