In English

Die Bühne is a community theatre group created out of the need to communicate stories from real life. Stories, which has the potential to make a change in society. In the projects that Die Bühne have been working with, we have focused on a specific group of people in society. In the first performance we created, called Angeles of Angered, we worked with a group of nine-year-old children in a suburb of Gothenburg, called Angered. During are two latest projects we have been working with a group of teenage girls from Angered.

The group is involved in determining the contents based on a theme. In our last performance SKAM, we interviewed 25 teenagers in Angered on the subject of shame. Their stories became a script, which was played by five teenage girls.

In our latest project we have been working with four of these girls on the topic faith. We asked the girls what they believe in and from their stories we are creating a performance on different types of faith. Professional artists lead them all the way through the process. Finally the process is fed back to the larger group by having them as an audience.

In community theatre professionals meet with those who have never created theatre before. It is a challenge for both parties and the meeting often gets really interesting.

Trotagningar  - Leaps of Faith

The performance is played at Stora Teatern during Göteborgs Dans & Teater Festival.

23 of May at 7.00 pm – Premiere performance!

24 of May at 1.30 pm

The performance is about 80 min long.

Four teenage girls from the outskirts of Gothenburg are invited to perform at Stora Teatern in city central. It’s the dream of a lifetime and they are full of expectation. We get to peek into their private chambers and visit them when they’re alone, and when they exchange thoughts on their faith; their faith in God, their faith in themselves and their beliefs on what might be the right path in life. They believe in different gods, but have a high regard for each other’s faiths. But, who wants to listen? Can someone give them an answer? Is this accepted? Are they allright?

Trotagningar is the last performance in a trilogy created by Die Bühne, in which the company has been working with young people from Angered. This last performance is mainly movementbased, as words sometimes are too restricting. Using dance and body language has been an effective way of making the girls express their deepest thoughts and feelings. The methods that Die Bühne has been working with have the purpose to highlight the people on stage and their personal stories.


DIRECTED BY: Birte Niederhaus.

ON STAGE: Doha Almarie, Segal Mohamed, Sabina Krasniqi, Mona Rinkinen.

SET DESIGN & COSTUME: Karin Dahlström.


LIGHTS: Charlie Åström.


SUPPORTED BY: Allmänna Arvsfonden, Kulturrådet, Konstnärsnämnden, VG-regionen, Göteborgs Kulturnämnd.

The performance was created in residence at Stora Teatern / Pustervik.