Q & A

Where can I go to get answers to my questions? @ 133:01; 105:22

HCSKL 2011 videos - (Harvest Chapel School of Kingdom Living) - Dan Mohler sessions:

Day 1 - Is it possible to function in a gift without being free? in right relationship? @ 159:05

Day 2 - Do you need to teach the person a lot before you pray for them? @ 112:17

Day 3 - Rom 8:3 - What is "sin in the flesh?" @ 116:32

Day 4 - How do you let go of self-centeredness and make the transition to living by faith? @ 21:18

Day 4 - What do I do if I am not confident about how to share this amazing truth? Should I wait? @ 35:40

Day 4 - How do you put off the "old" without getting into works? @ 49:26

Day 4 - If we are righteous and commit a sin do we become unrighteous? @ 125:16

Day 4 - Do you remove someone from ministry until they repent of a known sin? @ 135:34

Day 5 - How do you keep an ongoing sickness from becoming your identity, your lifestyle? @ 13:40

Day 5 - Do I need to intervene in a wrong situation and how does that fit with love / forgiveness? @ 47:36

Day 5 - You said that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in us. What Spirit is that? @52:17

Day 5 - Why should I be able to do what Christ did? Isn't that what makes Him stand out? @ 52:57

Day 5 - What about Paul's thorn in the flesh? @ 100:12

Day 6 - Could you give example of false motives for coming to Christ? @ 28:50

Day 6 - Could discuss your position on marrying people? @ 36:32

Day 6 - If we are righteous then why does the Lord's prayer say, "forgive us our sins?" @ 159:56

Day 6 - What does "perfection" really refer to and mean? @ 225:02

Day 7 - Is it faith that makes us righteous or is it the salvation that Jesus brought? @ 2:21

Day 7 - What's the difference between "God loves you" and "being loved by God?" @ 3:31

Day 7 - Isn't this just for Dan? Isn't this just special revelation for Dan? @ 5:54

Day 7 - What's the difference between pride & confidence when entering into the throne room? @ 46:06

Day 7 - We thank Him for a fullness we may not feel? @ 105:32

Day 7 - Is our sin totally remitted - past, present, future? @ 151:17

Day 7 - When you confront sin, what do you do if they don't respond? @ 205:19

Day 8 - If its not about a "prayer to go to heaven" then what do you say to people? @ 1:53

Day 8 - Jesus said the kingdom is within you - what exactly is the kingdom of God? @ 15:33

Day 8 - If the kingdom of God is within us, why is it so latent? @ 20:54

Day 8 - Why do we tend to focus on sin as opposed to righteousness? @ 36:27

Day 8 - What exactly is the "image of God?" @ 48:40

Day 8 - We're supposed to "put to death" (Col. 3:5). Where is all of this opposition located in man? @ 101:07

Day 8 - What do you mean by "single eye?" @ 106:31

Day 8 - How do I reconcile the desires that rise up from within and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? @ 109:07

Day 8 - How do you parent out of love and not frustration? @ 121:32

Day 8 - What is our responsibility in covering for our children? @ 144:39

Day 9 - What is "seeking Him in the secret place?" @ 9:59

Day 10 - How do you release a situation after you have tried to help someone? @ 112:15

Day 10 - How do I handle the hindrance of feeling like He is not pleased enough with me? @ 144:20

Day 10 - How do you surrender and yet not become a doormat? @ 200:24

Day 10 - When people come to you for counseling, you primarily teach them who they are? @ 219:39

Day 11 - Is there a time for "spiritual warfare?" @ 206:16

Day 12 - How do you talk about the signs without soaking up the glory for yourself? @ 15:42

Day 12 - What do you mean when you say we don't have a "dual nature?" @ 47:13

Day 12 - What about "theophostic ministry?" @ 55:24

Day 12 - Are you saying that Jesus takes away sin and the effects of sin? @ 159:25

Day 13 - Why don't I care more? Why can't I cry? @108:55

Day 13 - Isn't it hypocritical to pray for the sick when I'm sick? @125:15

Day 13 - When does being born again happen? At water baptism? @136:25

Day 13 - How long do you pour encouragement into a couple (when mortal danger comes into play)? @ 231:10

Day 15 - Why was there a tree in the garden in the first place? @ 106:14

Day 15 - Who made God? @ 107:09

Day 17 - If satan was kicked out of heaven, does God hear satan's accusations? @ 106:28

Day 17 - What does the phrase "faith working through love" mean? My love or God's love? @ 224:09

Day 18 - What do you do when fears come into your life? @ 27:11

Day 18 - How do we cover our kids in protection on a continuing basis? @ 57:35

Day 18 - Matt. 11:12 - What is the "assault?" @ 112:54

Day 19 - Can you have faith apart from knowing the will of God @ 17:00

Day 19 - How do you respond when someone says, "Yeah, but not everyone gets healed?" @ 29:33

