Dan Mohler - Stepping Out

This isn’t an outreach. This is lifestyle training this week - evangelism - lifestyle evangelism. It’ll feel like outreach, kind of, on our sessions where we go out but I don’t - you don’t want it to. Sometimes I even deal with that as a teacher here. But it’s not. It’s lifestyle. So it’s just who we are. It’s not what we do. It’s who we are. And because it’s who we are, it’s what we do. Do you get it? So we just love people. How simple is that? We could just go home… Hey, we just love people. You know you can all go home. Right? Just love people. No, we’re going to teach more this week and teach the prophetic side and stuff. But love is the key. Everything flows through love. Faith works through [love]. So when you see somebody hurting and all of the sudden because of your prayers and your understanding of Christianity and the gospel and something starts taking place in your heart where you start looking out beyond you. And you start caring about the people around you. And the next thing you know it’s just like Jesus when He walked the earth. He was moved with compassion. And you see people in need and you just go over to them and say, “Aww, man….”1

Related teachings:

1. Stepping out - not outreach but a lifestyle of love - who we are (:56)

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