
FWIW - Most of the original video clip links on this page have been permanently disabled due to the closure of our third party clip editing service. Please pardon this loss. Perhaps there may be some value remaining in just the notes.

Healing... an expression of God's love to the world ...

Healthy foundation: pursue love / desire spiritual gifts ... the more excellent order ...

Pursuing healing from self-centered motive/how I am used vs. motive of love - 1 Cor. 13 - (3:24)

Additional Sections:

    1. The will of God to heal all sick ... look to Jesus for the revealed will of God ...

    2. Answering objections ... thorn in the flesh, Timothy's stomach, Trophimus, Job, God allows it, not everyone gets healed, my sickness glorifies God, must repent first, must believe first, must forgive first ...

    3. Faith ... faith arises through knowing the will of God to heal ... and works through love ...

    4. Prayer of faith ... relationship of love that spontaneously produces faith that releases the kingdom ...

    5. The Kingdom is here ... we are the embodiment of Christ ...

    6. Overcoming apprehension ... faith will always be required ...

    7. Stepping out ... it's who we are ...

    8. Remaining in faith ... stay in the perspective of faith no matter what ...

    9. Growing up into Him ... called to walk in a revelation despite not everything yet in subjection ...

    10. Remission of sins / Healing ... the connection between remission of sins and healing ...

11. Reacting/Responding to Loss ... We can't afford to let our losses and hurts cloud the truth ...

12. Healing focused videos

1. The will of God to heal (all sick) ... look to Jesus for the revealed will of God ...

Jesus is the revealed will of God - explaining our experience - (2:32)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - "the tada of God" - v(:53)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - supporting scriptures - (1:13)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - supporting scriptures - (2:27)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 1:14 - the Word became flesh

Jesus is the revealed will of God - Heb. 1:2 - has spoken to us by His Son

Jesus is the revealed will of God - Heb. 1:3 - the radiance of His glory - exact representation of His nature

Jesus is the revealed will of God - Col. 1:15 - the image of the invisible God

Jesus is the revealed will of God - 2 Cor. 4:4 - Christ - the image of God

Jesus is the revealed will of God - Luke 9:35 - My Son - listen to Him - Moses (law) & Elijah (prophets) - (2:10)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 5:19+ - only what He sees His Father doing

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 14:6 - I am the way, the truth, the life

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 14:7+ - seen me - seen the Father

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 1:18 - no one ever seen God - (1:08)

Jesus is the revealed will of God - John 17:6,7 - I have manifested your name - everything comes from You

Jesus is the revealed will of God - Heb. 10:5 - I have come to do thy will, O God

Jesus is the revealed will of God - 1 John 5:20 - given us understanding that we may know Him

All sick - John 21:25 - profuse number of great works

All sick - never said "not your time" - (:36)

All sick - Acts 10:38 - healing all - oppressed by the devil

All sick - Matt. 10:7,8 - heal the sick - everyone - (:37)

All sick - Matt 10:1 - every disease - 12 disciples sent out

All sick - Luke 10:9,17 - whatever city - heal the sick - 70 more sent out

All sick - James 5:14 - any among you sick? - (:11) - no excl. - (1:46)

Through believers - John 20:21 - as the Father has sent me, so I am sending you

Through believers - Matt 28:19,20 - teaching them to observe all - (1:27)

Through believers - Mark 16:17,18 - these signs shall follow - those who believe - (:23)

Through believers - John 14:12 - he who believes in me - the things I do, you'll do

Through believers - Matt 10:25 - enough for a disciple to be like his teacher

Through believers - No limit - Luke 10:19 - I give you authority - over all the power of the enemy

Through believers - No limit - Mark 11:23,24 - whatever you ask - believe - it shall be yours

Through believers - No limit - Matt. 21:22 - whatever you ask - believing - you will receive

Through believers - No limit - Matt. 17:20 - you will say - mountain will move - nothing impossible

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil - 1 John 3:8

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil - Acts 10:38 - healing all - oppressed by the devil - (:24)

Enemy behind sickness - Luke 13:16 - whom Satan has bound

Enemy behind sickness - finger print of sickness - thief - steal, kill, destroy - (:34)

Enemy behind sickness - sickness arises from fall - degeneration - (:35)

Great exploits - Daniel 11:32 - those who know - relationship - do great exploits

* - Selected transcriptions - The Will of God to Heal

2. Answering objections ... thorn in the flesh, Timothy's stomach, Trophimus, Job, God allows it, not everyone gets healed, my sickness glorifies God, must repent first, must believe first, must forgive first ...