Day 19 - How do you keep your faith when you continue to experience symptoms? @ 42:45

Day 19 - Does the devil scheme to make us think we have faith when we really don't? @ 152:36

Day 19 - Could you comment on the man who says to Jesus, "...help my unbelief?" @ 159:08

Day 19 - Is it necessary to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to pray effectively for the sick? @ 220:15

Day 20 - Is your conscience always a safe guide? @ 45:14

Day 20 - Is it wrong for people to hurt? @ 151:45

Day 20 - What do you think about kids experimenting with homosexuality? @ 208:45 part 2 @ 221:44

Day 20 - How do we pray with regard to damage done to our kids by dating? @ 242:24

Day 21 - What do you do about people coming to you over and over again for the same things? @ 45:47

Day 21 - Will God cover us when we step out in faith but miss His will? @ 121:06

Day 21 - How do you reach someone who appears to have it "all together?" @ 137:37

Day 21 - Is it wrong to be hurt? @ 202:40

Day 21 - Where does "victimization" come into play? @ 203:40

Day 22 - (John 1) - Where does "darkness" come from? @ 14:28

Day 22 - How do you put off / put on without getting into works? @ 134:06

Day 22 - What was God doing all that time until I was born again? @ 151:54

Day 23 - Is God to blame for the bad things that happen? If not, why not? @ 26:17

Day 23 - How can you say that I didn't have faith? @ 147:37

Day 23 - The whole church was praying. Are you saying that no one had a mustard seed of faith? @ 205:51

Day 23 - How can we change our mindsets to mindsets of faith? @ 209:57

Day 23 - How do "expectation" and "hope" fit with faith? @ 226:50

Day 23 - Is it wrong to "pray in expectation?" @ 228:52

Day 30 - Does fasting cause God to heal? @ 116:50

Day 30 - But what about when we don't see healing? @ 135:52

Day 30 - Who ministers the kingdom? @ 137:05

Day 30 - Healing - does praying from fear upset God? @ 154:08

Day 30 - What about the "sovereignty of God"? (Job, David's child, who sent the plagues) @ 201:40

Day 31 - If it's the will of God to heal all, why didn't Jesus heal all of the sick at the pool of Bethsaida? @ 25:37

Day 31 - Why pursue all of this healing because you've got to die of something? @ 33:51

Day 31 - Is anointing people with oil works? @ 150:28

Day 31 - What does oil symbolize? @ 157:35

Day 32 - If it's God's will to heal all, why isn't everyone healed? @ 56:46

Day 32 - If we're walking in authority, darkness just has to flee? @ 111:08

Day 32 - Do we need to wait for the Holy Spirit to highlight people to pray for? @ 117:35

Day 32 - Matt. 17:21 - What does "this kind" refer to? @ 145:12

Day 32 - Is fasting something that the Lord needs to lead you into or can you just decide? @ 216:47

Day 32 - Does a fast need to be at least a certain length to be beneficial? @ 226:52

Day 33 - What can you do to encourage those who are not seeing healing when they pray for people? @ 40:26

Day 33 - Whose faith is the faith that is crucial - the one who prays or the one who is prayed for? @ 134:30

Day 33 - What does fasting accomplish in us - what is the benefit? @ 200:10

Day 34 - Is hell real? @ 18:42

Day 34 - Are you against going to the doctor? @ 20:30

Day 34 - How do you deal with a sickness that comes back? @ 24:41

Day 34 - What do you do when someone continues to speak acceptance of sickness @ 106:05

Day 34 - Is it right to tell people that they were already healed 2,000 years ago? Deny sickness? @ 108:09

Day 34 - Why does a good person go through hard times? @ 137:20

Day 35 - Wasn't Jesus giving instructions to a small group of men - His disciple - not people like us? @ 11:39

Day 35 - What's behind questions like: "If God is so good then why..? If God is so faithful then why..?" @ 28:54

Day 35 - Why pray for the sick - aren't they just healed in heaven anyway? @ 149:22

Day 36 - (David/Bathsheba) When the scripture says, "the Lord struck the child," who struck the child? @ 59:09

Day 37 - How hard do you pursue people to pray for them? @ 105:40

Day 38 - When you cast out demons where do you send them? @ 23:23

Day 38 - (Luke 11:21) - What or who is the "strong man?" @ 156:15

Day 38 - (Luke 11:21) - What are "his goods?" @ 205:35

Day 39 - How do you bring a sense of conviction to a person? @ 40:54

Day 40 - (Matt. 9:3) Did Jesus forgive the paralytic man's sin as the Son of God or as a man? @ 47:47

Day 44 - (Luke 18:8) What did Jesus mean by saying, "will He find faith...?" @ 55:48

