Daniel Toro González

PhD. in Economics

It was published the 2024 report on Iberoameric Higher Education by CINDA. The report include contributions by Daniel Toro Gonzalez and Ivan F. Pacheco for the Colombian case. More information here.

Book Editor: Experiencia docente en tiempos de pandemia / Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar ; editores Daniel Toro González, Luis Carlos Figueroa Castillo. Cartagena de Indias : Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, 2023. (Here)

Toro, Daniel. "Exclusion, inclusion and pandemic: The reality of inclusion and practices for closing the gaps", in the book EXPÉRIENCES ET POLITIQUES D'INCLUSION EN AMÉRIQUE LATINE ET LES CARAÏBES. QUELLES MUTATIONS ? (XXÈME ET XXIÈME SIÈCLES). Ronald Soto-Quiros & Éric Dubesset (ed.), University of Bordeaux. Orbis Tertius, Dijon, 2023. Here

Covid 19 and education gaps in Colombia. In Spanish.

Check out the new book "Higher Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic Cross-National Perspectives on the Challenges and Management of Higher Education in Crisis Times" Volume Editors: Fulufhelo Netswera, Ayenachew A. Woldegiyorgis, and Tatiana Karabchuk. Brill. With Chapter 9: Colombian Higher Education Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (here). 

Se encuentra disponible la nueva serie de Cuadernos de Trabajo de la Vicerrectoría Académica de la UTB en el siguiente enlace.

Strategy and Game Theory: Practice Exercises with Answers (Second Edition)

This textbook presents worked-out exercises on game theory with detailed step-by-step explanations. While most textbooks on game theory focus on theoretical results, this book focuses on providing practical examples in which students can learn to systematically apply theoretical solution concepts to different fields of economics and business. The text initially presents games that are required in most courses at the undergraduate level and gradually advances to more challenging games appropriate for graduate level courses. 

The first six chapters cover complete-information games, separately analyzing simultaneous-move and sequential-move games, with applications in industrial economics, law, and regulation. Subsequent chapters dedicate special attention to incomplete information games, such as signaling games, cheap talk games, and equilibrium refinements, emphasizing common steps and including graphical illustrations to focus students’ attention on the most relevant payoff comparisons at each point of the analysis.  In addition, exercises are ranked according to their difficulty, with a letter (A-C) next to the exercise number. This allows students to pace their studies and instructors to structure their classes accordingly. By providing detailed worked-out examples, this text gives students at various levels the tools they need to apply the tenets of game theory in many fields of business and economics. 

The second edition of the text has been revised to provide additional exercises at the introductory and intermediate level, expanding the scope of the book to be appropriate for upper undergraduate students looking to improve their understanding of the subject. The second edition also includes a new chapter devoted entirely to cheap talk games. Revised to appeal to a larger audience of instructors and students, this text is appropriate for introductory-to-intermediate courses in game theory at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels.  

Check out the new book "Economic Perspectives on Craft Beer: A Revolution in the Global Beer Industry" Editors Christian Garavaglia and Johan Swinnen. Palgrave Macmillan. With Chapter 4: The Craft Brewing Industry in Latin America: The Case of Colombia (here).

Invited Professor, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. International Transport and Logistics. November 2017.

 Bordeaux, France. November 2017.

Cátedra Fulbright: Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (Link)

Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, 14 Septiembre 2017

Choices: The Craft Brewing Industry in Latin America (Link) AAEA.

Invited Professor, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. Advanced Microeconomics, Doctoral Program in Economics, 2017. 


Invited Professor, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. International Transport and Logistics. December 2016. As always, an extraordinary group of students at the University of Bordeaux, an amazing experience.


Strategy and Game Theory (1st Ed, 2016): This textbook presents worked-out exercises on Game Theory, with detailed step-by-step explanations, which both undergraduate and master’s students can use to further understand equilibrium behavior in strategic settings. While most textbooks on Game Theory focus on theoretical results; see, for instance, Tirole (1991), Gibbons (1992) and Osborne (2004), they offer few practice exercises. Our goal is, hence, to complement the theoretical tools in current textbooks by providing practice exercises in which students can learn to systematically apply theoretical solution concepts to different fields of Economics and Business, such as industrial economics, public policy and regulation. (Link)

Conference. Presenter at the 153 EAAE Seminar, "New dimensions of market power and bargaining in the agri-food sector" in Gaeta, Italy, June 2016. The paper is "The Craft Beer Industry in Latin America: Concentration and entry barriers". In the picture with Dawn Thilmany of Colorado State University (President of the FDRS) and Shermain Hardesty de UC Davis.

Invited Professor, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. International Transport and Logistics. November 2015. 

Equilibrium Simulators: Here is the link to the new equilibrium simulators (in spanish) for students of introductory and intermediate microeconomics. You just have to change the parameter values in the functions and observe the changes in the equilibrium prices under different models.

Panelist at the XI National Symposium of Microeconomics. Panel "Industrial Organization and Regulation" Bogotá. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. JUAN PABLO HERRERA SAAVEDRA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. DANIEL TORO GONZÁLEZ, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar y OSCAR JAVIER MARTINEZ, Escuela colombiana  de Ingeniería. Bogotá, August 6th 2015.

