Published Standards, Guidelines, Books, Reports

Dinesh Katre has authored and edited a number of standards, guidelines, technical reports and books on research topics related digital preservation and Human-Computer Interaction fields.

Digital Preservation

Digital Preservation Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Indian Judiciary, 2021
Guidelines for Data Depositors, 2016
Katre D., Giaretta D., Digital Preservation and Development of Trusted Digital Repositories, Published by Excel India Publishers, February 2014, India
eGOV-PID Digital Preservation Standard and Guidelines, Notified by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India Vide Notification No. 1(2)/2010-EG-II dated December 13, 2013 for all e-governance applications in India.
Guidelines for Production of Preservable Electronic Records, Notified as part of eGOV-PID Standard by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India Vide Notification No. 1(2)/2010-EG-II dated December 13, 2013 for all e-governance applications in India.
National Study Report on Digital Preservation Requirements of India (July 2010), Sponsored Research Project by Department of Information Technology, Government of India. Volume - I Recommendations for National Digital Preservation Programme (NDPP)
National Study Report on Digital Preservation Requirements of India (July 2010), Sponsored Research Project by Department of Information Technology, Government of India. Volume - II Position Papers by Experts
Katre D., JaJa, J., Indo-US Workshop on International Trends in Digital Preservation, 2009

Human Computer Interaction

Concept Note on Augmented, virtual & Mixed Reality as Transformational Technology Solutions for India, 2020
Dinesh Katre, Torkil Clemmensen, Jose Abdelnour Nocera, Arminda Lopes, Rikke Ørngreen, Pedro Campos, Work Analysis and HCI, Human Work Interaction Design (Edited Book), IFIP AICT 407, 1st Edition 2013, Published by Springer Verlag, New York, September 30, 2013. ISBN-10: 3642411444
Dinesh Katre, Rikke Orngreen, Pradeep Yammiyavar, Torkil Clemmensen, Human Work Interaction Design: Usability in Social, Cultural & Organizational Contexts, IFIP AICT 316, Published by Springer Verlag, New York, 1st Edition, 2010. ISBN-10: 3642117619.
Dinesh Katre, Visualization of Interface Metaphor for Software: An Engineering Approach, Published by Universal Publisher's Dissertation Dot Com, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, January 2011. ISBN: 1599423774