Day 44 - How do you respond to teaching to find the "inner child" that was hurt? @ 57:52

Day 44 - When someone turns down prayer, should we ask the next time we see them? @ 215:19

Day 46 - How do you handle it when you are not seeing a change in your own body? @ 240:19

Day 47 - How do you continue to point people to Christ after some kind of change happens? @ 9:56

Day 47 - What kind of power transfers during healing? How is it different from Reiki? Slimed? @ 16:32

Day 47 - How do you transition from hearing the problem to praying for the person? @ 47:24

Day 47 - Is it ok to approach someone even if I'm afraid? @ 109:05

Day 47 - Even if the person is into satanism? @ 113:47

Day 47 - What do you do if the pain gets worse or moves? @ 118:26

Day 47 - What do you do if the pain comes back? @ 128:24

Day 47 - How do you keep people from anger/hardness if pain comes back? @ 231:14

Day 48 - Should we be continually putting on the "armor of God?" @ 117:26

Day 48 - What is "supplication?" @ 152:57

Day 48 - Can't you just peach truth and truth will expose the lies? @ 217:45

Day 48 - What about Barabbas? Justice? @ 222:10

Day 49 - Is "new wineskins" like being born again and "new wine" like the infilling of the Holy Spirit? @ 58:08

Day 49 - (2 Cor. 12:9) "my strength is made perfect in weakness" - what is the weakness? @ 152:22

Day 50 - What about infant baptism? Does that count? @ 119:43

Day 50 - If a person was baptized as an infant but not as an adult, if they believe in Jesus are they born again? @ 121:45

Day 50 - Do you see the Holy Spirit? What does He look like? @ 134:30

Day 50 - Could you give more clarity on "healthy living"? (eating, organics, meds, smoking, sickness) @ 137:52

Day 50 - What about drinking? smoking? coffee? dependencies / addictions? @ 213:00

Day 51 - How do you cope with a negative or cerebral family? @ 7:17

Day 51 - What do you do when someone just doesn't want to listen? @ 13:30

Day 51 - What about someone who is always quick to say, "I don't believe that?" @ ~15:20

Day 51 - What about these passages that seem to contradict love? @ 20:04

Day 51 - Have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin? @ 30:00

Day 51 - (Issue with a brother) Is it healthy not to talk to anyone other than God and the person? @ 154:41

Day 51 - What is the role of "works"? What's the difference between "being to do" and "doing to be"? @ 2:00:44

HCSKL 2010 videos - (Harvest Chapel School of Kingdom Living) - Dan Mohler sessions:

Day 1 - Shouldn’t we examine our conscience before taking communion? @38:40

Day 1 - What do you do when you realize that you have not become what you are reading? @62:20

Day 1 - Could you define God’s grace? @75:00

Day 1 - John 10:17 - "The reason my father loves me…" Which came first the doing or the loving? @88:40

Day 3 - Did Jesus come to reveal the devil? Is that why the people of Job’s day didn’t understand about the devil? @27:55

Day 3 - Could you define “faith”? @36:05

Day 3 - How do you actually make yourself love God? (part 1 of 4) @1:27:13

Day 4 - How do you make yourself love God? (part 2 of 4) @0:10

Day 4 - What are we, if we are not sinners? Why do I still struggle with sin? @14:30

Day 4 - How can I enter into this kind of love when my family never showed this kind of love? @18:34

Day 4 - What do you do when pain and loss bubbles to the surface when communing with the Father? @58:22

Day 4 - Was Jesus abused by men? Do you think He felt abused? @1:19:05

Day 4 - How do you make yourself love God? (part 3 of 4) @1:22:37

Day 4 - If it wasn't for the fall would there have been babies? @1:34:19

Day 4 - When God cursed Eve, did that mean that she would no longer see her identity through God? @1:40:06

Day 4 - How do you make yourself love God? (part 4 of 4) @2:26:05

Day 5 - What about "cheap grace?" @31:30

Day 6 - Could you talk about hearing His voice? @26:10

Day 6 - How do you discipline your mind to keep it from going on tangents during prayer? @50:58

Day 7 - So Jesus is with us always? We just don’t perceive it? @5:35

Day 7 - Where does joy come from? @20:20

Day 7 - Do you think that we are too focused on confessing the promise as opposed to the Promisor? @79:12

Day 8 - How could that demonic spirit be in a Christian's home? @30:30

Day 8 - When I suspect that an evil spirit is tormenting my child - What do I say? What do I do? @46:06

Day 8 - How does a demon know what we believe? @52:00

Day 8 - When we say, “Get out of here in the name of Jesus Christ, doesn’t that work?” @52:10

Day 8 - If I am not in a house, do I have the authority to cast out a spirit from that house? @59:41