The Beer Industry in Latin America. AAWE Working Paper No. 177 – Business. Daniel Toro-Gonzalez. May 2015. Document here.

Invited Professor, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. International Transport and Logistics. November 2014. 

Schoolarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Universities of Alicante (Spain) and Saarland (Germany) and the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) to participate in the DIES-International Deans’ Course for Latin America 2014/2015, which will take place from October 26th to November 8th, 2014 in Saarbrücken, Germany and Alicante, Spain. (Link)

Conference "Crecimiento Económico de América Latina, realidad y Perspectivas", in spanish, Bordeaux University, November 17, 2014. Here

Conference. Presenter at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA. "Beer Snobs do Exist: Estimation of Beer Demand by Type" at the session SCANNER DATA IN DEMAND ESTUDIES, ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS. July 27-29, 2014. Minneapolis MN, 29 of July 2014. More information here. (July, 2014)

Conference. The 26th of June I participate as speaker at Stanford University in the context of the 14th ICEAA world conference. During the event, I presented the results of the implementation of the Flipped Classroom strategy at the NVIDIA Auditorium in the session “Innovating the Classroom". 

Stanford University, 26 of June 2014.

More information in Spanish here. (June, 2014)

ITEA 2013 Summer School at Northwestern University Transportation Center - NUTC.

Northwestern University, Evanston IL, July 2013.

Equity through Transportation Policy in Developing Countries: The Case of Colombia. Presented at the Kuhmo NECTAR conference on Transportation Economics at Northwestern University Transportation Center, in Chicago on July 10-12, 2013 (ITEA - International Transportation Economics Association) (Conference website). View the provisional program for the conference here. (July, 2013)

DEMAND ESTIMATION FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN COLOMBIA. Accepted for presentation at the Kuhmo NECTAR conference on Transportation Economics to be held at Northwestern University, in Chicago on July 10-12, 2013 (ITEA - International Transportation Economics Association) (Conference website). (June, 2013)

Outstanding Ph.D. dissertation awarded by the Food Distribution Research Society (FDRS) with the "William Applebaum Memorial Award". This prize is given annually by the society for outstanding graduate student research in food distribution and marketing (more information). The prize was awarded at the 53rd Annual Conference of the Food Distribution Research Society on October 13-17, 2012 San Juan, Puerto Rico. Download the slides here. WSU press release here. FDRS Awards page here. (October, 2012)

Forrest Stegelin, University of Georgia (FDRS - Presindent-Elect) and Ron Rainey, University of Arkansas (FDRS - President )


Dr. Deacue Fields 

Auburn University 

(FDRS - VP Education)

Jill McCluskey Committee Chair, Washington State University and Ron Rainey, University of Arkansas (FDRS President)

I am currently working at Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (Cartagena, Colombia). My position involves teaching (50%) and research (50%). See my courses here. (August, 2012)

The translation to Spanish of the document "The BLP Method of Demand Curve Estimation in Industrial Organization" by Eric Rasmusen is ready to download as a preliminary version here.

Beeronomics: The economics of beer is one of my favorite topics. In recent years there has been an important activity in the development of this field of study...(Read more)

I am a colombian Fulbrighter, PhD in economics from the School of Economic Sciences at Washington State University. My fields of interest are applied industrial organization and applied econometrics. From the Fall semester 2012 I will be working as professor at the Economics and Business Department, Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar in Cartagena - Colombia. (More about me)

I during my last year as a PhD student I worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Karina Gallardo in the project: Economic Impact of Pacific Northwest Flavor Crops (Mint) in the context of a multi-state (Washington, Oregon, Idaho), multi-institutional (WSU, OSU, UofI, USDA-ARS), transdisciplinary (entomology, plant pathology, weed science, irrigation engineering, food science, economics, sociology, communication) coordinated agricultural project (more info here). See current projects here.

My graduation at WSU...

May 5th 2012. With Alan Love Director and Professor at SES-WSU.

May 5th 2012. With Jill McCLuskey and Ron Mittelhammer.

The paper International Technology Adoption, Growth, and R&D, with Seung Mo Choi (IMF) and Peter Gray (WSU) has been accepted (23-May-2013) for publication at The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. More information here. (May, 2013)

Riding Wave of Popularity, Craft Brewers Ask Congress for a Tax Cut The New York Times (March 28, 2013) By ANDREW SIDDONS

“Beer is sort of a recession-proof industry,” said Jill McCluskey, a professor of agricultural economics at Washington State University. “In bad economic times, it’s something that people can still afford.” (March, 2013)

Equilibrium Simulator (Excel). This template allows you to find the equilibrium prices and quantities under a perfectly competitive market and monopoly. It also helps you to compare the two equilibria in terms of social welfare (Consumer and Producer Surplus, and Deadweight loss). Download the Excel template here. Descargar el formato en español aquí. (September, 2012)

Three scientific articles and one book review published in 2013 in collaboration with different colleagues such as: Jia Yan (WSU), Karina Gallardo (WSU), Jill McCluskey (WSU), Seung Mo Choi (IMF) and Peter Gray (WSU). More information here. (March, 2014) 

New Dean of the School of Economics and Business at Technological University of Bolivar (Tecnológica de Bolívar UTB) EL UNIVERSAL | CARTAGENA DE INDIAS |  July 18  of 2013 (In Spanish). (July, 2013)