
Teaching (Transmit, help others, share)

Def Profesor: un Guía con una gran capacidad cultural en todas las áreas del saber, capas de conectar, motivar 

y generar oportunidades para que el niño pueda generar su propio conocimiento, ser placentero y formativo. “En LIBERTAD de pensamiento”

This teaching statements proposal to be developed for students in the undergraduate and graduate level, and scientific research in the following areas:

Fractional Calculus.-

Ordinary Differential Equations. -

Partial Differential Equations Part I and II. -

Mathematical Methods for Physics Part I and II. -

Real and Complex Analysis.-

Integral equations and Fredholms theory. -

Distributions Solutions of Differential Equations. -

Methods for solutions of elliptic equations.-

Math history.-

Specialized Area: 



Mathematics and Logic Teacher at the Instituto Universitario de Profesiones Gerenciales (IUPG), Caracas, Venezuela.


Academic Assistant, Mathematics Department, Universidad Sim'on Bol'ivar.


Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Universidad Sim'on Bol'ivar. 


 Tenure Mathematics Professor, Mathematics Department, Universidad Sim'on Bol'ivar. Level: Agregado (Aggregate)


 Math Advisor at the Colegio Integral El 'Avila, Caracas.


(August 31).Lecturer, School of Mathematics, Universidad de Investigaci'on de Tecnolog'ia Experimental YACHAY (YACHAY TECH), Ecuador


Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Penn State University, USA.

Since August 2017

Professor at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

Usually the teaching philosophy and methodology is based in a campus classes and the evaluations is a classroom examination. but it is recommendable to study research papers, and have students make presentations of various topics. 

Also I can teach introductory courses, as: differential-integral calculus, linear algebra, differential geometry, abstract algebra, basic analysis, functional analysis, among other.