News (2009)

News (2009)

SIGKDD Exp 11(2)

Kai Puolamäki, Alessio Bertone:

Introduction to the special issue on visual analytics and knowledge discovery.

ACM SIGKDD Explorations 11(2),

special issue on visual analytics and knowledge discovery:

3-4 (December 2009)

Leung and Carmichael present a visual analytic tool for frequent pattern mining. Their tool is equipped with several interactive features for effective visual support in the data analysis and KDD process for various real-life applications.

NSERC-JSPS Fellowship

Faculty of Science Annual Report 2008/09


Science is an international pursuit, and the activities of the Faculty of Science reflect this. Sample activities include:

    • M.Sc. student Mark Mateo (Computer Science) won an NSERC-JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) fellowship for a two month project in Japan.

IEEE CSE'09 Outstanding Leadership Award

Dr. Carson K. Leung received an IEEE CSE'09 Outstanding Leadership Award as a Program Vice-Chair of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE-09) held on August 29-31, 2009, in Vancouver, Canada.


    1. Dr. Carson K. Leung serves as a Program Vice-Chair for the 12th IEEE CSE'09 Conference (August 29-31, 2009 in Vancouver, BC, Canada). He oversees the Database and Data Mining Track for both the CSE'09 Conference and its associated SEC-09 Symposium.

    2. Robert C. H. Hsu, Ruppa K. Thulasiram:

    3. Message from the CSE 2009 Program Chairs.

    4. IEEE CSE 2009:

    5. xiii (August 2009)

      1. The final acceptance decisions were made after a high-quality review process that produced at least three reviews per paper (four or five reviews in most cases), involving more than 200 program committee members. Fortunately, we were well assisted by 13 Program Vice-Chairs, reputed experts in their fields: Parimala Thulasiraman (Intelligent and Bio-inspired Computing), Hai Jiang (Distributed and Parallel Computing), Carson K. Leung (Database and Data Mining), Jinjun Chen (Cluster, Grid, Cloud and P2P Computing), SeungJin Lim (Web Services and Internet Computing), Amiya Nayak (Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications), Nectarios Koziris (CSE Applications), Yiming Li (Scientific and Engineering Computing), Xue Liu (Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing), Geyong Min (Advanced Networking and Applications), Haklin Kimm (Security, Privacy and Trust), Jiman Hong (Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing), and Kinshuk (CSE Education). We gratefully thank them for assembling the program committee and for guiding the reviewing process. Thanks are extended to the program committee members and the additional reviewers who dedicated their valuable time and expertise to provide professional reviews working under a very tight schedule.

      2. Robert C. H. Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan

      3. Ruppa K. Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada

      4. CSE 2009 Program Chairs

U'09 & SIGKDD Exp 11(2)

Our refereed U'09 paper titled "Efficient algorithms for mining constrained frequent patterns from uncertain data" was selected as one of the two best papers in U'09 to be included in a special issue containing selected articles from KDD'09 Workshops in the ACM SIGKDD Explorations 11(2) published in December 2009.

EDBS (2009)


Jian Pei, Lise Getoor, Ander de Keijzer:

Summary of the First ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data (U'09).

ACM SIGKDD Explorations 11(2):

90-91 (December 2009)

In the paper titled "Efficient Algorithms for Mining Constrained Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data", Leung and Brajczuk argue that constrained frequent pattern mining from uncertain data is important since constrained frequent pattern mining and mining frequent patterns from uncertain data often happen in some common applications such as analyzing medical laboratory data. They developed interesting techniques, including an UF-tree data structure and a mining algorithm to push user constraints into the mining process.

C3S2E '09

    1. Dr. Carson K. Leung serves as a Program Chair for the C3S2E '09 Conference (May 19-21, 2009 in Montréal, QC, Canada). He and Dr. Bipin C. Desai are the editors of the Proceedings of C3S2E '09 Conference, which is published by the ACM Press.

    2. Bipin C. Desai:

    3. Preface.

    4. In Bipin C. Desai, Carson K. Leung, Olga Ormandjieva (Eds.):

    5. Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E 2009),

    6. Montréal, Quebec, Canada, May 19-21, 2009,

    7. ACM Press,

    8. ISBN 978-1-60558-401-0

      1. I am grateful to a number of people without whom we would not have been able to put the program together. These include our program co-chairs Carson K. Leung and Olga Ormandjieva, the program committee which has done an excellent job; we got 3.4 reviews per paper on the average.

