mp3 Notes

Notes on selected mp3 files from early Dan Mohler messages: (mp3 files here - "Older Teachings - Mix")

"Ankeny School" (52:15) - Main Theme: Get established in relationship - knowing Him, then healing will be a natural aspect of manifesting Him.

Created to Manifest Him - He is Love Healing - An Amazing Aspect of Manifesting Him Thoughts that Try to Disqualify You Nothing Disqualifies the Sick Person Mindsets that Inhibit Kingdom Expression Praying from the Promise - Not the Problem Know Him - Manifest Him

"Awesome Truth - LCF 2009-09-03" (1:19:46) - Main Theme: Step into the privilege of kingdom living.

Price Paid for the Redemption of Man Live by Faith - Not By Feelings Repentance Relationship - Not Principles Heaven back Inside of You Healing - Green Light / Ready to Roll He Lives in Us Commissioned to Preach & Heal Mark 16 Great Joy Entrusted with Kingdom Living Becoming Love Step into Kingdom Living

"Believer's Baptism" (48:55) - Main Theme: The meaning and power of water baptism - an act of faith to which grace attaches.

The Need to be Born Again Mark 16 - Believe & Be Baptized Rom. 6 - Water Baptism as a Grave The Womb of God An Act of Faith to Which Grace Attaches Water Baptism - Sorely Neglected Jesus & Water Baptism - Always Preached Together

"Establish Your Hearts" (54:50) - Main Theme: Establishing truth in your heart. [This recording omits several portions of the original teaching]

James 5 - Establish Your Heart in Truth Impatience Rooted & Grounded in Love Complaining Endurance Job - Keep God in Right Perspective Pray through Adverse Circumstances Prayer of Faith Free from Sin Self-Condemnation Righteous Identity Faith & Hope

"FFH 5-27-2008" (3:06:51) Content: Praise & worship - "Martyred Lifestyle" - Testimonies - From 1:50:00-2:19:05 teaching time with Todd White: Stepping out to pray for the sick /Elisha & servant - open his eyes / Mt. 6 - Seek First His Kingdom & His Righteousness / Luke 6 - Remainder of recording --> Prayer for the sick, words of encouragement and fellowship.

"FFH 8-12-2008" (1:37:21) - Main Theme: Pursuing intimate relationship with God and living from intimate relationship with God.

The Privilege of Worship Pursue His Presence Live from His Presence Stop Judging the Worship Hurt from Rejection - A Barometer of God Reality Religion vs. Relationship - Do Everything in Relationship

"HC - 3-19-11" (1:18:18) - Main Theme: Overcome - Love not your own life unto death. If you are loving your own life you're not manifesting the kingdom.

Overcome - Love Not Your Own Life Unto Death Live from a Perspective of Truth Faith Fear, Vulnerability & Natural Knowledge Live from Intimacy The Will of God to Heal Love Not Your Life Unto Death 1 Peter 1 - Truth that Brings Freedom War Against the Kingdom Invitation - Salvation, Water Baptism, Prayer for the Sick

"Jesus, Faith, Miracles" (1:17:49) - Main Theme: Praying for healing amidst unbelief - Unbelief in others can't stop the kingdom.

Praying for Healing Amidst Unbelief - See From His Perspective Not Asking to be Healed Mt. 17 - Epileptic Boy - If Healing Doesn't Happen Prayer of Faith Faith Not Required of the Sick John 5 - Pool of Bethsaida God Allowed It Elevating Personal Experience above God's Word John 9 - Blind Man Rejected in Nazareth Mark 3 - Withered Hand John 11 - Lazarus' Tomb

"LCF - 3-12-2009" (2:04:47) - Main Theme: Growing, Increasing, Multiplying - Kingdom living covering the whole earth with His glory.

Grow in Releasing the Kingdom Needs that Override Relationship Healthy Perspective War Against the Kingdom Relationship Leads into Kingdom Living John 20 Peace Between God & Man Commissioned to Unlimited Kingdom Living Born of God for Kingdom Living Multiplication Keep Growing - There's More to Grow Into

"Lifted Up" (1:31:01) - Main Theme: The tight connection between forgiveness & healing.

Believe Me Let Go of Self-Centeredness Dual Covenant John 3 Forgiveness & Healing Go Together Water Baptism & The New Birth In the World but Not of the World God So Loved - He Couldn't Leave It that Way Belief & Fear Numbers 21 Serpent in the Wilderness The Muck & Mire of Sin Jesus on the Cross Stay Sharp in this Revelation

"Overcoming" (1:10:17) - 2 Main Themes: Part I - Overcoming through a perspective of truth - is part of being transformed to manifest Him. Part II - Freedom from Sin.

Overcoming through Perspective Let Go of What's Killing You More than Getting Rid of Sin - Transformation to Represent Kingdom Expression through Us Keep Growing - Leave a Legacy Hindrances to Manifesting the Kingdom Luke 24 - Repentance & Remission of Sin Rom. 6 - Reckon Yourself Dead to Sin Forgiveness & Healing

"Our Created Value" (1:05:59) - Main Theme - Restored to represent Him.

Healing is Available - Step Out The Heart of God in Sending His Son Objection to God Healing All - God Orchestrates It Christ - Our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification & Redemption Wisdom vs. The Way that Seems Right to a Man Righteousness & It's Connection to Healing Confidence through Relationship

"Righteousness - Part 1" (1:18:51) - Main Theme: Righteousness - God's gift to you - Realizing how God sees you.

The Word of God - Your Face to Face Encounter Perspective from the Answer - Not the Problem Lies from the Enemy "Saved" "Righteousness" Gen. 3 - Righteousness from the Beginning Creation & the Fall The Futility of a Works Mentality The Fruitfulness of a Secure Identity Running & Hiding Removing Sin-Consciousness Embracing Righteousness-Consciousness Ps. 85 - No Turning Back

"Righteousness - Part 2" (1:16:42) - Main Theme: Be armored, equipped, ready for anything because your righteous identity is found in Him.

Ps. 85 - Righteousness & Peace Go Together Ps. 112 - A Righteous Man Identity Never Shaken Receive & Wear Righteousness War Against Righteous Identity Rom. 6 - Wear Righteousness Righteousness in John 3 Num. 21 - Serpent in the Wilderness Don't be Shaken - Trust His Word

"Spring Hill, TN - 7/16/2010" (1:38:48) - Video Version - Main Theme: Let go of past hurts - Be restored back to Love.

A Misunderstood Gospel Restoration Back to Love Surrender What You Never Were Eph. 1 Testimony of Transformation - Self-centered to Love Respond to His Love 1 Cor.3 - Rom. 8 - Hurts from the Past are not Yours Anymore Surrender - Become Love

Color code & symbols:

Examples of communing / prayer



Scriptures (KJV - because of copyright restrictions)

➡ - Dan's statements on where we've been / where we're going

Notetaker's Summary Captions

* - Sacrament of communion