Flashlight Technology Surveys

Starting in the Spring of 2007, NC State began conducting annual surveys of NC State faculty and Students regarding the usage and experiences using key technologies at NC State. This page is where you can access the survey data, as well as learn details about how each year's survey was administered and response rates.

The NC State surveys are based on a model form the TLT Group Flashlight program. The surveys have consistently asked some key questions over the years about specific technologies that have hindered/enhanced learning, digital divide, information literacy, Blackboard, Poweproint, Elluminate etc.

FLASHLIGHT STUDENT Compiled Survey Results

FLASHLIGHT - Q3 -Learning Format Prefs
FLASHLIGHT - Q3 - Specific Tech that HELPED
FLASHLIGHT - Q4 - One tec...t HURT/HINDERED learning?
FLASHLIGHT - Q5 - Multimedia use
FLASHLIGHT Q7 - Comfort w tech/computer
FLASHLIGHT Q8 - Home Internet Access
FLASHLIGHT Q9 - Non pc device acess
FLASHLIGHT Q10 - ereader devices
FLASHLIGHT - Q11 - Number of ebooks read
FLASHLIGHT Q12 - Issues affected academic success
FLASHLIGHT - Q13 - Computer Lab Use
FLASHLIGHT - Q15- Evlauating online Sources
FLASHLIGHT - Q16 - Canvas helped/hurt
FLASHLIGHT - Q18- Other Canvas comments
FLASHLIGHT - NCSC Systems ease of use

Open-ended Text "How So?" - HELPS Categorized Comments Analysis:

Word Cloud of compiled 2008-2011 Student Open Ended text Comments

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Open-ended Text "How So?" - HELPS Categorized Comments Analysis:

2008 Flashlight Survey


Student survey hard copy form was placed in the student newsletter NewsBriefs. Additionally, an e-mail with a link tot he online version (via SurveyMonkey) was sent to all NCSTUDENT e-mail accounts. Fliers were also placed aorund campus advertising the online survey web address. In all forms of the student survey, there was a field to enter an e-mail address to be entered in a drawing for an iPod Shuffle.

For fauclty, an online Survey Monkey form was sent to faculty e-mails.

Response Rates:

Student Responses: 153 responses

Faculty Responses: 19 responses


FLASHLIGHT FACULTY Compiled Survey Results

Q1 - How much have you used Blackboard in your classes?

Q2 - If you have used it, have you found that Blackboard has enhanced your courses in any way?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Q3 - How much have you used the Elluminate web conferencing/virtual classroom software in your classes?

Q4: If you have used it, have you found that Elluminate has enhanced your courses in any way?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Q5 _ Do you think NC State should offer more Distance courses (Online, Hybrid & Video Conferencing)?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Q6 - In general, do you believe that distance learning (online, video conference) classes can be as effective of a learning experience as face to face classes?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Q7 _ If you have taught at least 1 NC State Distance course(online, hybrid, video conferencing), overall how would you rate your satisfaction with that teaching experience(s)?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis:

Q8. What services could/does the DL Department offer that would/are a helpful resource for you to help you succeed with any of the following: Blackboard "web-enhancing" your course, Elluminate web conferencing, Online courses, hybrid courses or Video Conferencing courses?

Open-ended Text "How So?" Comments Analysis: