News (2012)

News (2012)

CASoN 2012 & SNAM 4(1) (2014)

Our refereed CASoN 2012 paper titled "DIFSoN: discovering influential friends from social networks" was selected to be expanded for inclusion in a special issue of the Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining. The resulting journal article was published in SNAM 4(1) by Springer Wien in 2014.

CASoN 2012

On Thursday, November 22, 2012, Juan J. Cameron presented a refereed paper titled "DIFSoN: discovering influential friends from social networks", which he co-authored with his academic supervisor (Dr. Carson K. Leung) and his fellow lab member (Dr. Syed K. Tanbeer), in CASoN 2012 held in São Carlos - SP, Brazil. The paper was published by the IEEE Press.


Dr. Carson K. Leung serves as a Track Chair for of the Seventh International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2012, held November 12-14, 2012 in Victoria, BC, Canada), which is technically supported by IEEE Victoria Section. He oversees the Data Intensive Computing, Data Mining track. The conference proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Dr. Carson K. Leung also serves as a Track Chair for of the Seventh International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012, held November 12-14, 2012 in Victoria, BC, Canada), which is technically supported by IEEE Victoria Section. He oversees the Data Mining in Mobile Applications track. The conference proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

SCA 2012 Best Paper Award

Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba:


Best Paper Award

December 04, 2012

Dr. Carson K. Leung received the Best Paper Award at the 2012 International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications for his refereed paper titled "A network-flow based influence propagation model for social networks". The conference was technically cosponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing.

SCA 2012

International Conference on Social Computing and Its Applications (SCA) is a prime international forum for both researchers, industry practitioners and environment experts to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of social computing and broadly related areas. Last year, we had a regular paper in SCA 2011 held in Sydney, NSW, Australia. This year, we have two additional refereed regular papers for SCA 2012 held in Xiangtan (湘潭), Hunan, China:

    • Dr. Carson K. Leung won the Best Paper for SCA 2012 for his refereed paper titled "A network-flow based influence propagation model for social networks", which he co-authored with Dr. Wookey Lee, Justin Jongsu Song, and Chris Soo-Hyun Eom.

    • On Friday, November 02, 2012, Fan Jiang presented a refereed paper titled "Finding popular friends in social networks", which he co-authored with his academic supervisor (Dr. Carson K. Leung) and his fellow lab member (Dr. Syed K. Tanbeer).

Both papers were published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Invited Talk at U Regina

Seminar: Carson Leung, "Tree-Based Frequent Pattern Mining from Uncertain Data," Sept. 24, 2:30 pm, CL418

Title: Tree-Based Frequent Pattern Mining from Uncertain Data

Speaker: Dr. Carson K. Leung, University of Manitoba

Date: September 24

Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Room: CL418


Data mining aims to search for implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information that is embedded in the data. Since its introduction, frequent pattern mining (e.g., the mining of frequently purchased products or of frequently co-occurring events) has been the subject of numerous studies. Many mining algorithms developed in these studies find frequent patterns from traditional transaction databases, in which the content of each transaction-namely, items (e.g., commercial products, events, URLs)-is definitely known and precise. For example, by checking a Web log, we know for sure whether a URL is present in (or is absent from) a Web session, indicating whether or not the user has visited certain Websites. However, there are many real-life situations (e.g., secret-ballot vote, laboratory tests, medical diagnosis) in which the content of transactions is uncertain. For example, a physician may highly suspect (but cannot guarantee) that a patient suffers from flu. In this talk, I present tree-based mining algorithms to deal with these situations. The algorithms efficiently find frequent patterns from uncertain data, where each item in the transactions is associated with an existential probability value. Experimental results show the efficiency of these algorithms.

DaWaK '12 & LNCS TLDKS 11 (2015)

Our refereed DaWaK'12 paper titled " Mining popular patterns from transactional databases" was selected as one of the eight best papers in DaWaK'12 to be extended and enhanced for inclusion in a special issue of LNCS Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems (TLDKS Journal). The resulting journal article was published in TLDKS XXI (LNCS 9260) by Springer-Verlag in 2015.

UofM VP(RI) USRA 2012

Third-year undergraduate student Irish J.M. Medina, who is enrolled in the B.C.Sc.(Hons.) degree program, won a UofM Vice-President (Research and International) Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) to conduct a full-time 16-week research project in the area of data mining (social network mining) under the academic supervision of Dr. Carson K. Leung. Among ~23,000 undergraduate students across the campus, she was one of 80 winners of this award.

UBC CS Accomplished Alumni

Carson Leung (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.): Faculty, University of Manitoba

Tamer Ozsu's Visit

On Tuesday, May 29, 2012, Dr. M. Tamer Özsu (a Professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo), who is also an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow, gave a UofM CS seminar on "RDF data management using graph algorithms". M. Tamer Özsu and Patrick Valduriez co-authored the book titled Principles of Distributed Database Systems, 3e, Springer, 2011.

Jiang's MSc Defense

Only 19 months in his thesis-based MSc program, Fan Jiang successfully defensed his MSc thesis titled "Frequent pattern mining of uncertain data streams" on Thursday, March 22, 2012. Moreover, he has co-authored six refereed papers with his academic supervisor (Dr. Carson K. Leung).

Celebration of Excellence 2012

    1. Congratulation to Dr. Carson K. Leung, who was recognized as the only recipient from Computer Science for the University Research Grants Program (Established Staff) at the Celebration of Excellence organized by UofM Faculty of Science held Tuesday, February 07, 2012.

    2. Celebration of Excellence

      1. Faculty Awards

  1. University Research Grants Program (Established Staff)

      • Carson Leung (Computer Science)

Tanbeer's Teaching

Dr. Syed K. Tanbeer, a post-doctoral fellow in our lab, teaches:

    • distance & online education-based COMP 1260 (D01) (Introductory Computer Usage 1) in Winter 2012 from January 04 to April 05, 2012;

    • distance & online education-based COMP 1260 (D01) in Summer 2012 from April 30 to July 27, 2012;

    • lecture-based COMP 1260 A04 in Fall 2012 on every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 1:30pm-2:20pm in E2-110 EITC from September 07 to December 05, 2012; and

    • distance & online education-based COMP 1260 (D01) in Fall 2012 from September 06 to December 05, 2012.

By the end of 2012, Tanbeer has taught COMP 1260 six times (two lecture-based and four distance & online education-based).