
"I've got to tell you some of these stories so you see what's wrong with me..."

Personal background & family:

Growing up - grandma canning - cousin - football practice @ 152:10

Growing up - not vulnerable - Daniel Boone style - drinking unclean water @ 108:48

Growing up - engagement - throwing Bible at wall @ 19:19

Giving up on church - praying a prayer to go to heaven - no life change @ 23:00

Conversion - failing marriage @ 30:10, 112:24

Woke up praying in tongues @ 103:14

Reactions to conversion - wife @ 46:14; 123:52; father @ 12:11

Intercession for Dan - old friends pull to side of road and intercede @ 140:47

Kidney stone - prayer - surgery appointment - trip to Montana @ 44:25

Water baptism - (1:32)

Working after salvation - 2.5 yrs. more at warehouse - persecution - salvations @ 209:01

Prayer meetings before work come to end over covenant, communion & God's will to heal @ 112:02

At the pool - impact on others around you @ 10:32

Call to pastoring - said no three times to becoming full-time pastor @ 57:22

A break from full-time pastoring - 6 mo. period - Robbie/purple spike/hair/flu @ 134:50

A break from full-time pastoring - after 2 yrs - interview - orientation/flu - supervisor - forklift @ 104:47

A break from full-time pastoring - training for job - trainer has flu @ 152:25

Prophecy - visiting pastors - You're my prize race horse - I'm going to ride you to the finish line @ 53:07

Hunting - used to hunt all the time - deer - how long does it take? @ 219:53; turkey @ 226:08

Neck Ministries - set up - purpose - CPA @ 111:05; 102:57

Wife in coma - visit with son - prayer - I don't see what you see - not determined by circumstances @ 42:55

Son's return home after resentment - note in Bible - breathing problems when young @ 24:43

Mother's graveside service - no complaining @ 28:26

More Encounters with God:

Fear & trembling before God - cyclone - cold vs. lukewarm vs. hot - hypocrisy @ 114:05

Obedience / repentance - Give her your Bible @ 49:26

Access/ communion - going on an early morning run with Holy Spirit @ 213:26

Holy Spirit keeps us - Boy, Dan now would be a good time to practice that stuff you preach @ 108:42

Consistency - sin conscious for a moment - since then a son - wrecked in worship @ 130:57

God delights in our company - open vision - Shhhh, my son has come to talk with Me @ 214:01

Read the word to become the word - stay in Philippians 2 (13 weeks) @ 148:50

Obedience - cleaning up under bridge - next you'll be cleaning up spiritual stuff @ 139:25

Praying to go to mission field - my Son laid down His life for those who rejected Him @ 216:16

Vision: standing on rock (Christ) - 4 vines (love) from feet around rock - rooted and grounded love @ 111:24

Trial of fire - headaches for 2 weeks - makes me untouchable - not just theory @ 209:21

Praying for the sick - arm would feel like it was vibrating - living by feelings - unlimited - (2:21)

Revelation of relationship - don't read Bible to preach, read to know me - speak from who I am in you @ 16:09

Need to manifest vs. Jesus preached - right motive - Ken doll - no ability to speak @ 41:15

Encounters with demonic:

Importance of discernment - first experience with demonic - ladies worshipping Jesus - song @ 213:40

Familiar spirits - son can't breathe - second time - My daddy knows Jesus @ 138:31/146:45/207:09

Not every thought is yours - cursing against Holy Spirit - turn it around, how you do feel @ 17:30

Discerning of spirits - left keys in dark sanctuary - creaky door @ 104:37/127:38

Discerning of spirits - kids not normal on Sunday morning - fighting - depressed @ 116:53

Discerning of spirits - elderly neighbor lady - harassed by spirits in her home @ 120:50

Discerning of spirits - man prays for Dan - stop him now @ 145:15

Vision: darkness celebration of the crucifixion - kill - can't stop God - we can stop man @ 30:08; 56:18

Not vulnerable - false doctrine sneaking into home groups - lady fried @ 128:20

Witchcraft - demon into bedroom - part of leg story - come to put sickness in leg - blurry vision @ 236:08

Witchcraft - witches at church - demon - leg story - hospital/doctor - boy healed - going to church @ 37:57

Witchcraft - arm story - kids raised arms - don't believe the lie - open vision: crystal waterfall @ 107:32

Fear not - left keys on stage - blind eyes - leukemia - Todd - persists - familiar spirits outside @ 141:18

Illustrations/stories from life:

Need to be established before storm - false police report - interrogation @ 10:14

Helping others with other than money - man sleeping in truck - prayer meeting - breakfast @ 105:52