NT objection - life of Paul - 2 Cor. 12:7 - thorn in the flesh - "sickness" not used - persecution - (4:57)

NT objection - life of Paul - 1 Tim. 5:23 - Timothy's stomach - (see general clips below)

NT objection - life of Paul - 2 Tim. 4:20 - Paul left Trophimus sick at Miletus - (see general clips below)

A: NT objection - life of Paul - Jesus is the model not Paul - (5:13)

A: NT objection - life of Paul - Jesus is the model not Paul - Oh that I may know Him - Phil 3:10 - (4:07)

NT objection - life of Jesus - Matt. 13:58 - Mark 6:5 - Jesus in hometown - Acts 10:38 - all - (2:00)

NT objection - life of Jesus - only one healed at pool of Bethesda - (:47)

NT objection - Yeah, but He didn't heal everyone - man at Beautiful Gate - pool of Bethesda - (2:37)

OT objection - Job - "but God allows it" - sovereignty of God - @ 2:01:30 to end, (16:04)

A: OT objections - Job - Adam lost authority to God's enemy - "god of this world" - (1:58)

A: OT objections - Job - not everything that happens is God - destroyed for lack of knowledge - (2:25)

A: OT objections - Job - permission slip from God? - "god of this world" - subverts faith to fight - (1:14)

A: OT objections - Job - "God allowed it" - God allows us to stand and fight - (:50)

A: OT objections - Job - [Bill Johnson on "What about Job?" - quote]

A: OT objections - Job - "but God allows it" - control vs. sovereignty - (9:31)

A: OT objections - if everything that happens is God's will then why pray "Thy will be done"? - Matt 6:10

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why is satan called "ruler of this world"? - John 12:31; 14:30

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why is satan called "god of this world/age"? - 2 Cor. 4:4

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why is satan called "prince of the powers"? - Eph. 2:2

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will then what are we struggling against? - Eph. 6:12

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will how is satan said to have power/domain? - Acts 26:18; Col 1:13

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why is it said "the whole world is under the sway..." - 1 John 5:19

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will what "works of the devil" needed destroying? - 1 John 3:8

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will how could anyone be "oppressed by the devil"? - Acts 10:38

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will how could anyone be "bound by satan"? - Luke 13:16

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why are we told to "resist the devil?" - James 4:7

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why would we need to pray "deliver us from evil"? - Matt. 6:13

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why pray "protect them from the evil one"? John 17:15

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will what need would there be to "subdue" the earth - Gen 1:28

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why announce that the "kingdom of God is here"? - Mark 1:15

A: OT objections - if everything is God's will why would anyone ever need to repent? - Mark 1:15

A: OT objections - if just sovereignty then why do you have the sword, promises - why pray? - (:42)

A: OT objections - God's will that all be saved - 1 Tim 2:4 Are all saved? No.

A: OT objections - God's will that all repent - Ezekiel 33:11 - Do all repent? No.

A: OT objections - if God subcontracts evil then how is it said "in Him is no darkness at all"? - 1 John 1:5

A: OT objections - in general - God has spoken by a Son - (6:40)

A: OT objections - in general - strategy of the enemy - confuse the belief system - (1:46)

A: OT objections - in general - promises are to believers - subverts belief - (1:14)

Objection from experience - "not everyone gets healed" - so it can't be His will that all sick be healed - (see sec. 9)

A: Jesus is our Teacher, not experience - if not in life or mouth of Jesus throw out - (12:26)

A: Epileptic boy - Was it the will of God to heal the boy? Was he healed when the disciples prayed? - (1:18)

A: Epileptic boy - Was it the will of God to heal the boy? Was he healed when the disciples prayed? - (1:08)

A: Epileptic boy - Was it the will of God to heal the boy? Was he healed when the disciples prayed? - (:44)

A: Epileptic boy - for more on the epileptic boy see "Growing up into Him" section below

Objection - "my sickness glorifies God" - then why get out of the lesson? - (1:18)

Objection - person must repent first - not Malcus - no prerequisites - don't subvert you own faith - (:38)

