Becoming one with the heart of God

62:19 I used to ask for the gifts and there’s a little striving that can come there and you’re waiting for the gift and you’re gift conscious - “got to hear, got to hear, got to hear.” Go for the heart of God in the secret place and the gifts just flow and you don’t even think about it and there’s no pressure. You’re not trying to produce a thing or hear a thing; it just comes in the heart of God. 62:45… 64:35 We’re not trying to have gifts. We’re becoming love. Do you get it? Man I hope you’re hearing me tonight. I don’t know what you came for. I’m just pouring out my heart on some things. So you get alone and you thank God for His heart. You thank God that you’re one with Him. Don’t question that. Don’t come into prayer from the perspective of what you’re lacking. Come into prayer from the perspective of what He’s giving and who you’ve become. 65:05… 65:40 I’m just saying let’s go deeper. Let’s get into relationship with God and let’s know Him. And out of knowing Him let’s move in who He is. You get what we’re saying? So when we minister we don’t want it to be what we do. We want it to be who we are. That’s where it’s going to be more powerful than ever. Does this make sense what we’re saying? Could you just grab something? I’m talking to everybody. This is for all of us. If I get alone with God and I thank Him that His heart is mine and that when I look I see with His eyes because “I’m your son and the calling of this kingdom and the gospel is upon me. It’s your choice. It’s your will that we be one, that I walk out this kingdom. I’m a member of the body of Christ - the fullness of You that filleth all in all. And I thank you your fullness is in me.” That’s how I pray. I pray out what’s true. I pray out the answer all the time. I don’t even pray the prayer, “God I need you more.” He’s in me. I just need to see Him more. But I do that by just getting in agreement with God - a “yes” to every one of His “yeses.”1


1. Dan Mohler audio recording: "3-12-2009 LCF" [62:20]