Getting people on their feet - crack addicts move in with the Mohlers - keys to Jeep @ 49:55

Importance of talking to Jesus vs. getting ministry from others - the Mohlers' answering machine @ 13:31

Knowing about vs. knowing - neighbor Anne - cries when thinks Mohlers are moving @ 10:02

Persecution - at work - 55:08

Danger of judging early - Woman coworker - tried to give you a lollipop but you wouldn't try it @ 54:39

Dangers of gossip / hearsay - false accusations against Dan - @ 138:55; 231:57

Narrow way - lady final thesis - Unitarian? - spiritual & open minded - access narrow @ 110:01

Wedding - wind - Holy Spirit attends splits into and encircles, draws together @ 47:03; 129:56

Wedding/communion - at girls' home - He doesn't want concubine but wife @ 157:09

Water baptism - teenager baptized in hotel bath tub @ 30:53

Water baptism - die to self - big ceramic toilet baptismal @ 113:13

Water baptism - 17 yr. old stands to feet - singing about you - pushing back - wet hair lady @ 25:10

Water baptism / prophecy - sprinkles/glimpses - water bottle - pour it over her @ 110:40

Worshiping on mountain top - lady from town watching @ 203:11

Continuing in sin - man stands up in service - You need a revelation of Christ @ 34:15

Dying Catholic man holds on for six days - conversions @ 50:56

Sacrament of communion - tradition vs. life change - Catholic funeral - 2 young people @ 122:49

Not vulnerable - giving blood - pure blood - it's almost like you're not in the world @ 43:02 & 46:38

Not vulnerable - tick bite - ring - Lyme disease @ 50:03

Robed in righteousness - speeding ticket - court - verdict - "as if you never did it" @ 231:35

Don't be talked out of faith - torn knee - 5 mo. rehab @ 217:35

Pride - macho thing - torn knee at work @ 12:05

Impatient to grow - beans not coming up - my people do it all the time @ 134:31

15 yr. old martyr - Indonesia - I don't know about Allah - I'm a soldier in the army of Christ @ 47:08/103:01

Physical loss - understand the bigger picture - funeral for 10 yr. old - mom in prison @ 119:56

Loving people - Billy - homeless man - Walmart @ 45:05; 34:22

Loving on people - word of knowledge - man working on car - lady in restaurant @ 7:11/11:49/16:13

Loving on people - crack addict backslides - prostitute @ 110:31

Loving with no strings attached - fun event in the park - no one comes - man on crutches @ 3:34

Will of God to heal vs. loss experienced - pastor gets mad - you're a heretic! @ 136:11/142:52/147:26

Being vs. doing - storm the city - I believe Jesus loves me but I don't believe you do @ 113:22

Shining in adversity - intercessors - brand new truck - wreck - officer - healing service @ 46:28; 54:40

Shining in adversity - wreck with kids - gash on forehead - ride home @ 103:32; 56:14

Shining in adversity - truck rolls into rock - leading intercession - honest adjuster @ 18:27

Shining in adversity - bitten by pit bull - continues run - hotel - maintenance man @ 6:32/12:56; 24:00

Power of love - beat up by a 9 yr old - turn the other cheek - bear your cross @42:32

Scripture out of context - 2 Mormon kids - sr. elders come back - attend home group @ 145:57

Love as you go - ripped man at salad bar - tattoos - word - that's my dream - God's dream @ 120:07

No fear of death - undercover officers - threats - intimidation @ 48:45

Airplane story - Hindu man - I'm interested in what you say because I feel the power @ 30:39

Airplane story - woman - 2 words of knowledge - trembled - stewardess wants to move her @ 48:27

Airplane story - Jesus is our model - woman - atheist / new age - mad at "Jesus is the only way" @ 136:45

Airplane story - self-consciousness - woman with baby - no one wants to sit next to @ 27:30

Airplane story - gives up seat for woman - $866, meal voucher & flight @ 102:07

Crying for, not because of others - man's wife leaves for man she met on internet - reconciliation @ 214:04

Crying for, not because of others - man leaves wife for another woman @ 59:15

Sowing seed - fear of death - kid disrupting prayers at bus stop in Seattle @ 40:26 / 42:58

Not complaining - root beer and a king bed - you don't know how to complain @ 8:50

Healing Stories:

Running - something snapped in the knee - knee, you work! @ 8:06

Compassion overtakes apprehension - lady with arthritis at post office @ 26:18

Reasons why not - Methodist - frozen knees march - 25 days, wks, mos, yrs, Jesus is Lord @ 228:47; 32:30

Broken hand healed in the driveway - healed later at home @ 159:08

Co-worker with abscessed tooth @ 43:22

Co-worker with hand problems - carpel tunnel surgery - reach through rack @ 39:50