Objection - person must repent first - not Malcus - Jesus heals an enemy - mercy triumphs - (:28)

Objection - person must have faith - John 12:37 - Jesus healed in the face of unbelief - (:50)

Objection - person must have faith - love crushes everything: sin, unbelief - (:31)

Objection - person must have faith - Pool of Bethsaida - man didn't even know who healed him - (1:20)

Objection - person must turn from sin - sin doesn't disqualify - cursing - we all smelled like sin - (1:29)

Objection - I need to wait for the anointing - (:47)

Objection - we can't really know the will of God - John 15:15 - Eph. 5:17 - Rom 12:2 - 2 Tim. 2:15

Objection - we can't really know the will of God - understand the will of the Lord - another voice - (2:22)

Objection - we can't really know the will of God - mystery revealed - Christ in us - Col. 1:27

Objection - Healing stopped with the disciples - (2:42)

The nature of objections in general - anti-anointing - He's not enough - He won't flow - (:36)

3. Faith ... springs up through knowing Him - knowing His nature, understanding His will, realizing what He has done through the finished work of Christ, realizing who I am with Him in me, realizing His love for others - and that kind of understanding comes only through communion with Him - faith flows out of knowing Him ...

God works His purposes (His will) through His way (love) because that's who He is. God is love. How will men know/see who God is unless He expresses Himself among us through love?

It's only because we know Him that we can have confidence (faith) in who He is.

Seeing the gospel for the person.

Faith works through love - knowing His nature - understanding His will - spontaneous result - (1:04) *

Faith works through love - begins with will of God - flows through love - (:48) *

Faith works through love - not just by just knowing what the Bible says - apart from relationship - (1:00) *

Faith works through love - automatic response of being in communion with God - not trying - (:38)

Faith works through love - have faith in God - not our prayers - sure & settled on the will of God - (3:08)

Settle the will of God - faith arises from knowing the will of God to heal - Dan Mohler (1:20) *

... if you don't understand the will of God in a matter how can you have faith? You just have hope that the need gets changed ...

Settle the will of God - basis for faith - subcontracting devil? - (2:30)

... when you don't understand who God is, when you don't know the will of God you can't have faith, you can't set your confidence in a thing, because you don't know where God stands ... you're reduced to hoping ...

Faith is a revelation of the finished work of Christ - faith is seeing - (:13)

Seeing the will of God for the situation initiates faith - (:56) *

Believe - fully convinced, persuaded - breathed into dirt - (1:22)

* - Selected transcriptions - Faith

4. Prayer of faith ... relationship of love that spontaneously produces faith that releases the kingdom ...

What you believe - see the mountain - know who you are - will of God - address mountain - (:23) *

What you believe - who you are, the love of God & the finished work of Christ - not Bible quotation - (:47)

What you believe - love of God & the finished work of Christ - (:20) *

What you believe - in God - love of God, finished work of Christ & God's ability to change the situation - (1:07)

What you believe - in God - that He loves the person and paid the price for their redemption - (:24)

NOT what you pray but what you believe - not principles applied - love & finished work - (:25) *

NOT what you pray but what you believe - about what He has already done and His love for us - (1:14) *

NOT what you pray but what you believe - not just confession - believing with heart - (:26) *

NOT what you're doing - not a works thing - it's the Kingdom of God in you - quote

NOT a method - revelation of love - love spontaneously producing faith that releases the kingdom - (1:03) *

NOT "if it be Your will" prayers - we're supposed to know the will of God - (3:29) *

NOT problem driven prayers - we pray because we have an answer - Christ has come - (:17) *

NOT problem driven prayers - we pray because know who God is - His heart - (1:12) *

NOT fear based - fingers crossed - hope so - pray from position of promise & covenant - (1:27) *

NOT fear based - fear of death, vulnerability, cancer - I'm never going to die - sound mind - (7:05)

NOT fear based - fear of condition - visual - reverencing condition rather than God - (1:03)

NOT need driven prayer - fear & desperation - be motivated by love - love casts out fear - (:28) *

NOT need driven prayer - principles to be applied - faith works through love - growing - (1:47) *

NOT ask amiss prayers - wrong motives - get nothing - James 4:3 - quote

NOT ask amiss prayers - wrong motives - for your own reasons - (:16)