Day 8 - What are serpents and scorpions of Luke 10:19? @80:10

Day 8 - Is there such a thing as a healthy fear? @83:30

Day 8 - When God reveals an evil spirit to you, how do you deal with it? @93:20

Day 13 - (No questions this day)

Day 14 - What do you do when someone recoils, pulls back from or is uncomfortable with the love of God? @28:02

Day 14 - Counselling - How do you keep from getting frustrated with the "yeah buts" and them not getting it? @37:03

Day 17 - Could you define what you mean by the word "self-conscious"? @8:23

Day 17 - Re: God fathering us - Does God ever take the car keys to prevent us from messing up? @38:20

Day 17 - How do you quote scripture to someone you want to draw near without scaring them off? @48:58

Day 17 - Am I demonstrating a lack of faith by taking pain medication? @117:56

Day 19 - Re: Tongues - Am I just making it up? @1:15:37

Day 19 - Is it scriptural to see a need but to first "pray about it and see how I am led" before you respond? @1:32:47

Day 19 - Is making the statement, "I forgive you" in my heart enough or is it just religious and a cop out? @1:45:39

Day 19 - If you do something wrong do you need to ask God for forgiveness or just say that you are sorry? @2:05:50

Day 19 - Re: John 1:11 - When John says that Jesus came to "His own" was he talking about the Hebrews? @2:21:40

Day 19 - Is love a choice? @2:29:40

Day 20 - Re: Mt. 7:24 - When we read the word and hear, from there, is it a choice - doing the word? @49:30

Day 20 - So you go to prayer when something bad happens to keep it from coming out through your preaching? @1:00:39

Day 20 - Re: Jesus coming out of the wilderness in strength and power - Didn't the angels minister to Him? @1:21:18

Day 20 - I've heard that "God will never give us more than we can handle." Will God bail us out of every trial? @1:26:47

Day 20 - Will God ever give us more temptation/trial than we can bear? @1:28:32

Day 20 - Do we put a target on our spouse when we focus on the worst in them? @2:01:00

Day 21 - How do you handle people who are continually drawing their vitality from you instead of directly from God? @27:17

Day 21 - Aren't a lot of our motivations just because of ignorance or what we've been taught? @1:10:07

Day 21 - We have leftover motivations, etc. of the old man, is the answer just communing with God? @1:37:07

Day 21 - Re: John 14:2 - "to prepare a place for you" - Does this refer to a secret place for us to enter into now? @2:10:06

Day 22 - Are you saying we should stuff our emotions? Is it OK to cry because of grief? @58:51

Day 22 - Heb. 12:2 - "joy set before Him" - What was the joy set before Him? Did He see us? Are we that joy? @1:27:19

Day 22 - Prov. 1:28 - "they will call on me but I will not answer" How does this fit with what you preach? @1:49:57

Day 22 - Heb. 12:5 - Does God discipline His sons? @1:55:30

Day 22 - Can you relate the discipline of the Lord to how we should relate to our kids? @2:18:08

Day 23 - How do you reconcile OT teachings on killing with the NT revelation? @44:23

Day 23 - How does "2 or 3 gathered together" square with the idea of one in Christ being a majority? @1:05:47

Day 23 - Agree / disagree? - "God loves you, but there is a lot of you that God doesn't like." @1:46:59

Day 23 - But now that I am a Christian shouldn't I have known better? @1:57:17

Day 23 - Is it true that someone's pain can become their identity? @1:58:05

Day 23 - James 4:6 - What does it mean that "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble?" @2:05:52

Day 23 - How do you receive from God? @2:07:28

Day 23 - Psalm 5:5 - "God hates the workers of iniquity" - How does that reconcile to what you preach? @2:09:57

Day 23 - So what is hell? And what was it created for? @2:12:35

Day 23 - How do you interpret Mt. 7:22 - "Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord..." Who is He talking about? @2:17:16

Day 24 - What should be my response when I get hurt? @38:13

Day 24 - Mt. 18:15 - Confront sin privately first - How should we address it when this doesn't happen? @48:08

Day 24 - What do I do when a customer repeatedly lies and refuses to pay? Is it OK to tell other vendors? @54:05

Day 24 - So the "person" doing us wrong is not really the person standing in front of us but the devil behind them? @119:49

Day 24 - 1 Peter 2:21 - What is my calling? @1:38:24

Day 25 - Eph. 1:18 - What is His calling for me? @35:13

Day 25 - Eph. 1:17 - Who or what does "spirit" with a small "s" refer to in this verse? @40:48

Day 25 - Eph. 1:22,23 - Who does "him" refer to? @1:41:46

Day 25 - Why would God even think about me? Why would He love me? @1:44:13

Day 25 - Heb. 2:8 - If all things are under His feet why do sickness and disease still exist? @1:46:56

