History of UofM CS

UofM Computer Science: History

In the early days, one of the common ways of introducing computer science into Canadian universities was through the establishment of a graduate program, which often came before the creation of an undergraduate program. At the University of Manitoba, an Institute for Computer Studies, offering a Master's degree in Computer Science, first appears in the 1966-67 calendar.

In 1970, the Department of Computer Science was formed, with Dr. Ralph Stanton as the first Head, and a 3-year Major program appeared as its first undergraduate degree. A 4-year Honours program quickly followed in the 1971-1972 academic year, and the first Honours graduates received their degrees in 1973. In 1973, a PhD program was added, with the first doctorate awarded in that same year. In the 1975-1976 academic year, the department established a Summer Employment option, which matured into an Honours Co-operative option in 1982-1983—the first Co-op degree program offered at the University of Manitoba.

In 1982, a new 4-year Major degree in Computer Science was introduced, replacing the old 3-year program.