Other Notes

HCSKL 2017 Notes

Encounter Weekend 2019:

Session 1 - Righteousness / Freedom from Sin

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Building Champions Men's Conference 2018:

Session 1 - Champions & Rivals

Champions & Rivals My Story can be a Rival A Champion's Mindset of Faith Feelings can be a Rival Your Purpose - To Shine Become What He Paid For - Become Love Live by Faith - Not by Feelings Psychology Ministry to Feelings vs. Ministry of Truth Pursue God Reality through Relationship Stop Justifying Rivals The Rival of Low Self-Esteem

Session 2 - Rivals (mentalities) that would keep you from shining and the perspectives that overcome them.

Recap: Champions & Rivals Guardian of Your Heart Intimate Relationship Vengeance Condemnation Fallen Emotions - Salvation of the Soul Bear Fruit - Subdue Rivals Be Encouraged in His Goodness Marriage Advice - Sexuality Teaching Closing Exhortations: Know Him - Become Love Rivals Identified

Session 3 - Become the champion He paid for. Overcome all rivals through His love.

True Worship Champions Overcome All Rivals Rivals Would Keep You from Shining Champion - Motivated by Love Grace Meets Faith to Transform Clear Conscience Believe Who He Sees You to Be Eph. 3 - God's Purpose John 9 - Accountability & Judgement Distracting Doctrine - Stick to Everyday Purpose Grace to Challenge Others in Love Evangelism of a Transformed Life Communing the Word - Eph. 1

Christ for the Nations 2018:

Lecture 1 - Freedom from Neediness.

Freedom from Neediness Transformation Gen. 1 - Made in God's Image - God is Love Love Transformed back to Love Identity through Christ Grace Cover the Earth with His Glory The Image Lost Perspective of Truth - Truth brings Freedom Hurt wants a Voice in How We are Doing Fallen Emotions Love & Gifts

Lecture 2 - Freedom from Neediness (cont.)

Learn from Jesus & the Life He Lived We Need Change - Old Perspective vs. New Needy No More New Reactions Ministering from a Healthy Place - New Thinking Required Freedom from Neediness John 20 - Jesus wasn't Hurt & Didn't Change His Mind Minister from a Healthy Place - Relationship with Him Gifting to Equip the Body Eph. 4 - The Gospel Calls Us to Become Love - To Look Like Him

Lecture 3 - Transformation by grace through faith.

Recap: Redeemed to Shine Commune with God Interference from the Enemy Feelings of Condemnation Healing Prayer Col. 3 - Putting Off & Putting On in Prayer Water Baptism Sexuality Run Well

School of Healing - KHOP San Diego 2015:

Session 1 - Know Him - Live from the Heart.

Knowing Him Changes Your Life Self-Centered vs. Transforming Gospel Healing is for More than Just Your Body - Body, Soul & Spirit Freedom from Neediness Identity Issues Reject the Wisdom of the World - Freedom from Sin Technology See Yourself & Others through His Eyes Live from the Heart - Intimacy with God Empowerment for Loving Others Your Life Speaks

Session 2 - Freedom to shine.

Prayer from Faith Free from Me - Free from You - Free to Love You Freedom from Sin & Sin Consciousness Discerning the Lies - A Twist on the Sovereignty of God Mad at God Vulnerability & Fear Afflictions & The War Against the Kingdom

Session 3 - Get established in identity and purpose through relationship so that ministry flows from a healthy place.

Fallen Thinking & Feeling - Salvation of the Soul Living by Feelings - Ministry to Feelings Live in Communion Ministry from a Solid Foundation No Need to Fall Apart - Losing Productivity Be Founded in Relationship - Gifts Flow through Relationship Questions Paul's Thorn / Rejection at Nazareth Healing in the Midst of Unbelief Eph. 4 - Transformation

Session 4A - Mt. 17 - Don't concoct doctrine to explain a lack of healing. Stick with Jesus & His life lived.

Mt. 17 - When Healing Doesn't Happen John the Baptist in Prison - Circumstances Shaking Belief Passing the Baton of Healing Look to Jesus to Know God's Will - Not Your Experience Why Couldn't We Cast It Out? Unshakable in the Storm

Session 4B - John 5 - Jesus is the WHOEVER, WHATEVER, stirred water for today.

Cynicism - Stay Humble & Teachable John 5 - Pool of Bethsaida The Old Covenant Points to Jesus The New Unbreakable Covenant Not Defined by Life Becoming Love Why I'm Alive Spiritual Gifts - Not for Identity but for Multiplication WHOEVER was Made Well of WHATEVER Ready for Healing

Session 5 - Stepping out to sincerely love people and pray for the sick.

Keep it Simple What if Nothing Happens? Prayer - Where Healing Can't be Checked Prayer - Where Healing Can be Checked Partial Response No Change Know Him

MP3 Notes

Color code & symbols:

Examples of communing



Scriptures (KJV - Public Domain)

➡ - Where we've been / where we're heading

@HC Dec 2018 session 1 - clear gospel message