* - Selected transcriptions - Prayer of Faith & What a Prayer of Faith is Not

5. The Kingdom is here ... we are the embodiment of Christ ...

He lives in me - When I touch He touches - false humility stops the kingdom - Dan Mohler (:40) *

He lives in me - two have become one - when you touch I'll flow - false humility: get over it - (:32)

He lives in me - one with Him - His Spirit dwells in us - I touch because He wants to touch - (:59) *

He lives in me - we are the embodiment of God's anointing - He flows though the believer - (1:34)*

He lives in me - Can you picture Jesus praying and nothing happening? - get that picture for you - (1:13) *

He lives in me - the kingdom is here in the person of the Holy Spirit - (1:01)

He lives in me - in the person of the Holy Spirit - (:44)

Nicodemus - experiencing the kingdom - born again - out of Adam into Christ - quote

* - Selected transcriptions - The Kingdom is Here

6. Overcoming apprehension ... faith will always be required ...

First sign of believer - hands on sick - if we don't stop the sick it reveals we don't believe - (1:46)*

First sign of believer - hands on sick - if not reveals that you don't believe God will heal thru you - (2:26) *

Get in and swing the bat - game passing by - don't be afraid to strike out - some home runs, hits - (1:11)

Get in and swing the bat - don't let your statistics out weigh His promise - (1:18)

What if God doesn't show up? - faith will always be required - faith working through love - (2:48) *

No pressure - can't fail - just love people - no agenda - sow seed - (1:49)

Perspective on rejection/disappointment - approach people for them - (:48) *

Perspective on rejection - impossible - in not out - accepted by God - (:58) *

Reject self-consciousness - He works through Him in you - quote

Reject self-consciousness - Christ in you - hope of glory - can't contain it - quote

* - Selected transcriptions - Overcoming Apprehension

7. Stepping out ... it's who we are ...

In general - not outreach but a lifestyle of love - who we are - (:56) *

In general - not what we do but who we are - become one with the heart of God - quote

In general - not going out to be affirmed but because we are already affirmed - (2:07)

In general - love as you go vs. outreach - no strings - can't fail - (5:01)

Approach the sick - highlighted vs. everyone - (:22)

Approach the sick - don't wait for word of knowledge - God has already given green light - (1:09)

Asking to pray - quick to ask - kind gesture - (1:45)

Asking to pray - don't ask too many questions - (:32)

Prayer - short, authoritative prayer - (:31)

Prayer - short - not your prayer that heals - (:38)

Prayer - (praying out loud not even required) - (1:20)

Check it now - (:16)

Check it now - no exaggerations - be honest - (:31)

Pain gone - (1:10)

Some better - (1:36)

Repeated prayer - persistence in praying - (:52)

Repeated prayer - Jesus prays for the blind man twice - Mark 8:22+

No change - see "remaining in faith" below - (3:21)

No change - thanks for the privilege of praying -(1:45)

Pain moves - (2:35)

Pain moves - spirit of infirmity - attaches to natural knowledge of past injury - (1:42)

Gets worse - (2:02)

Tell them - the kingdom of God - magnify God - (:24)

Tell them - the kingdom of God - as grace allows - as best you can - (1:01)

No agenda other than love - give them Jesus - (:34)

No agenda other than love - no manipulation - the goodness of God leads men to repentance - (1:17)

No agenda other than love - unconditional - (1:08)

* - Selected transcriptions - Stepping Out

8. Remaining in faith ... stay in the perspective of faith no matter what ...

Keeping your heart in a position to receive - faith is not one or the other - (:46) *

Keeping your heart in a position to receive - refuse to let perspective drop - (:55) *

Not hit/miss, win/lose - thank them for the honor of praying - back out humbly - (1:04)*

Not hit/miss, win/lose - not point in time - position of the heart to receive - His love never fails - (1:27)

* - Selected transcriptions - Remaining in Faith

9. Growing up into Him ... called to walk in a revelation despite not everything yet in subjection ...

If a mountain doesn't move - honor truth over your experience - grow up into Him - (1:36) *

If a mountain doesn't move - Heb. 2:8 - fix eyes on Jesus (Truth) - grow in love, understanding - (2:14)*

If a mountain doesn't move - don't be presumptuous - God take me in deeper - evidence of faith - (:26) *

If a mountain doesn't move - don't assume it's not God's will - we've still got issues - grow into - (1:34)*

