10.135 SDI

(d) Sustainable development incentives.

Sustainable development incentives must be calculated on a form provided by the director.

(1) Requirements.

For a development to qualify for sustainable development incentives it must meet the requirements in this subsection.

(A) Properties must be a minimum of two acres with no residential uses except multifamily uses and shared access developments.

(B) Properties must contain commercial or multifamily uses or a shared access development.

(C) Before a building permit is issued, a consulting arborist or landscape architect must provide the following to the building official

(i) A forest stand delineation.

(ii) A conceptual landscape plan identifying tree preservation, areas, natural features, landscape areas, proposed buildings, and any other site elements or improvements in as much detail as possible.

(iii) A soil resource assessment for all landscape areas.

(D) All healthy top soils disturbed during construction must be restored.

(E) Development must be fitted to the topography and soils to minimize cut-and-fill sections

(F) Grading and clearing in or around the development impact area may not encroach in a primary natural area, except in conjunction with the construction of drainage facilities, approved through engineering review.

(i) Grading near preserved trees and around the edge of the development impact area must be planned and implemented to insure minimal impact to natural topography, watercourses, vegetation, and wildlife.

(ii) Indigenous vegetation must be retained and protected except in development impact areas or to control or remove invasive plants.

(G) Utility easement planning and locations must be designed to ensure minimal impact to preserved trees and primary natural areas.

(H) All tree preservation and legacy tree plantings must fully comply with the tree protection requirements and soil area and tree spacing standards of this article

(I) A consulting arborist is required;

(i) for design and implementation of a tree protection plan and soil resource assessment;

(ii) to periodically inspect preserved trees;

(iii) to insure the standards for legacy tree plantings are implemented; and

(iv) to confirm compliance with these requirements to the building official before the final landscape inspection.

(J) Irrigation standards must be designed for efficient water conservation management on the property including dedicated irrigation for all legacy trees.

(K) A site maintenance schedule and implementation plan for site sustainability covering a minimum of five years must be approved by a consulting arborist or landscape architect and fully implemented. The schedule and plan must be available at the property.

(2) Pre-development assessment.

(A) Tree canopy cover goal and credit. The combined tree canopy cover of existing preserved trees, planted legacy trees, and planted landscape trees, shown on the final approved landscape plan, determine the tree canopy cover credit for sustainable development incentives.

(i) The combined preserved and planted legacy and landscape tree canopy cover measured in square feet is compared to the tree canopy cover goal for the property to determine the percentage of tree replacement reduction to be provided.

(ii) The tree canopy cover goal for the property is determined by the street typology of the adjacent streets. In this subsection, street typology is determined using the Complete Streets Manual, unless another publication is designated by the building official. Where a building site faces two or more street frontages with differing typologies, the greater canopy cover goal controls.

Street Typology Canopy Cover Goal

Residential 40 percent

Mixed Use 35 percent

Commercial & Freeways 30 percent

Industrial 25 percent

Parkways 45 percent

Canopy cover goal percentages are converted to square feet by multiplying the percent and the total square footage of the building site.

(B) Tree mitigation deductions. Tree mitigation deductions are subtracted from the total replacement tree requirements for the building site to calculate the base mitigation requirement in diameter inches. Available tree mitigation deductions are:

(i) Old-field mitigation reduction credit under Section 51A-10.134(c)(6).

(ii) Transplanted tree on site credit under Section 51A-10.133.1(c).

(3) Sustainable development credits.

(A) Tree canopy cover credit.

(i) Canopy cover credit square footage is divided by the tree canopy goal for the building site, measured in square feet, to obtain the percentage reduction.

(ii) The base mitigation requirement is reduced by the percentage above to determine the number of inches of mitigation remaining due.

(B) Preserved tree canopy credit.

(i) Preserved tree canopy cover is determined by completing a forest stand delineation and a conceptual landscape plan showing the protected trees to be preserved.

(ii) Preserved tree canopy cover credit, measured in square feet, must be confirmed before final inspection. Preserved tree canopy cover in a primary natural area is calculated at a rate of 0.25:1.

(C) Landscape tree canopy credit.

Large and medium nursery stock landscape trees may be counted towards the tree canopy cover total for a building site at a rate of 300 square feet per tree.

(D) Legacy tree canopy credit.

Large or medium legacy trees may be installed in enhanced landscape areas for legacy tree credit. Legacy tree credit is determined as follows:

(i) Large legacy trees are counted towards the tree canopy cover total at a rate of 1,200 square feet per tree.

(ii) Medium legacy trees are counted towards the tree canopy cover total at a rate of 750 square feet per tree.

(4) Green site points.

(A) Additional tree mitigation reductions are available through enhanced site planning and design, landscape, and water conservation improvements that directly promote urban forest conservation.

(B) Required green site points are calculated by determining the percentage of the tree canopy cover goal or the percentage of existing tree canopy cover compared to the overall building site area before development. The percentage is rounded and converted to points at a 1:1 ratio (i.e., 30 percent = 30 points).

(i) For building sites three acres or less, the required number of points is determined by the tree canopy cover goal or the tree canopy cover before construction, whichever is greater.

(ii) For all other building sites, the required number of points is determined by the tree canopy cover before construction but must be a minimum of 50 points.

(C) Green site points from enhanced landscaping are determined as follows:

(i) Green site landscape plan. Five points. A green site landscape plan must meet the minimum standards of this article, be designed by a landscape architect, and include the following:

(aa) a plan for the design, implementation, and maintenance of a water-wise program and water-wise planting materials on a minimum of 75 percent of development impact area; and

(bb) a soil resource assessment throughout development for all landscape areas and required trees.

