
Nobility and Society

One always needs to know one's place in society...

Nobility and One’s Position in Society

The Kingdom of the Bloodstone lands is a fiefdom. The crown theoretically owns all of the land. The crown grants large portions to its favored followers and their heirs. Originally, the duchies were given to persons related by blood to the crown, and baronies to people who were not. That distinction has been lost over the years, although rulers of duchies are still held in much higher esteem than rulers of baronies. The dukes and barons further subdivided their lands, with dukes granting land to earls, and barons granting land to baronets and wardens. Nobles holding land containing towns appoint Mayors to run them. The first born child of a hereditary noble is the heir-apparent of the title, taking over either when both parents have died, or they voluntarily turn over the position to him or her. The following chart illustrates the rank, forms of address, and symbols of the citizens of the Kingdom, from lowest to highest.


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