Nothing can stop the power of God - except representative - issues in their belief - (:20)

We have room to grow - we're recovering from the fall - trained in the world's wisdom - (:19)

Grow until His experience is mine - my birthright (born again) - (1:13)

Epileptic boy - Matt. 17 - Mark 9 - will of God to heal - even when circumstances seem to indicate otherwise

Epileptic boy - full teaching - failed to heal because your unbelief - your inability to see - v(15:13)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 2:28)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - HCSKL day 31 (beginning at 222:52 ~6:30 duration)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - HCSKL day 32 (beginning at 29:44)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 121:58)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 12:06)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 107:45)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 132:05)

Epileptic boy - full teaching - (beginning at 3:30)

Epileptic boy - "faithless & perverse generation" - twisted minded - twisted at the fall - (:49)

Epileptic boy - "faithless & perverse generation" - effects of the fall of man - self-consciousness - (1:08)

Epileptic boy - "faithless & perverse generation" - twisted minded - you don't know who you are - (:32)

Epileptic boy - "faithless & perverse generation" - minds touched by fall - unbelief in midst of "faith" - (:24)

Epileptic boy - "how long shall I bear with you" - He's getting ready to leave soon - it's urgent - (:29)

Epileptic boy - "how long shall I bear with you" - I'm handing you the baton - you've got to get this - (:19)

Epileptic boy - "how long shall I bear with you" - I'm handing you the baton soon - (:31)

Epileptic boy - disciples had the green light to heal, otherwise Jesus wouldn't have corrected - (1:02)

Epileptic boy - disciples had the green light to heal - (:14)

Epileptic boy - "bring the boy to me" - let me show you who you are called to be - (:24)

Epileptic boy - "why couldn't we cast it out?" - because of what you fail to see - mind spinning - (:43)

Epileptic boy - "why couldn't we cast it out?" - because of your unbelief - what you fail to see - mind - (1:04)

Epileptic boy - "why couldn't we cast it out?" - visual condition - mind goes into gear - (2:00)

Epileptic boy - "if you have faith" - if you see what I see, you'll do what I do - nothing impossible - (:51)

Epileptic boy - "if you have faith" - if you see - nothing will be impossible for you - (:28)

Epileptic boy - "nothing will be impossible for you" - not God, you - (1:07)

Epileptic boy - "this kind" - this kind of thinking apart from me - comes out through prayer & fasting - (:43)

Epileptic boy - "this kind" - spirit vs. unbelief - twisted thinking - mind needs to be renewed - (:28)

Epileptic boy - "this kind" - seeing self differently than the way God sees you thru the finished work - (:45)

Epileptic boy - "this kind" - of unbelief - self-conscious, fallen kind of thinking - (:45)

* - Selected transcriptions - Growing Up into Him

(praying does not equal faith; the evidence of faith is that the mountain moves)

10. Forgiveness of sin / Healing ... the connection between forgiveness of sin and healing ...

Paralytic lowered through roof - (3:19)

Serpent on pole - healing and forgiveness of sin - - (:24)

Serpent on pole - what caused sickness was cursed - (1:51)

Marks of sin - just as if I never sinned - He bore the punishment of sin - redeemed - (:42)

Marks of sin - if sin goes, marks of sin must go too - quote

Marks of sin - marks of sin can't stick to righteousness - (1:31)

Marks of sin - what the blood forgives the body removes - (2:00)

11. Reacting/Responding to Loss ... We can't afford to let our losses and hurts cloud the truth about who God is and what He has said about healing. Neither should we feel condemned. Rather we get up and run the rest of the race well. the answer is not in rewriting the word for self protection - to keep me from getting hurt... bigger picture than now / me - get up and run the race well...

Experiencing loss will cause you to either draw closer or rewrite what God has said - (:26)

Explanations for things we're confused about - at the cost of truth - way that seems right to man - (:32)

12. Healing focused videos:

HCSKL 2011 - Days 19 & 31 onward

HCSKL 2010 - Days 35 onward

Dan Mohler - Healing & Deliverance @ Power & Love North Carolina - 4

School of Healing - KHOP San Diego 2015 - Days 1-5

Please note: This web site is neither authored by nor associated with Dan Mohler or Neck Ministries and is intended for noncommercial educational purposes.