      2. Bipin C. Desai

      3. General Chair

    9. Carson K. Leung, Olga Ormandjieva:

    10. Forward.

    11. In Bipin C. Desai, Carson K. Leung, Olga Ormandjieva (Eds.):

    12. Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering (C3S2E 2009),

    13. Montréal, Quebec, Canada, May 19-21, 2009,

    14. ACM Press,

    15. ISBN 978-1-60558-401-0

      1. Forward

      2. The Canadian Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (C3S2E) was established in 2008. C3S2E 2009 is the second annual meeting in the C3S2E conference series and is held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, during May 19-21, 2009. The conference aims to address the need of the academic community in computer science and software engineering. It brings together academics, government and industry professionals to discuss recent progress and challenges in a broad range of areas in the field of computer science and software engineering such as algorithms and theory, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, computer architecture, computer graphics, computer security, computer vision, data mining, databases, image processing, information retrieval, machine learning, as well as software engineering. C3S2E 2009 also serves as a platform for theoreticians and practitioners to exchange their original research ideas on academic or application aspects of computing and engineering of software systems, present their new findings on theoretical or practical aspects of computer science and software engineering, share their experiences on integrating new technologies into products and applications, discuss their work on applying computing and software engineering to real-life situations, describe their development and operations of challenging computing related systems, and identify unsolved challenges.

      3. Although it is the second time C3S2E is held, this comprehensive conference has grown from a Canadian conference into an international conference. For C3S2E 2009, we have made the following positive changes to enhance the conference. First, we have recruited many international experts in various areas of computer science and software engineering to join our team of international program committee. As a result, our Program Committee consists of professionals from different parts of the world including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, South Korea, UAE, UK, and USA. This committee has done an excellent job in finishing the single-blind review and on-line double-blind debate processes in record time. For example, on average, about 86% of reviews were submitted by the due date and about 3.5 reviews were received for each paper. Second, we have attracted many high-quality papers submitted by authors from various countries including Canada, Germany, Ireland, UK, and USA. The paper selection process was thorough and competitive. On average, each paper was refereed by at least three reviewers, and less than 17% of submissions were accepted as full research papers. Third, in addition to keeping the traditional sessions for research papers and student posters, we have also set up a session for position papers. This allows authors to give their opinions and vision on exploring new concepts and research directions. This year, we have a rich program that spans over three days (May 19-21, 2009). It consists of two invited talks (by Alain Abran from École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) and Laks V.S. Lakshmanan from The University of British Columbia (UBC)), ten full and nine short research papers, five position papers, and ten student posters.

      4. This conference would not have been possible without the help and effort of many people and organizations. We thank ACM Press, BytePress, Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), Concordia University, and The University of Manitoba for their support of this conference. We also express our thanks to Bipin C. Desai, the General Chair of C3S2E 2009, for his valuable advice and suggestions towards the conference. We are grateful to members of the Program Committee for their professionalism and dedication in the process of judging the contributions of papers and producing constructive comments to the authors.

      5. Carson K. Leung, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

      6. Olga Ormandjieva, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada

      7. Program Chairs of C3S2E 2009

Celebration of Excellence 2009

    1. Excellence of Dr. Carson K. Leung and one of his lab members were recognized at the Celebration of Excellence organized by UofM Faculty of Science held Tuesday, February 10, 2009:

      • Congratulation to Dr. Carson K. Leung, who was recognized as one of the faculty members who were promoted in 2008.

      • Congratulation to Mark Anthony F. Mateo, who was recognized as a recipient of the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF). Among all Master's and PhD students, he was one of 13 new recipients of this award.

    2. Faculty of Science Celebration of Excellence

      1. Faculty Awards

  1. Faculty members who were promoted in 2008

      • Carson Leung, Computer Science (Associate Professor)

      1. Student Awards

  1. University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships

  2. New

      • Mahbubul Haque, Mark Mateo (Computer Science)

EDWM 2e (2009)

    1. Topic: Association

    2. John Wang:

    3. Preface.

    4. In Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, Second Edition:

    5. xiii-xxviii (August 2008 ©2009)

    6. ISBN 978-1-60566-010-3

      1. Leung provides a comprehensive overview of constraint-based association rule mining, which aims to find interesting relationships—represented by association rules that satisfy user-specified constraints—among items in a database of transactions. The author describes what types of constraints can be specified by users and discusses how the properties of these constraints can be exploited for efficient mining of interesting rules.