Day 25 - Do I need a spiritual mentor? A spiritual father? @1:56:02

Day 25 - Does there have to be some outward evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit? @2:28:44

Day 26 - Why would God love me? @1:03:20

Day 26 - What is the armor of God? @1:35:20

Day 26 - Are you opposed to altar calls? @1:50:35

Day 27 - 1 John 2:1+ - Why can unbelievers be healed? @29:26

Day 27 - Is there a sin of omission? @34:20

Day 27 - Was God the Father pleased as Jesus was being crucified? @41:13

Day 27 - Mt. 7:14 - Could you explain "narrow is the way" and how that reconciles to what you preach? @49:28

Day 27 - Does it say somewhere in the Bible that selfishness is evil? @1:35:30

Day 27 - What restoration is available for a relationship when someone has been hurt? @1:52:00

Day 27 - How do you get past thoughts that you don't want to have about a person? @1:59:10

Day 27 - How do you help pull someone together when people are talking about them? (gossip) @2:08:33

Day 27 - Is it OK to put expectations on other people? @2:09:52

Day 33 - Is there a time when it's OK to bring our crisis to God? (stuffing feelings) @1:14:36

Day 33 - Is it OK not to want people to know my business? @1:35:16

Day 35 - What is my part - my main responsibility in healing? @0:49

Day 35 - Will God honor faith that is less than perfect? @23:13

Day 35 - Can a sick person's will override the your prayer? @35:47

Day 35 - What do you make of Jesus' question to the man at the pool of Bethsaida, "Do you want to be healed?" @1:19:14

Day 35 - How much of healing is in our hands as opposed to God's hands? @1:41:40

Day 35 - Why should I be able to heal - after all Jesus was God and only prayed when He knew God would heal? @2:04:00

Day 35 - When you pray for a line of people and some get healed and others don't, why doesn't everyone? @2:05:50

Day 36 - When you were going through your family trials did you keep your same disposition and communion? @4:12

Day 36 - Can the "atmosphere" of a room impede healing? @51:29

Day 36 - What do you think of the confession, "I'm healed, waiting for the manifestation." @1:26:58

Day 36 - So God's "natural" should become our "natural" and the world's "natural" should become "unnatural"? @1:29:48

Day 36 - What do you say when people ask, "What denomination are you?" @1:44:51

Day 36 - Why don't you teach "steps" to get people healed - more of a formula or method? @1:48:07

Day 36 - Is there a difference between the "kingdom of heaven" and the "kingdom of God"? @1:50:20

Day 36 - Mt.10:14 - What does it mean to "shake the dust off of your feet"? @1:53:19

Day 37 - Why didn't inner healing and deliverance work for me? @30:02

Day 37 - How do you counsel someone who continues to live in something they shouldn't be living in? @37:15

Day 37 - How do you counsel someone in a homosexual relationship? @48:24

Day 37 - What would you say to a co-worker who openly advocates the homosexual lifestyle? @58:09

Day 38 - Do you seek medical care for a child who is too young to understand? @1:08:37

Day 38 - 2 Cor. 5:19 - What does "imputed" mean? @1:45:42

Day 39 - When your mind "spins" is that direct demonic forces trying to put thoughts in your mind? @33:40

Day 39 - When do we not pray for someone? Advanced age? @42:39

Day 39 - If you don't have faith to see something healed is it wrong to go to someone else with greater faith? @1:36:20

Day 39 - Would it be prideful not to go to the person with greater faith? @1:42:55

Day 39 - Mt.17:19 - Why couldn't we cast it out? Who was He talking to? Disciples? The father? @2:17:59

Day 40 - What is the object of our faith in healing? @14:12

Day 40 - What do you think of "free will"? @21:51

Day 40 - Are people who are raised from the dead also made physically whole? @26:36

Day 40 - Is there a time-frame for length of life in scripture? @29:55

Day 40 - How do you respond when people don't want you to pray for them to be raised from the dead? @39:59

Day 40 - Does a Christian have to die? @45:17

Day 40 - Mt. 10:8 - Why does Jesus distinguish leprosy from the rest of the sick? 1:02:35

Day 40 - Don't we come into the kingdom of God as little children? @1:11:55

Day 40 - Is there a time-frame for raising the dead past which you shouldn't go? @1:16:38 @1:23:37

Day 40 - How much weight should we put on the verses in Mt. 10 that talk about not taking stuff with you? @1:27:48

Day 40 - Mt.23:10 - We can't call anyone "teacher"? @1:45:34

Day 40 - Is it possible that a person is not healed because they are going through a time of testing or trial? @1:53:51

Day 40 - What are the "sufferings of Jesus"? @1:54:37

Day 41 - Where does the scripture say that God wants a relationship with me? @33:26

