Future Students

Prospective Graduate Students

For future or prospective graduate students (for M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree programs): You should email ONLY to

dblab [AT] cs.umanitoba.ca

the following documents: (1) your CVs/resumes, and (2) transcripts of ALL your previous degrees. In addition, you are strongly encouraged to include your (3) Statements of Intent/Interests or a 1-page Research Proposal, (4) publications, (5) biographical sketch, and (6) test results of English language proficiency (e.g., CanTEST, IELTS, TOEFL).

Useful links:

    • Graduate programs in Computer Science

        • Expected duration (M.Sc.): 2 years

        • Expected duration (Ph.D.): 3-4 years

        • Possible start dates: September (preferred), January, May

        • General enquiry: Email to Ms. Hermiston (Dept admin assistant): hermisto [AT] cs.umanitoba.ca

    • Students graduated with

      • B.C.Sc.(Hons.) are expected to have completed COMP 3030, 3170, 3350, 3370, 3430, 4620 + seven 4th year COMP courses

      • B.Sc.(Hons.) in CS-Math are expected to have completed COMP 3030, 3170, 3370, 3430 + three 3rd year COMP courses + three 4th year COMP courses

      • B.Sc.(Hons.) in CS-Phys are expected to have completed COMP 3170, 3430 + three 3rd/4th year COMP courses + three 4th year COMP courses

      • B.Sc.(Hons.) in CS-Stat are expected to have completed COMP 3170, 3380 + two 3rd year COMP courses + two 4th year COMP courses

      • FGS - graduate awards database

      • Travel awards (e.g., GSA conference grants award: $750 for those giving presentations in conferences outside North America, $500 in North America, $200 in Manitoba, $100 in Winnipeg)

        • CS $350, Sc $350

        • Undergraduate: SSA $500, UMSU $360

        • Graduate: UMGSA $750, FGS $1000

Graduate application