PLC Corner
The Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) is the planning and decision-making team within the Troop made up of junior leaders. The PLC consists of the following members:
Senior Patrol Leader,
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader(s),
one Patrol Leader or representative from each Patrol,
Scribe (non-voting member),wh
and the Troop Guide(s).
All other scouts are welcome to attend the PLC, but on the members above are required to attend.
As the top junior leader in the Troop, the Senior Patrol Leader, with the advice of the Scoutmaster, leads the PLC and chairs its meetings. The Scoutmaster attends as an advisor and informational resource. Although he has no vote, the Troop Scribe should attend PLC meetings to record attendance and take minutes of each meeting. The SPL may invite other Scouts (for example, the Quartermaster or Historian) or adults to attend monthly PLC meetings.
PLC meetings will be conducted regularly to evaluate and plan the current month’s activities and to plan for the next month’s activities, including weekly Troop meetings, activities, camping programs, duty rosters, and service projects. The PLC will work with the Troop Committee and Scoutmaster to develop the annual Troop calendar.
More information can be found in the Patrol Leader's Council file below.
Please see the attached files below for PLC notes from our Scribe. The date of the meeting is listed after "PLC." The website sorts them in alphabetical order, not chronological (by date)! Sorry!
Patrol Leaders: The monthly Patrol Leader Report form (template) is at the bottom of the list! Be sure to bring one to fill out the last meeting of each month so it will be ready for the monthly PLC meeting.