Day 41 - Why isn't everyone healed? @36:39

Day 41 - Is it OK for me to pray for the sick even though I'm growing? @1:32:15

Day 42 - Could you define "grace"? @15:23

Day 42 - Do you think young children know what they are doing when they pray? @32:09

Day 42 - Mt. 17:17 - Why does Jesus say "faithless and perverse generation" instead of "faithless disciples"? @1:03:05

Day 42 - Could you explain what you mean by the phrase "You fail to see who you are because of Me." @1:30:21 @134:48

Day 42 - Do I need to be water baptized to be saved? @1:47:05

Day 42 - Col. 2:21+ - Does Paul contradict the need to fast in this verse about self-denial? @2:28:32

Day 42 - Is the phrase "the flesh" talking more about the physical body or a mindset? @2:31:00

Day 43 - When fasting is it OK to ask God for help with the hunger pangs? @1:03:50

Day 43 - How do you handle being irritable because of fasting? @1:06:02

Day 43 - Do you stop running when you fast? @1:11:20

Day 44 - Isn't fasting more like a lifestyle - not of seeking to beat down the flesh as much as live by the Spirit? @11:18

Day 44 - What do you think of the modern day custom in some circle of exchanging a "holy kiss"? @44:20

Day 44 - Is masturbation OK if all I think about is my wife? @50:14

Day 44 - Do you get the Holy Spirit when you are born again? @1:35:44

Day 44 - How do you receive the Holy Spirit? @1:38:27

Day 45 - Eph. 6:18 - "Pray at all times in the Spirit" - Is Paul talking about tongues there? @13:13

Day 45 - Rom. 8 - What does it mean to "walk according to the flesh"? @15:32

Day 45 - How is it that other tongues builds you up? What is actually going on? @20:18

Day 45 - Can you pray in tongues even if you are doing other things? @30:11

Day 45 - Eph. 6:18 - Can you pray in the Spirit without praying in tongues? @34:02

Day 45 - Is the prophecy of 1 Cor. 14 interpretation of tongues? @58:05

Day 45 - If God is praying through me back to Himself when I pray in tongues, why do I need to be involved? @1:01:55

Day 45 - Could you share your thoughts on the topic of "election"? @1:08:32

Day 45 - What do you think happened to Judas? Is it possible that he is in heaven? @1:17:24

Day 45 - How do you respond to those who ask about Paul leaving Trophimus in Miletus - 2 Tim. 4:20? @1:33:24

Day 45 - Are you telling us not to sweat the small stuff? @1:39:41

Day 45 - How do we handle affliction? @1:52:05

Day 45 - What about Job? @1:57:30

Day 47 - How do I begin to love people? @53:06

Day 47 - Phil. 2:12 - What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling?" @1:12:34

Day 47 - Mark 3:13 - Why do you say He called me when the verse says He called to Himself His disciples? @1:28:38

Day 47 - How should young ladies deal with flattery? @2:15:28

Day 48 - Do I need to be re-baptized? @0:17

Day 48 - How can God be on the throne and Jesus be at His right hand and then be living inside of me? @22:14

Day 48 - Is it right to desire spiritual gifts? @37:49

Day 48 - Mark 2:5 - Can you help me understand where Jesus forgives sin and heals? @1:44:51

Day 48 - When do you share and when do you not share the things that you discern? @2:07:15

Day 48 - What do you do when someone has shared something discerned without wisdom? @2:32:25

Day 49 - Acts 19:3 - What was "John's baptism"? @51:30

Day 49 - Where does the idea of infant baptism come from? @54:20

Day 49 - Can a baby receive the benefits of baptism? @1:08:37

Day 50 - Can a regular Christian baptize people? @0:06

Day 50 - When praying for the sick, should we anoint with oil? @13:32

Day 50 - What do you do when you pray for someone and nothing appears to happen immediately? @44:11

Day 50 - How do you snap out of not praying for people? @48:51

Day 50 - Did the child-like innocence you walk in come upon you when you were saved? @1:10:01

Day 50 - When you are going through a trial and a friend does not give wise counsel how do you respond? @1:41:45

Dan Mohler Interview with Randy Clark - (55:53)

    • Why is there not more victorious living amongst Christians in the church today? @ 1:15

    • So the gospel is not about praying a prayer to go to heaven...What is the gospel? @ 3:25

    • What was life like growing up? @ 6:45

    • Would you tell us about your born again experience? @ 9:20

    • What was your wife's reaction to your being born again? @ 21:19

    • What about battling sickness in your life? @ 29:28

Dan Mohler @ Praise Community - 11/9/14 - Q&A - (1:43:39)/22:29

    • Why are you so happy and how can I obtain that? @ 5:23

    • (2 Cor. 5:10) How does this judgment fit with the forgiveness you talk about? @ 11:24

    • What is something you're hoping to see in the body of Christ that you haven't seen yet @ 17:51

