Literature Talk. The Picture of Dorian Gray

This year we are going to do lots of talking, in English, about the books you chose to read. We are going to have our "Literature Talks", which are going to be recorded and shared with the world.

As there are so many of you in the class this is the way you are going to work:

  • Get yourselves organised in groups of 5/6 people.

  • Discuss the questions given here plus any other aspects of the novel which caught your attention while reading.

  • Choose a spokesperson.

  • In the last 10 minutes the spokesperson from each group will have to share their group's ideas with the rest of the class.


  1. "It is better to be ugly and stupid, and live in peace". Do you agree?

  2. "I know nothing about my wife and she knows nothing about me". What does Lord Henry mean with these words?

  3. References to homosexuality in these first 5 chapters.

  4. "Fear of society, or morals, and fear of God, or religion govern us." Discuss.

  5. Explain why Chapter 1 is called "The Wish". What is Dorian's wish?

  6. How is the literary topic Carpe Diem connected to Lord Henry?

  7. "The problem is that today people know the price of everything and the value of nothing". What does this sentence say about 19th century society? Do you think it could also be applied to 21st century society?

  8. Describe Sybil's social background. Describe the theatre where she works.

  9. How does Dorian react to Sybil's acting the first time? And the second? What does this suggest about Dorian's feelings towards her?

  10. In which ways are Sybil and Juliet similar?

  11. Explain how the portrait changes when Dorian dumps Sybil.

  12. When Sybil dies, Lord Henry persuades Dorian to go to the opera with him. How does Basil react to this?

  13. Is there anything about the relationship between Dorian and Basil which surprises you? And about the one between Dorian and Lord Henry?

Listen to the audios by clicking on the class or on the photo:




  1. "Dorian lived for the senses. The senses were his philosophy". Explain. Try to connect this to the Romantic literary movement.

  2. Does London society like Dorian?

  3. "People in London are saying terrible things about you". Who says these words? How does Dorian react to them?

  4. "The picture has destroyed me". Explain.

  5. "Then come and look at my soul. It's your work". Dorian says this to Basil. Explain why.

  6. How does Dorian behave right after killing Basil?

  7. "A man can be happy with a woman if he doesn't love her". Explain Lord Henry's words.

  8. "I like men with a future and women with a past". Explain Lord Henry's words.

  9. Describe the Opium den Dorian goes to in chapter 8.

  10. Explain how Dorian saves his life when James Vane tries to avenge his sister.

  11. How does James Vane die? How does Dorian feel after James' death?

  12. At the end of the book Dorian says to Lord Henry that although he is still young, he's not the same. Explain why.

  13. Explain the picture's revenge.

  14. Do you like the way the book ends?

  15. Who is your favourite character? Why?

  16. Did you enjoy the book? Would you recommend it? Why/Why not?

Listen to the audios by clicking on the photo: