H/SS Timeline
Updated timeline.
Mexican American Digital History Project
Campaign to change the California History Framework. Jan. 2016.
By Duane Campbell
The Mexican American Digital History Project and a broad group of allies have been working for over a year to add Chicano history to the California History/Social Science Framework, the document that determines what goes into textbooks in California.
For example see here. http://choosingdemocracy.blogspot.com/2015/04/teachers-we-need-your-letters-on.html and numerous posts on this site.
The Quality Instructional Materials Commission of the California State Board of Education have posted their proposed revised framework and it includes most of what we proposed.
Comments from teachers and community members is welcome.
The IQC approved the draft History–Social Science Framework for California Public Schools for its second review on November 20, 2015. The approved draft is posted on the History–Social Science Curriculum Frameworks Web page at
Going forward, any new public comments will be submitted as part of the second review process.
Members of the public are invited to submit comments on the draft History–Social Science Framework through February 29, 2016, via e-mail to HSSframework@cde.ca.gov. Comments may be submitted in any format, but if a commenter is seeking revisions to the draft it is recommended that the comment include the chapter, page, and line number(s), the text as it is currently written in the draft, and the exact language of the suggested change.
Comments received after February 29, 2016 will be forwarded to the State Board of Education (SBE), but will not be considered by the History–Social Science Subject Matter Committee of the Instructional Quality Commission when it prepares its advisory report to the SBE on the second field review.
For information follow: www.antiracismdsa.blogspot.com
Contact us at www.MexicanAmericanDigitalHistory.org
The state timeline has been revised. Here is the current timeline. Adopted May 8, 2015.
2014; Updated on May 7, 2015
Curriculum Commission takes action on update plan, timeline, and Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) application
State Board of Education (SBE) takes action on update plan, timeline, and CFCC application
Recruitment of CFCC members (at least 90 days per CCR 9513)
Focus Groups held to solicit public input on the framework update
- Bay Area
- Sacramento
- Los Angeles Area
- San Diego Area
Curriculum Commission reviews applications and makes recommendations on CFCC members
SBE action on CFCC recommendations
CFCC meets approximately every four weeks, for a total of five meetings to draft framework
Work on draft suspended pursuant to Assembly Bill X4 2
Work on draft resumes pursuant to Senate Bill 1540
Instructional Quality Commission approves draft Framework for field review
60-day field review of draft Framework (required by CCR 9515)
History-Social Science SMC meets to consider non-grade level chapters
Instructional Quality Commission analyzes field review results and revises draft framework
History-Social Science SMC meets to consider grade level chapters
Instructional Quality Commission holds hearings and takes action on draft framework/sends recommendation to SBE
Required 60-day period for public review and comment on Instructional Quality Commission’s recommended framework (CCR 9515)
SBE receives Instructional Quality Commission recommendation, holds public hearing and acts on draft framework
Document Preparation
Final Publication
January 24-25, 2008
March 12-13, 2008
March 20, 2008–September 3, 2008
May–June 2008
September 24-26, 2008
November 5-6, 2008
February 5-6, 2009
March 4-5, 2009
April 2-3, 2009
April 30-May 1, 2009
June 4-5, 2009
July 2009
July 2014
September 17–18, 2014
September–November 2014
May 8, 2015
July–October 2015*
October 9, 2015
November 19–20, 2015*
January–February 2016
May 2016
Summer 2016
Winter 2016
*Pending funding of the Instructional Quality Commission.