(ii) Tree preservation plan. Five points. A tree preservation plan must include a tree protection plan, soil resource assessment, and a complete tree survey performed by a consulting arborist. The tree preservation plan must be implemented and monitored by a consulting arborist. A report of soil planting conditions and tree protection during construction is required before a final landscape inspection.

(iii) Engineered solutions in an urban streetscape for replacement trees. 10 points maximum. A building site must have a minimum of five landscape design option points to qualify. Green site points are awarded when engineered solutions allow required large or medium trees in the street buffer zone to be planted in impervious environments. Soil volume must be a minimum of 480 cubic feet per required tree. A minimum of 75 percent of required street buffer trees must meet the soil volume minimum for credits to apply.

(aa) Minimum required soil volume: five points

(bb) Increase in soil volume 10 percent above minimum requirement: six points.

(cc) Increase in soil volume 15 percent above minimum requirement: seven points.

(dd) Increase in soil volume 20 percent above minimum requirement: eight points.

(ee) Increase in soil volume 25 percent above minimum requirement: nine points.

(ff) Increase in soil volume 30 percent or greater above minimum requirement: 10 points.

(iv) Enhanced buffer zone and increased landscape area. 15 points maximum. A building site must have a minimum of 10 landscape design option points in street buffer zone and residential buffer zone enhancements to qualify. A street buffer zone or residential buffer zone may be enlarged by a minimum average of five feet deeper than the required average buffer depth. Five points for each five feet average increase in depth along each buffer zone on the building site.

(v) Conservation through tree preservation or habitat restoration. 20 points maximum. A building site must have a minimum of 10 landscape design option points to qualify. Conservation or preservation programs on the tree removal property may qualify for credits where primary natural areas and secondary natural areas are retained for conservation purposes. Each individual area must be identified on the landscape plan and must be a minimum of five percent of the building site.

(aa) Habitat preservation. Five points. The applicant must preserve existing healthy native and mixed species grassland or woodland areas.

(bb) Habitat preservation and restoration using an active management plan. 10 points. The applicant may create or restore natural habitat conditions if designed and implemented by a qualified professional. Site maintenance must be continual for the purpose of sustaining the vegetated area. Five additional points is available for each additional area.

(cc) Habitat preservation, restoration, and maintenance of natural forest edge using an active management plan - adjacent to primary natural areas. 15 points. The applicant may preserve and restore land areas adjacent to wetlands, creeks, floodplain, and slopes which help buffer the protected creeks, slopes, habitat and woodland in primary natural areas from the development impact area. An additional five points may be allotted if 90 percent of the development impact area boundary adjacent to the primary natural area is a minimum of 100 feet from the primary natural area.

(D) Low impact development. 20 points maximum. A building site must have a minimum of six landscape design option points to qualify.

(i) Rain garden. Maximum 10 points.

(aa) One to 5,000 square feet: three points; and

(bb) each additional 1,000 square feet: one point.

(ii) Bioswale. Maximum 15 points per bioswale.

(aa) 50 to 100 feet long: three points; and

(bb) each additional 50 feet: one point.

(iii) Water-wise plant materials and planting beds. Maximum 10 points. The applicant may provide landscaping that uses water conservation techniques including water-wise plants, mulch, and efficient irrigation.

(aa) For providing water conservation techniques in a minimum of 50 percent of landscape areas: three points; or

(bb) in a minimum of 80 percent of landscape areas: five points.

(cc) For providing low-water consumption grasses for 80 percent of turf surfaces: three points; or

(dd) low-water consumption grasses for all turf surfaces: five points.

(E) Surface parking lots. The applicant may improve the interior zone to provide wider landscape areas and an enhanced shade tree environment. The enhancements may be combined for a maximum of 30 points. An additional five points are available if the building site achieves a 50 percent or greater projected tree canopy coverage over the parking lot with combined existing trees, legacy trees, and landscape trees.

(i) Option 1. Provide a protected pedestrian pathway that is between three feet in width and 15 feet in width, through a parking lot to a building from a public or private street or the expansion of a wide landscape median with trees and a walkway through the parking lot. A minimum of one large or medium tree is required for each 40 linear feet of pedestrian pathway or landscape median. Five points.

(ii) Option 2. Provide a maximum of 10 parking spaces between parking lot landscape islands. Five points.

(iii) Option 3. Increase the parking lot landscape area to a minimum of 200 square feet for each large or medium tree.

(aa) Increase of 50 percent of the required parking lot landscape islands. Five points.

(bb) Increase of 75 percent of the required parking lot landscape islands. 10 points.

(iv) Option 4. Increase the parking lot landscape area to a minimum of 300 square feet for each large or medium tree.

(aa) Increase of 50 percent of the required parking lot landscape islands. Five points.

(bb) Increase of 75 percent of the required parking lot landscape islands. 10 points.

(v) Option 5. Each additional parking lot landscape island provided, Three points.

(vi) Option 6. Provide a minimum 10-foot-wide landscape median with large or medium trees extending the length of a minimum 12 space parking row. Five points.

(vii) Option 7. Provide a 12-foot-wide landscape median with large or medium trees extending the length of a minimum 12 space parking row. 10 points for each full median for a maximum of 20 points on the lot.

(viii) Option 8. Provide a 16-foot-wide landscape median with large or medium trees extending the length of a minimum 12 space parking row. 15 points for each full median for a maximum of 30 points on the lot.

(ix) Option 9. Provide a minimum of 2,500 square feet of contiguous open soil surface area to serve as a pocket park. 20 points.

(F) Conservation easement. 10 points. The applicant may protect the primary and secondary natural areas on the building site adjacent to the development indefinitely through a conservation easement.

(G) Public deed restriction. Five points. The applicant may protect the primary and secondary natural areas on a building site with a public deed restriction for a minimum time-period of 25 years with 25 year automatic renewal provisions.