    • Why are there differences in manifestations when asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit @ 30:03

    • My husband holds me back. I feel unequally yoked. What do I do? @ 38:21

    • (John 16:8+) How does the Holy Spirit convict the world of sin, righteousness & judgment? @ 52:11

    • Are we still obligated to tithe in the New Testament? @ 56:36

    • (Matt. 7:22) How can someone cast out demons & Jesus say "I never knew you?" @ 101:47

    • What you say makes sense in my mind but how can it come alive in my heart? @ 125:05

    • What is the "five fold" ministry (Eph. 4:11)? @ 133:35

Dan Mohler @ Spring Hill, TN 7/18/10 Sunday School

    • Does the person being prayed for have to believe? or just you? @ 7:47

    • How do you not identify too closely with the people you minister to? @ 15:30

    • What's keeping them from being healed? @ 19:51

Pastors Don Wolabaugh & Dan Mohler - Q&A Session - 5/7/2014 - (1:31:16)

    • How far can a child backslide and still be saved? Once saved, always saved? @ 4:59

    • Isn't it the Lord that changes the heart? @ 12:11

    • Could you clarify the difference between identity and how I behave when I blow it - anger? @ 18:38

    • *Didn't God just make me that way - an angry man? Isn't that just normal? @ 24:48

    • *How are you able to live the way you do (consistency)? @ 34:06

    • What does the "narrow gate" mean (Matt. 7:13)? Salvation? Abundant life? @ 36:06 (quote)

    • Machinegun Preacher - is killing ever justified? @ 46:04

    • Does God have a specific plan for our lives? Even down to the little things? @ 57:26

    • *What is my calling? Aren't I called to an "abundant life? @ 61:29

    • How do I handle what my ex-spouse exposes my kids to? @ 69:34

* - questions mentioned by the speaker.

Dan Mohler | Q&A Houston, TX @PraiseChristianChurch - 12/3/16 - (1:59:45)

    • Where do you stand on tithing? @ 2:00

    • When I speak about my experiences, how can I communicate without the emphasis being on me? @ 9:05

    • What is your teaching on wives respecting husbands and husbands loving their wives? @ 18:20 - extended Adam & Eve

    • What does the phrase "take up your cross" really mean? @ 37:05

    • I know that I have been healed. Why isn't that healing manifesting? @ 53:25

    • How can I avoid judging Christians? @ 130:45

    • What should I focus on to prepare for ministry? @ 136:37

    • What is your view on "prosperity" in the Christian life? @ 139:25

    • Regarding Genesis 6:6 - Nephilim (clarification not audible) @ 141:47

    • Should we stay in a church to reach as many people in the church with truth? Or should we look for another church that lines up better with truth? @ 153:30

Dan Mohler - How to Pray @ Praise Community Church 1-22-17 - 37:17

    • What does it mean to know God and what does it look like to talk to Him? @0:00

    • How do you pray when it doesn't feel like God is there? @8:23

    • Could you talk about the importance of everyday intimacy - contact points of faith - communion? @20:18

    • Could you speak to the importance of talking with God as opposed to just setting your mind on God @30:05

Dan Mohler Interview 5-7-17 - Schemes of the enemy @ Praise Community Church - 50:58

  • 2 Cor. 2:11 - What are some the the devil's "schemes" that you have come across in ministry? @0:14

    • When do we legitimately need to repent of something? When is it really us? @4:40

    • Is depression a prayer ministry issue? @13:28

    • When does the enemy give up? When does the enemy say, "Ok, I'm done. It's not working"? @18:04

    • Is it fair to say that if it's not peace, joy and righteousness that I don't have to listen to it? @23:38

    • What does it mean to "count the cost" and "deny yourself" and what do you mean when you say "no man owes me anything"? @38:10

    • What's the difference between how you think and how a psychologist might counsel? @41:38

    • We are told to "cast all of our cares on Him." When do you recommend talking to someone else? @46:00

Dan Mohler: Powerful Q&A @ Upper Room - Bakersfield, CA - 7/2017 - (2:23:33)

    • What do you say when people ask why God didn't intervene in a love one's sickness or death? @2:55

    • Is God responsible for death? The Bible says that God knows the number of our days? @15:48

    • What is the place of deliverance ministry? What about generational curses? @25:51

    • Could you expand on the importance of faith in times of sickness? @1:04:00

    • Do we tend to overly identify with the failures of Paul? @1:16:55

    • What is the role of the law in the Christian's life? @1:23:48

    • What's the best way to influence unsaved family members? @1:32:43

    • How do I minister to someone who is healed but whose symptoms come back? @1:43:17

    • What are the "greater works" Jesus talked about? @1:45:57

    • What's the best way to influence unsaved family members? (part 2) @149:03

    • Is there a difference between experiencing a symptom and having a symptom? @1:51:41