Co-worker with back problems - 1st - emergency fusion surgery - healed later @ 56:38/107:06/109:57

Boat ramp - fishing - deaf man - "God made me this way" @ 0:42

Lady with scoliosis - please help me @ 23:08

Asking questions with the right attitude - Eyes see! @ 157:11

God moves through backslidden man - woman in wheelchair @ 159:36

Young ladies healed in Subway - pastor went out to heal apart from love @ 56:38

Hernia healed - new abdominal wall @ 38:23

Pastor's son at mall - healed back & knee - didn't want truth - didn't want to change belief system @ 106:36

Incurable STD - I'm not that kind of girl @ 51:41

Your babies are in the hand of God - atheist - womb opened @ 207:12

Sophistication not required - granddaughter & healing - fibromyalgia - hurt shin - neck pain @ 26:57

Not dependent on their belief - Walgreens worker - carpel tunnel - arm brace @ 37:24

Not dependent on their resume - doctor with glaucoma - woman with paralyzed eye @ 110:41

Visuals - boy with brain tumor - died @ 139:13 - part 2 - sister raises hand to pray @ 143:06

Visuals - man in coma 6 mo. - not recognizable - shaken - went home - returned @ 148:18

Chasing down woman with arthritis on electric scooter wheel chair @ 47:24

Airplane stories - hurts - belief system - lady on plane - Crohn's @ 40:59/54:03; 110:03

Airplane stories - Charlotte-Douglas - man with bad back - arthritis in knees @ 128:18

Impressed with different life - airplane stories - lady with Crohn's - Jewish lady - man with back @ 137:36

Charlotte-Douglas airport - arthritis in knees - Your prayers matter! - man with back cont. @ 0:00/10:10

Airplane stories - woman cries 4 times - healed knees @ 5:00

Airplane stories - Lexington Ky - bone on bone knees - wrist tumor - 4 ask for prayer @ 48:40

One small breath from God - 14 yr. old girl with frozen jaw - TMJ - solid bone @ 30:22

Unbelief / religion - You guys don't believe a thing I'm saying - the people pray @ 128:34

Sometimes unusual gifting - lady with 3-base walker - threw walker behind - Fire of God! - walks @ 133:08

Sometimes unusual gifting - Punch him! - in chest hard @ 136:42

Sometimes unusual gifting - lady with walker - turn & run - don't let first step deceive - run & slide @ 138:10

Not a method - confidence not cowardice - cashier with foot problem - we don't receive love @ 157:20

Nasty responses - man with bad leg - get away from me - car wreck - can you help me? @ 228:34

Fun reactions - Walmart cashier w/ tendinitis - hey people, Jesus just healed! (& Charlotte-Doug.) @ 130:36

Fun reactions - Jackson airport - 82 yr old lady (arthritis) gets out of wheel chair - testifies to others @ 134:31

Sincere love - man on elevator - blocked door with foot & prayed @ 24:59

When they see Him they want Him - in the jet-way - deliverance from addiction at the market @ 117:08

Methodist youth camp - 12 yr. old gamer prays for young lady with scoliosis @ 37:02

The kingdom is here - chasing man on crutches - praying for man's knees outside of bar @ 8:12

Parking the car - woman with plantar fasciitis @ 113:52

Young man 15 yr old - neck pain from diving accident - mom in pain - brother with sleep problems @ 115:13

Straight forward approach - man with foot pain - granddaughter @ 222:55

You must be off - Walmart mgr with knee brace - woman selling chances - thyroid - I love you, Dan @ 30:54

Don't let go - woman pastor with MS - 2 yrs. @ 140:23

Lady with MS in wheelchair - 14 yr old daughter - walks to bathroom - pushes chair to car @ 33:10

A hundred healed in 30 sec. - lady tried to die in middle of service - seizure in service @ 58:52

Neck mobility restored - no pain - metal removed - mobility even with metal @ 117:02

Good friend Todd:

Make the tree good - Todd meets Dan - being changed - gospel is changing you @ 22:30

Todd's wedding - father in laws words @ 208:55

Praying more than once - lady smoking - stiff leg loosed @ 6:53

Be the best you - gotta go - McDonald's - drive thru window at Wendy's - traffic jam on highway @ 142:00

Dan wakes up with smile - Todd sleep walking @ 3:15

Not complaining - sharing a room with 7 mice - manager not used to Jesus in people @ 12:36

Gifts operate through love - Todd to skeptical pastors - Let's just go to Walmart, man @ 59:28

Just start talking - on elevator - "I'm in love with a man" @ 154:53