
Duane E. Campbell

Sacramento, Ca.

916- 361-9072

Brief bio:


Professor, 1978- 2006. Emeritus. 2003.

Chair, Bilingual/Multicultural Education Department, 1994-97

Adjunct faculty. CSU-Sacramento.


Doctor of Arts in History, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1969

M.A. in History, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1967

B.A. in Social Studies Education, State College of Iowa, 1964. (currently University of Northern Iowa.


Choosing Democracy: Practical Strategies for Multicultural Education. Allyn and Bacon, 4th. edition 2010.

“Steps Toward a Labor Informed Position on Immigration.”

“Toward a Left Position on Immigration,”

The Republican Shut Down of the U.S. Government, Democratic Left.(blog)Jan. 2018.

Dolores: A Film Review. Democratic Left,(blog) Oct. 2017.

A review of, In the Fields of the North/ En Los Campos del Norte by David Bacon

University of California Press, 2017, Democratic Left.(blog) Aug. 2017.

Reading Politics in a Time of Crisis: Podemos and the Future of European Democracy, Pablo Iglesias, (2015.) A review. Democratic Left, June, 2017.

Socialism and Immigration, Democratic Left.(blog) March, 2017.

We Can Resist Trump’s Immigration Orders, Democratic Left, Feb.10, 2017.

Writing Chicano/Latino History into the California Textbooks. July, 2016. Democratic Left.

Trump’s Racially Divisive Politics Must be Exposed and Opposed. Oct, 2,2015. Democratic Left. (blog)

About Hispanic Heritage Month, Democratic Left. Sept.2014, with Dolores Delgado-Campbell.

The Greek Economic Tragedy: How European Bankers Assaulted the Greek People. 2015. Democratic Left. June, 24, 2014.

Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and Strategic Racism. Beyond the Chron March 28,2014.

Cesar Chavez, the UFW, and Strategic Racism. Talking Union. March 27,2014.

The Contested Legacy of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, Democratic Left, March 23, 2014

Review: The Right to Stay Home: How U.S. Policy Drives Mexican Migration, David Bacon, in Talking Dec.5, 2013.

Divisions Grow on Immigration Reform, Democratic Left. Fall. 2013. P. 12.

The Continuing Struggle for Immigration Reform. Sept. 27, 2013.

Review; Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism Is Turning the Internet Against Democracy 2013.. by Robert Mc Chesney. On Democratic Left blog.

Austerity, Democratic Left. Spring 2013.

What is Right to Work? Democratic Left. Winter 2012.

Not so Grand of a Bargain. Sacramento News and Review. Dec. 6,2012.

Why is the vote on California Prop. 30 so close- and what we can do about it? Talking Union. Nov.1, 2012.

Regular publications.

The Gripes of Wrath. ( a review of Trampling out the Vintage.) Democratic Left. Fall. 2012.

Cornel West: Long Distance Runner for Justice. A review of Brother West;

Living and Loving Out Loud. Summer 2012. Democratic Left.

How the Anti Tax Argument is Framed. Choosing Democracy. March 24, 2012. Also posted on California Progress Report.

Trampling Out the Vintage ? A dissident’s view of the rise and the fall of the United Farm Workers union. (book review). Dec.27,2011. Talking Union.

Manning Marable ( obit) Democratic Left, 2011. Fall, V.039.

California Schools In Crisis. Democratic Left. Summer 2011.

The Achievement Gap Summit. Nov.19, 2007. California Progress Report.

Problems with California legislation on Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA), Pact, and some suggestions.” Feb. 2007. Cross Cultural Resource Center, CSU-Sacramento.

Teachers Manual for Choosing Democracy, Merrill, Prentice Hall. 2004.

César Chávez: "Presente" Duane E. Campbell. Democratic Left. 1994.

"How to Integrate Cooperative Learning for the Elementary Classroom Teachers," video program and teacher's guide, with Susan Heredia ,Superior Learning Programs, 1994.

``Social Studies and Social Participation,'' Social Studies Review, Fall, 1980.

Education for a Democratic Society: Multicultural Curriculum Ideas for Teachers, Schenkman Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 1980.

The Americans: A History of the United States. With E. Fenton.

1970, 1975. Holt, Rinehart.

Recent Presentations:

Faculty as Change Agents. SESI, Professional Development. Sacramento City College. Aug. 22, 2019.

Building allies. Hispanic Serving Institutions.

Peer Mentor Program. Latinos in Education. CSU-Sacramento. Aug. 21, 2019.

Central American Refugees Did Not Invade Us- We invaded them.

Sept 9, 2018. Sacramento Peace Action Forum.

Organizing for Social Change. Hispanic Serving Institutions Initiative.

Sacramento City College. Aug. 22, 2018

The Left and the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Progressive Forum, March 17, 2016, CSU-

Cesar Chavez : CSUS. Serna Center, Cesar Chavez day March 8, 2016.

Cesar Chavez and Union Organizing. Folsom Lake College. March 12, 2014.

“How to use the Chicano/Mexican American Digital History Site”, American River College. Feb.10, 2015.

Keynote: The 3rd Annual iMet Mini-Conference on Equity Issues in Education, CSU-Sacramento. August 1, 2009.

Organizing to change NCLB. 15th. annual Multicultural Education conference. CSU-Sacramento. March, 2009.

Testimony. The History/Social Science Framework for California Public Schools. Feb.4, 2009. Sacramento.

Keynote: Choosing Democracy: The 2rd Annual iMet Mini-Conference on Equity Issues in Education, CSU-Sacramento. August 1, 2008.

Testimony: History-Social Science Framework for California Schools. May,9, 2008. Sacramento

Schools and Economic Justice. Progressive Forum. CSU-Sacramento. Oct.4, 2007.

Immigration and teaching about Cesar Chavez, 13 th. Annual, Multicultural Education conference. CSU-Sacramento. March 2007.

“Teaching about Cesar Chavez,” 11 & 12. & 14. annual Multicultural Education conference, CSU-Sacramento. March. 2005-2007, 2008. .

“Where do we go from here; political organizing for educational justice.” 11th. annual Multicultural Education Conference. CSU-Sacramento. March 12,2005.

Envisioning a State of Learning: Observations on the California Master Plan for Higher Education, Envisioning California Conference. Sept. 2003. Sacramento, Calif.

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