    • How do we grow in faith? @1:53:01

    • What does it mean to "suffer for the gospel"? @1:57:33

    • How am I sinless and also sinful? How am I a saint that chooses to sin? @2:04:54

    • What do you think about "inner healing"? @2:07:07

    • How am I sinless and also sinful? How am I a saint that chooses to sin? (part 2) @2:08:34

Dan Mohler - Q&A - Oct. 8, 2017 - PART 1 - (28:00)

    • What does Jesus mean when He talks about man's heart, eyes and ears? @0:20

    • What's the difference between OT figures and us, living in the new covenant, in reference to the heart? @4:36

    • What do we have in the new covenant that Old Testament figures didn't have? @7:15

    • What advantage do we have by seeing God through Jesus? @10:05

    • Why can some Christians hear and accept that they are righteous and others can't @12:42

    • What would you say to those who are meeting resistance to this message and are isolated? @20:00

Dan Mohler - Q&A - Oct. 18, 2017 - PART II - (31:32)

    • How do you hold onto this truth? @0:06

    • What is your biggest concern for the church? What is the biggest misunderstanding/deception? @2:55

    • Is my flesh, my body, a wicked thing? - a detriment? @7:27

    • Is the teaching surrounding Rom. 7 - dual nature - the new false teaching? @15:48

Dan Mohler Exclusive Q&A - Praise Comm. Church - Part V - (38:39)

    • What message seems to have the greatest impact in peoples' lives? @2:00, @20:30

    • When we fall short we expect condemnation from God. Why is that? @6:25

    • How do you stay so passionate about preaching this same message after 23 yrs? @12:10

    • How do you "start where He finished"? @16:20

Dan Mohler Q&A Grove Community Church - June 9, 2018 - (2:09:46)

    • What does love look like? Could you give us real life examples @0:16

    • How should believers engage the political issues of our day? @1:00:58

    • How do you experience the love of God? @1:16:35

    • Is it OK to pursue spiritual experiences? @1:21:00

    • What do you do when a healing doesn't happen right away? @1:35:17

    • How do you build faith when healing doesn't happen right away? @1:54:22

Interview with Dan Mohler @ School of Reform - July 2018 - (19:43)

    • What's your story? How did you get to where you are? @0:35

    • What is being released to this generation? @9:35

    • What things does this generation need to be cautious of? @13:30

    • What would you like to see happen over the next 20 to 30 years? @16:00

Dan Mohler Q&A @ Blueprints Church 3/5 - March 2019 - (1:42:45)

    • What's the best way to correct someone? @1:03

    • How do you react to a child's disobedience? @9:00

    • How can we be sensitive to peoples' hurts and yet speak the truth in love? @19:20

  • How do you show compassion to those who have done you wrong? @51:57

    • What's the 5 min. gospel message you would share with an unchurched unbeliever? @57:42

    • After you were saved how were you transformed? How did it happen? @1:03:56

    • Trinity - How can God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all be One? @1:17:55

    • How can Jesus not know when His return will be if He is one with the Father? @1:22:00

    • How do you convey a hopeful message in light of the wrath of God spoken to in Romans? @1:25:45

    • How do you handle questions meant as a litmus test - a trap - on particular issues? @1:27:16

Dan Mohler @ Liden TN - 3 - Q&A - March 2, 2019 - (2:07:52)

    • How do you encourage righteous living without being legalistic? @7:12 (back to the question @ 27:30)

    • How can I be righteous with the junk that goes through my mind? Doesn't that make me a hypocrite? @37:20

    • What brought your wife out of her 8 year identity struggle? @59:15

    • Intercessory prayer / burden of the Lord - How can we intercede and yet live a joyful expression? @1:25:48

    • How do you lead someone to the Lord without using a "sinner's prayer"? @1:33:40

    • What are the key elements of renewing your mind? @1:46:50

Dan Mohler Q&A part 1 & part 2 - April 2019

    • How do you correct someone in love? @0:00

    • Disciplining children: How should you react to your child's occasional disobedience? @7:50

    • How do you help someone get beyond being identified by trauma in their past? (PTSD) @0:00

Palm Sunday Q&A with Dan Mohler during Corona/Covid-19 - (1:53:51)

    • Greetings in Covid-19 times @49:15

    • Immediate vs. process change - What does "working out our salvation" look like? @50:05

    • How can we lovingly address "casual professions" of faith (once saved always saved)? @1:08:10

    • What's the difference between praising vs. worshiping the Lord? @1:14:20

    • Could you explain the meaning of, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness"? @1:20:30

    • Seeking manifestations vs knowing Him - What's your most unusual experience? @1:21:40

    • How can I pursue Him and have impact when I don't have much time / energy? @1:31:50

    • How can I share my struggles with others without glorifying the problem? @1:37:52