Job Opportunities

Upcoming Career Services Events

Friday, March 1, 2019: Resume Rx. At Resume Rx, students receive personalized feedback on their resumes from top area employers—right here on campus from 9am to 4:30pm in RW 280. The event also encourages students to practice their elevator pitch: a succinct and meaningful way to capture employers’ attention and make a lasting impression.  *This is a walk-in event

Friday, March 29, 2019: Mock Interview Day. Mock Interview Day—from 9am to 4 pm in RW 280—allows students to practice their professionalism, polish their interview skills and broaden their network. Many of the area’s top employers will be on campus facilitating mock interviews—a great opportunity for students to exercise critical interpersonal skills.  *Students must register in advance for this event

 Please visit Career Services if you are:

·         Exploring interests and potential careers

·         Wondering what you can do with your major

·         Interested in applying for internships and jobs

·         In need of developing interpersonal skills

·         Struggling to describe your strengths and skills

Consider these questions:

·         Do you have a job this summer? Do you need help connecting your coursework to the world of work?


·         Log in to your Hire A Vike account to update your profile and search for internships and jobs at signature area employers who are looking for YOU!

·         Visit the Career Service Resource Library for important tips and resources:


CSUTeach is a program that gives undergraduates and post-bacs majoring in mathematics or science the chance to earn a degree AND teacher licensure (for grades 7-12) in mathematics and/or science in 4 years! Mathematics and science teachers are in high demand, so it’s a great time to obtain a license and have the option of teaching when you graduate! CSUTeach offers brand-new courses specific to mathematics and science teaching, and the curriculum will fit in with your major requirements. Paid internships and scholarships may be available.

For more information go to